The recipe for a perfect life

in #steemit7 years ago


The recipe for the perfect life:

Its easy to get so caught up in the daily hustle that we forget how much value the little things add to our lives. I love money as much (probably more) than the next person. Even i take the time to enjoy the pleasures of life. All the money in the world means nothing if you don't love every minute of your life. That's why i wanted to share my recipe for a perfect life.

Laugh like you're 10:
When I was a young child, I was all smiles and laughed at everything. There were several times people would comment that i laughed too much or was always laughing. My grandma would always respond with "Well thats better than crying." This has actually stuck with me throughout life. Ive learned that the abiltiy to laugh will instantly uplift my spirit and even the moods of those around me.

Party like you're 20:
If your 20s were anything like mine, you're lucky you made it through them. The majority of my of 20s were a non stop party. Currently, im much more focused than i was in my 20s but I still hang on to that same attitude. Im able to find entertainment anywhere. Having a 2 or 3 friends over for a couple beers is just as entertaining as going to a concert. With the right attitude any place can be a party

Travel like you're 30:
One of the greatest ways to grow is traveling. Ive worked in about 15 different states. No matter where you go, different areas have different cultures. Experiencing the way others live life really opens your mind up to new ideas. Traveling gives us the ultimate opportunity to try new things and learn the wisdom of the cultures.

Think like youre 40:
By the time we've reached 40, we've been around a little bit. We know not to rush into things, but we also know the importance of not letting opportunities pass by. We've learned to remove toxic people from our lives, but we also have learned the importance of keeping good people close. Using all we've learned wisely is key in growth

Advise like you're 50:
Once you've learned to think well it's a duty to pass your knowledge on to others. You'll probably notice that older people love to give advice. Its cause they've seen the same mistakes made over and over again. Once you're in a postion to help others using what youve learned, its necessary to do your best to help

Care like you're 60:
One sign a person has truly developed mentally is that they genuinely care. They care abiut themselves and others. They care about the present and also the future. Most things start with actually caring. If you care about someone or something, you'll do whatever it takes to help them or make them better.

Love like you're 70:
If we're being honest, at 70 youve got less years left than youve already had. Thats ime reason people in their 70s are so loving. The see all the life others have in them and that alone is enough for their love. Look around you and take notice for youself. Everyone has something you can love about them. The neat part is, the more lovw you put out, the more you'll get back.

Add all of these things together and do them consistently. Not only will you have the perfect life, but youll grow in the process

-Andrew Sayles

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