Is it wrong to have a picture of Jesus?

in #steemchurch7 years ago

During the time of the Israelites, when God deliver them from the hands of Egyptian, God gave them and mankind his law, he said (Exodus 20: 2) "i am thy Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and out of the house of bondage, thou shall have no other God except him. The lord God warn them not to make for themselves any image of anything in the likness of God to worship, in heaven above, on earth beneth or in the waters below, for the purpose of worshipping or bowing down to it (Exodus 20 : 4).

There's absolutely nothing wrong about having a pictire of jesus Christ, hanging in a home or church or any other premises. There is nothing in the new testament that forbids people from having the picture of jesus in houses or any other premises, so long it is not put there for the purpose of worship and bowing down to.

As a picture will never be able to describe jesus full glory and powers of Jesus.

As it is, nobody knows the real appearance of jesus and all we keep seeing is just the illustration of an artist who painted a picture of his imagination, wishing it looked like jesus, or an actor who acted the role of jesus in a movie and the picture is been gotten from the movie and circulated. If the appearance of jesus was that important, i believe the apostles or disciples, or even people close to jesus, would have given us a clear description of how jesus looked like. Even jesus christ himself would have given us a clue about his appearance. But there was nothing about Jesus appearance, rather we are taught mostly about the ways and life of jesus and his objective here on earth, that should be our major concern, and not his looks. Jesus teachings should be the only image we have and it should be in our heart.

The only person, who gave a little description about jesus and not even what you'll call a description, but rather a general appearance view, was Isaiah, when he prophesied about the coming of jesus in the old testament. (isaiah 53: 2) "He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him".

That was the only description we had of jesus, he was normal, he has no special beauty in human form to attract anyone to him, he was like everyone else. it was also said that, when the soldiers came to arrest jesus, they could not identify him among the disciples, until judas identified him with a kiss. probably if jesus had let people into his appearance, or had appearance on him to make him standout, probably by now, you'll see people diverting from the word of God and paying more attention on how to looked like him, peoole would be ready to spend money trying to look like him, thereby forgetting their main aim about salvation and and being a better person for Christ.

But jesus came into this world with a very normal appearance, just to explain to us that, our hearts is the most important thing to him, the beauty from within is all that matters. Also to prove to us that, at the end of time, your soul is all that God desire and that is what he came to save, so that you will not be condemn in the pit of hell.

A missionary named "Amy Carmichael" tells a story of a young indian girl named "preena" in her book, titled "Gold cord". preena became a Christian and lived in Amy Carmichael orphanage. Preena had never seen a picture of jesus, instead, Miss Carmichael, prayed for the holy spirit to reveal jesus to each of the girls in the orphanage.

One day, preena received a package from abroad, she hurriedly open it eagerly and pulled out a picture of jesus, because she hasn't seen jesus before, she innocently
asked, who's this? and she was told, it was Jesus. She burst into tears. What's wrong they asked her, why are you crying? Little preena says it all: "i thought he was far more beautiful than that". (page 151) of Gold cord.

That should explain the simplicity in jesus, and it will be good to know that, even jesus lifestyle was the same. he made sure he had no special treatment, and made sure he set a right path, we are to follow as true Christians.


So my dear steemit brothers and sisters, we shouldn't care much about jesus appearance, but in his words and teachings. his ways and his path that leads to righteousness, so that on that last day, we would have every reason to glorify his holy name more and more.

Thank you for reading and God bless.

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