Where did jesus go to 3 days after his death?

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Good day fellow steemit... This happens to be one of the most topic in the Bible that causes so much confusion. when jesus died, his body was buried and he spent 3 days in the tomb, before he was ressurected, before he was ressurected, where did the spirit of jesus go to?

The "apostles creed" States that "he descended into hell", so what we are really asking is, did jesus go to hell, within 3 days of his death?

first of all it is important to know what the bible teaches about the realm of the dead.

In Hebrew, on the old testament, the word used to describe the realm of the dead is "sheol" , which simply means the place of the dead, or the place of the departed souls/spirits. while in the new testament, the equivalent of the "sheol" is "hades", which also refers to the place of the dead. other places in the bible indicated that "shoel/ Hades" is a temporary place where the souls of the dead are kept, while they awaits the final ressurection and judgement.

(Revelation 20: 11-15), gives a clear distinction between Hades and the lake of fire. the lake of fire is a permanent place where souls are sent to after judgement for the lost, Hades then is a temporary place. Many peoppe confuse this two places to be lake of fire (hell), and this causes confusuon. Jesus did not go to the place of torment, but he went to Hades after his death.

Sheol/hades was a realm with two divisions, a place of blessing and a place of judgment (Matthew 11:23; 16:18) , (Luke 10:15), (16:23) (Acts 2:27–31). The abodes of the saved and the lost are both generally called “hades” in the Bible. The abode of the saved is also called “Abraham’s bosom” (KJV) or “Abraham’s side” (NIV) in Luke 16:22 and “paradise” in (Luke 23:43). The abode of the unsaved is called “hell” (KJV) or “Hades” (NIV) in (Luke 16:23). The abodes of the saved and the lost are separated by a “great chasm” (Luke 16:26). When Jesus died, He went to the blessed side of sheol and, from there, took the believers with Him to heaven (Ephesians 4:8–10). The judgment side of sheol/hades has remained unchanged. All unbelieving dead go there awaiting their final judgment in the future. Did Jesus go to sheol/hades? Yes, according to (Ephesians 4:8–10) and (1 Peter 3:18–20).


Jesus went to the good side of Hades, the sides where Abraham bossom was located, and where every God's prophet was. some people say that jesus went to hell, to continue to pay for our sins, but that fact is actually "unbiblical". Jesus payment for our sins ended on the cross, when he said it was finished. jesus never went to hell or the lake of fire, as most peoppe would try to justify, but went to hades.


when jesus was on the cross and the thief close to him told him to remember him in paradise, jesus did not say, today, you'll be with me in hell or lake of fire, but rather jesus said, "today you will be with me in paradise", which Jesus was referring to Hades. Jesus will not take him to the lake of fire after he has promised that he would be with him in paradise, and jesus was definitely not talking about the lake of fire when he said paradise... and notice how Jesus said today, he did not say tomorrow, but today, immediately after his death, he will be with him in paradise. that's to show you that jesus went to Hades, the good place, Abraham's bossom, where he awaited his ressurection and Ascension into heaven.

So, did jesus go to hell after his death, the answer is NO. Thank you for reading and God bless you.

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