Should Christians seek the help of doctors or physicians?

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Most present day Christians have this belief that they are not supposed to see the four walls of a hospital or Medical Care centre, because conducting a doctor or physician, shows lack of faith in God and as well, prevent the God giving healing powers in us to actually function and carry out its healing on us without the help of any doctor or physician.

But the question now is this, if you car happens to break down on your way to a particular event or destination, do you wait for a miracle of healing to take place, or for God to perform a divine healing towards your car? or you do take your car to mechanical repair shop for fixing, regardless of the faith your have?

People always seem to confuse the word "FAITH" with actually doing the right thing. Just because you believe in God and you have a strong faith in him, does not mean you go around playing with your life and expect nothing to happen. God is not someone you seek for help from, without doing what you're supposed to do in the first place. I have witness a situation when, a individual is involved in an accident and instead of taking the individual to a hospital or getting medical help at the most, the person is being taken to a church for prayers.

Yes, you have faith in God and trust his works and ways, but you need to do the right thing first. God is only going to come in, when all human efforts are of no use, when humans have exhausted their wisdom and ability to actually provide a solution for the purposed accident. And most importantly, if God is going to answer or forced to do somthing, he always works through the doctors themselves or through anyone, heaven is not going to open and you see angel Micheal coming down with a jar full of healing, just for you, NO. God works through people like me and you, and that's why he has giving us the powers to perform miracles through the intervention of the holy spirit which he promised was going to come to us when he leaves.

Nobody is saying that God don't work in mysterious ways, above our understanding, but you don't need to put him into a test, thereby ignoring the fact that you're supposed to do the right thing at the first instance of the happening.

The woman with the issue of blood is a good example of doing the right thing and seeking the help of the Lord.

This woman has suffered severely with this condition that she has spent all that she has on different physicians till she has nothing else. She has tried all the works and knowledge of the physicians, but nothing seem to be working out for her until she was able to find jesus walking aming a huge crowd, where she touched edge of his garment and power left our lord God jesus to heal her.

Mind you also, she had faith that one day she will be healed and still had the issue for 12 YEARS. You don't assume because you have faith, things are going to start working out immediately. But always at the end, victory is always for the Lord of heavens.


Mark 5: 25–30:

And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years
and who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse
Sheheard the reports about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment
For she said, “If I touch even his garments, I will be made well
And immediately the flow of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her ndisease
And Jesus, perceiving in himself that opower had gone out from him, immediately turned about in the crowd and said, “Who touched my garments


This woman suffered a severe condition for a whole while, she had serious faith in God, she believed jesus could heal her, she never went out straight searching for God without consulting a physician at first, and also we must understand that, She consulting a physician does not show that she does not trust God or does not believe in Him, but she did the first right thing to do, until it was not possible for anyone else to do anything, then she had the encounter with jesus.

It was still possible for God to heal her through one of the physicians she has been seeking medical attention from, but i guess God wanted the word to learn something from her story. With God, there's always a reason for everything that happens.


It is always important to do the right thing first, because even the knowledge of the doctors and physicians was giving to them by God, our knowledge is from God and so doing, we are to try and make use of it, God will only come in when, it's beyond the work of our knowledge and wisdom.


So my brothers and sisters, i tell you verily to always do the right thing first before seeking the Lord's help, you can also seek the Lords help while doing the right first thing, you can never tell where healing is going to come from, doing the right thing at first, does not show you don't believe in God, but it shows that, you believe in God so much and you also believe in the knowledge he has blessed humanity with.

Thank you for reading and God bless you


Physicians are not God and should not be viewed as such.

They can sometimes help, but there will be other times when all they will accomplish is the removal of money.



It is a very interesting and truly reflexion. What is imposible for man, God does. Blessings.

Seeking physicians and using “earthly” remedies are not condemned in Scripture.

In fact, medical treatments are viewed favorably.

Warm regards


We should put in work even when we have faith that all will be alright, I think we should still visit the doctor. My own opinion.

We should consult physicians when necessary, Faith in God is important but in situations which require common sense, we shouldnt abuse our faith and expect God to perform miracles for trivial things which require the attention of an expert such as the breakdown of our cars on a highway which can be easily fixed by a mechanic.

Of course, has it never occured to these people that doctors and pysicians are gifted by God to save lives, thats why they always pray before attending to people and also faith does a great work to act in the process of healing.

Yes they should because created doctors to make us understand that sometimes what seems to be wrong with us is on the physical and we need a physician. We should seek for their help and pray about it.

@andrewokeke I particularly agree with this one tho YOU DONT NEED GOD'S INTERVENTION WHERE COMMON SENSE IS JUST NEEDED


Thank you for your comment and God bless you.

A Christian seek the doctor's help if need be. But must completely trust in God. Not the doctor.
Thanks for sharing

What an insight. I am really blessed. Doing the right thing is more or less like work.

Thank you for your comment and God bless you.

Absolutely Christians need to seek Doctors and physician for treatment.God created us in different functions to help others and God Used the medical personel to treat people but as a christian we have faith God healed us and the medicine and the Doctors we pray as God used them as an instrument.Only wrong if a christian treat the Doctor or medicine as God.Eveything we do we acknowleged God and if we healed from sickness all the praises and thanks giving only God are worthy and of course we gave thanks also to the people God used for it.(doctors)

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