How To Find Awesome Niche For Your Blog

in #niche6 years ago (edited)

How to find awesome niches every single time in five simple steps for your blog or website what;s up everyone today we;re going to be talking about how you can quickly and easily find some amazing nichesOn my channel I put out regular videos about making money online traffic and bloggingSo make sure to subscribe to my channel and also don;t forget to hit that notificationButton to get notifications about my new videos as soon as I upload themThe other thing you can do if you like is grab my free blogging course, the link is also in the video description belowAlright now let;s go and find some nichesAlright so you;re probably sitting there thinkingwell I really need to find this awesome niche because I don;t want to spendMonths or even years building up a website or building up a blog that;s just not going to go anywhereOr that;s not going to make me money right and look I;ve been thereI actually have myself created over 150 websitesAnd I;ve also out sourced and paid a lot of people to create a lot of websites I used toHave a little army of min blogs and I know all about the pain of actually going through and thinking listenI really really need to make sure that I;ve got an amazing niche. Okay, so I know how you feelI know way coming from I;ve actually developed a process that worksPretty much every single time and I want to share it with you guysSo this is what we;re going to be doingSo we;re gonna make start out with a larger list of niches and niche ideasand I want you guys to kind of follow along with me or maybe watch this and then go back to the start of theVideo and then follow along with me as you can we go through every single stepAlright, so but overall, they brought us we;re gonna make a large list of several nichesThen we;re gonna filter that list using a few methods that I;m going to show you guys and then based on that we;re gonna comeUp with a few great nichesso we start out with a lot and then we kind of gradually filter them down, right andWhen we filter it downYou should hopefully end up with a niche that you bite happy with that is profitable and then you can operate in for a longtimeso the first step is of course toStart creating your list. Okay, and I;ve got a nice template here for you guys as wellYou can download this template in the description below this videoSo to create the list the first thing that you should start with is, what are the sides?You know think of the sides that you are already following and I;m going to do this with you as I;m going alongso you need tothink of our sites write them down and then you can use my template or just create a similar template yourself if you want inGoogle Docs or in you know in a spreadsheet whatever you wantSo what are the websites that I;m already following and that I really like so I;m gonna start writing them downSo I like guitar sites because I play guitar. Okay, andThe particular sub topics are guitar lessonsSo I;m gonna write that downThen the other websites that I;m already followingYou know bloggingWebsites and subtopic. Well, or we can call it make money online niche and in particularSubtopic is bloggingOkay, the other websites that I am already following an activity reading areSports so soccer or football tip anywhere in the world you areAlright so let;s go ahead and put in a few more so the other thing is I;m interested inNews so in particular the subtopic is Australian current eventsAlso children, soRaising a child orRaising a daughter. I;ve got a delicious almost sixSo these could be some of the other things that I could potentially start a blog aboutSo these gives you a pretty good list you get the idea, you knowJust write down everything that you;re possibly interested in perhaps you;re interested in gardeningPerhaps you;re interested in fishingJust write them down and try to outline any subtopics if there;s more than one set for example in a guitar on the guitar lessonsThere could also be something like getreviews reviews of different guitars under MMR there could also beFor example traffic or WordPressOk, so just write them all down break them down by subtopics try to create a nice listSo let;s continue. So what you would do then isAdding some additional proven issues. So what I;m talking about is there are three Nicias you may have heard of themThey;re sort of the three golden issues that are already proven to be successful. It;s healthexerciseRelationships including dating and money and Finance if you have a blog or any kind of websites within one of those three nichesYou;re pretty much guaranteed to make money as long as you can get the traffic to it. You guaranteed to make moneySo let;s think through as a second stepLet;s think through these three golden issues and try to write down things within those niches that were actually interested inSo within health personally I;m interested inbody buildingSports supplements working outOkay, you probably can;t tell from look at me on the video, but I did go to the gym from time to timeSo I;m quite interested in in those topics and I read a bit about itso, you know, I have a natural interest in it from theRelationships perspective. I;ve been look to be honest. Personally. I;m not really very interested in that because of my marital situationI;ve been married for 11 years, but also just never really been interested inThis as a topic but you know, you might be there are a lot of people that actually are quite passionate about thisso if it does apply to you, you know just write out things like they have dating orYou knowMaybe divorce like some people actually startDivorce related blogs that will save your marriage blogs after they;ve been through that kind of situation personallySo everyone;s situation could be differentThis could be applicable to you just write those out if you think that they are applicable to you so I;m gonna get rid ofrelationships but you get the idea and thennext for money and finance nicheI actually am quite passionate about the finance niche weirdlyI am I worked at largest rallyin bank here for 12 years and because of that, you knowI do have a bit of interest towards morons and lendingas well as property investment, so I;m gonna write those out soThe next thing that we;ll want to do is we;ll want toScan niche listsOkayAnd the reason why I;ve called that step 2.5 is because I believe if you arestruggling with finding a nicheYou shouldn;t just go off and find a completely random nicheLike if you know if I wanted to start a blog about goldfish, for exampleOr if I wanted to start a blog about some I don;t know for example makeup, you know, like women;s hair or makeupIt;s just a completely random niche and there is no need no real reason for me to go into itBecause there are so many other great niches that I am actually interested inbutStill I wanted to include this because for some of you it mightCome in handy having a memory job. So you could just type in something like on my side actually on caffeinated blogger sitesI;ve got a blog post. So if you you can type that in caffeinated blog initially so you can check that outYou can also just type in things like list of NiciasInto Google and just look at the results that come up and basically scan through and see if any of thesetickle your fancy, soFor example, you might look at you know weight loss sub-niches, okay?Diets various vegetarian diets intermittent fasting there;s exercises. There;s nutritional healththere are supplements, you know, but there could be things likeOkay, perhaps shooting oroutdoor recreation like camping and hunting andFishing and various other similan issues. So if you you know look for those if you feel like you;re a bit shortgo ahead and look at the list of niches andWrite down any that appeal to you so you can just you know write them in hereokay, so with that we;re gonna move on so now that we;ve got ourLists, what we want to do is now we start the filtering processSo we;ve got our a big laundry listNow we go ahead and we start using this template to start actually filtering out the niches that we don;t feel particularly passionateOr that are unsuitable for one reason or anotherso the first thing we;re going to look at is can you create content for these niches content is important becauseeither you yourself will have to write our blog post with content or you;re gonna have to hire someone but even if you hire someoneYou still need to tell that person. Hey, listen, you need to make a blog post aboutFive best fishing rods or about five best supplements or something like that. You still need to kind of deal with it, right?andIf you really have no clue or you;re just not really interested in creating content and that needs you;re dealing with the content in thatNiche, it might not be a good idea for you to be in that nature. So let;s go through this so guitar and guitar lessonsCan I create content know because my guitar playing is honestly not good enoughAnd I mean, I don;t think I;ll ever get good enough quickly enough to be able to create content in that nicheOkay, so that;s a no guitar reviews. However, yes, I could you don;t even need to really have a guitarYou don;t need to have something in front of you to review itYou can still create content based on other people;s information that you find online. So yes, I could create content about guitar reviews for sureOkay, now the next niche the MMO the dreaded Emma Mohnish soBlogging traffic and WordPress. Can I create content? Well personally, this is a very strongYes for me for all of them because I have been doing this for11 12 12 years now andYou knowI;veSort of had a lot of exposure and I;ve got a lot that I can talk about and I just have a quite a goodKnowledge of this topic, but guys, very important to note here. You don;t need to be an expertYou don;t need to be successful at a particular thing in order to start a blog in thatTopic, okayLet me give you an example blogging soeven if you;re a brand new person who is starting a blog aboutBlogging or about traffic or about WordPress if you feel passionate about itYou can still create content in that topic. Okay, so there;s a distinction for exampleYou can;t really create a lot of contentRelated to guitar lessons because you really need to be able to sit in front of people and play the guitarBut for blogging you take an angle of just reviewing things. So as an example, you could createa blog aboutWhat are the 10 best WordPress themes or 10 bestBlogging courses you can still kind of produce content on that topicsoHopefully you get what I mean?you don;t need to be making a hundred thousand a year or a hundred thousand a month from blogging in order to be able toCreate a blog about blogging. Okay, hopefully that makes senseSo next sports soccer and football. Can I create content to be honest?I think that it would just be I;m not religious that I love reading about itBut I wouldn;t really want to make content. So for me to know for you, it could be differentNews again same thing like reading the newsBut I don;t think I want to run a news site children raising a child the raising your daughter wellActually, I want to create content, you know, I would be interested in writing about this. So I would say that this is a yesSo, I;m just gonna do I;m gonna skip through this a bit quickerSo for bodybuilding a spot supplements, I would say yes because I;m interested in thosefinance and lending and property investmentsProbably yes, I would say okay, so you can see that a few of our ideas have been filtered out alreadyWhich is a good thing. That;s the point of the exercise. So let;s move on to the next step. So step fourCan you make products now?the reason why IRecommend choosing a niche in which you can create content is because it will generate a lot more profits for you down the roadOkay, so let me give you an examplelet;s say you haveYour own course about weight loss, okayif you have your own course about weight loss then you can sell it on your site for example for $50.00 andIf someone buys it then you make the whole of that $50.00Okay, the second thing that a lot of people do and that you will probably do on your blog as well is affiliate marketingWhen you recommend other great products to your buyers, and let;s say youRecommend my product and my product is sold for $50 when you refer someone to me and they buy my productI might pay you a commission. Let;s say I pay a 50% Commission. Okay, so I collect $50I pay you 25 you as a bloggerMake $25. However, if this was your own product, then you would be making the full purchase price. Therefore $50Additionally you could also hire affiliates you could get others to promote your productso it;s just a lot more ways that you can make money and you can make a lot more money if you can create yourown products in the particular mission, so that;s the reason soCan I create products in the?guitar reviews sort of nicheWell, to be honest, I think that it;s not applicable. You know, there is if I;m I can;t make my own guitarsYou know if I;m making my I can;t really create my own lessonI can;t think of another way that I could monetize the guitar niche. So let;s say my own products and the guitar niche probably noBlogging traffic and WordPress. Well, actually I canIn the blogging space. I;ve got a blogging course already andEven if you are brand new into blogging spaceIn six to twelve months down the track once your blog is successfulYou can create a simple course and you can sell it to your readersYou know same about traffic once you;ve got a case that you can actually sell it to peopleAbout WordPress. Well, yes, you can create your own WordPress themes and your own WordPress plugins, and you can sell them to peopleWhat;s the next one children? Well, yes, you can actually create products in those as welland so you could create guides for example information guides abouthow toraise a daughterhow to get how to get children to sleep I know that those are fairlySuccessful products and it doesn;t really, you know, you don;t need to be anything special. You can just write about your own experienceSo for me personally, yes, I could I could create a product in those nichesRegarding bodybuilding sports supplements and working out. Iwould say this is probably a no simply because I;m not really a big huge guy that could make it onto the cover ofYou know a bodybuilding kind of magazine. I;m not really I don;t think I;ll ever get muscular enough to be able to do thatSo let;s say that this is probably a no for me. It could be once again. It could be different for you guysandFinance loans and lending and property investments. Well, I would say that not really simply because I;m not gonna sell my own loansI;m not toYou know go into property investments or sell my own courses and property investments. So for me, this is probably a no. Okay, so Ihope that this makes sense just go through whatever issues you record it and tried to find out whether you are able to make yourown products in those niches or notthe next thing isYou would go through and you would research other successful sites. Okay, I there are other successfulsites doing these how are they actually monetizing andYou would mark it down for each of the niches. So let me give you an exampleSo what we;re looking at here is we;re looking for othersmaller stylewebsitesOkay that I;m not huge sites that are not sites thatHow should I say it that I run by you know?Dozens of people you basically want to see what other sites that are similar to, you knowOne-man operation to men operation family type operation websites, and how are they monetizing their blogs?so let;s just say I go with thefor something different I;ll go with children raising a child raising a daughter andWhat you might do is type in some keywords related to that so for exampleLet;s say how toMake my child sleepAnd let;s see so health wine is a large website I know that life hack areLet;s see this Alaska sleep. This could be a smaller type websiteOkay, so looks like this is some kind of aAlaska international company, so this possibly ;is a larger type site. So you would look atRaising children and honor you today;s parentSo you want a blog that looks like, you know, it;s a blog that possiblyIs run by one or two people you don;t want anything super massiveOkaySo, this is goodokay, soI;m just gonna go into this category page and see how they;re actually monetizing this so they;ve got all the different pointsSo you need to do a little bit of Investigation hereSo, let;s see how they monetize thisSo you can see they;ve got an ad at the top okay, so what I would do is just take this andRecord it in here and now let;s say Adsense. Okay, and then let;s see what else we can find out how they;re doing thisSo there;s an Adsense ad on the right here as well. Are they selling anything on this site? Let;s seeOkay, it doesn;t look like they sell anything direct it;s basically just monetized via Adsenseokay, so you would what you could do is just click around andHave a look what you can find. So one other thing that I can find hereSo on their blog posts in general, I don;t see thempromoting a lot of otherproducts it;s mainly by the looks of it has just monetized by our Adsense ads andYou can tell that it;s Adsense if you mouse over it in the bottom left that says Google Ads servicesBut what I found here is product reviews, so let;s see how they do product reviewsBecause they could be another thing that you could doOkay, so for example, they;re doing a carseat review, okay, that;s interesting so you could do something like that as wellyou could push reviews for a car seat andThen as you can seeThey are they;ve got some links so possibly there there are affiliate linksSo you would sort of just try to suss out what are they doing is this an affiliate link or not?Where does this get redirected to nuna dot EU?CA en let;s see where these goesOkay, so this looks like this just goes directly to a siteSo browse around and get an idea on what else are they doing with this? Okay, so then you would complete that withThis website and then you would do the same thing with the second website that you find in your nicheOkay, your modern family comm so, let;s see how they;re doing. This. What are they doing again?This looks like this is a smaller site because it just says contact Becky. So it;s run by one personThis could be something that you know, this could well be youSo again, they;re doing ads so I can see ads here if I mouse over I can see the ad here at the bottomOkayThere was a bit of a crash into my browser for some reasonWhat else is she doing is she building at least is she selling anything or not? So we just need toLook around and you know have a look at these different things. So I feel it;s what is this affiliate?So maybe she;s got a course which she sells through they feel it. So let;s check that out, tooOkay, my books and courses so she;s actually got books and courses well, this is interesting rightSo if you go store, okay. There you goSo she;s got a store and she;s setting these things by the looks of it so I can see here different linkspotty-train a toddlerWell, that;s very interesting so basically this lady;s a blogger and you knowA lot of you like me are parents so you could have a blog like this. This is run by one personit;s got the personal branding Becky andthere are courses thatbiggest sells so arguably what you could do is create a similar style website and then you couldBuy Becky;s courses and buy a few other people;s courses that are in the sameAnd then create your own course and make it for sale. So that;s a good thing. OkayI;m hoping that you;re following up. I;m actually kind of digging here in real time to see how are these peopleMonetizing their blogs and I;m recording this. So for Becky what I;m gonna write down is that yes, there is adsense and OwenOwenForces booksSo this is what you would need to do with each of these nichesSo go ahead and do a little bit of research on each of the nichesSo that you can get a really good idea as to how these people areMonetizing their blogs and once again, very important don;t go for huge websitesTry to find those blogs that are run by just one or two peopleThat are smaller style blogs because this is essentially what you;re going to be doingYou will never probably you know, get to a stage where you;ve got ten thousandTen thousand pages ten thousand articles on your blog unless you;ve got a huge team of people so don;t compete with those huge corporate styleblogsI tried to find blogs that are you can tell that it;s a smaller style blog and exactly find out exactly how they;re buildingtheir sites now the interesting thing as you go through these you will actually find out that for example in theyou know some of the other things in the children niche would beselling our productsOr in physical products for example coloring books, okay, some others would be selling AmazonProducts as a feelingSo you will see listings with links to Amazon and whenever someone buys they wouldMake a percentage of that purchase price and whenever someone buys children related product on Amazon, so you;ll start getting a really good pictureI already know from experience that within the blogging WordPress space. For example, there areaffiliate programs for themes and pluginsYou know there could also be some courses as wellin it marketing and courses that areso your job at this stage is to go through and do that little bit of research on theNiches that made it through the the initial first few filters and what you;re going to be left with at the end of this exerciseIs a really good idea as to how are the other side;s?monetizingthisnichenowThe other component of step 5 is are there other successful sites?so what you need to pay attention to isthose sites that you;ve researched have they been running for at least one or two years andOther sites do they appear like they;re making moneySo if there is regular content that;s been published for the last 2 or 3 years and the sites are not neglectedThere;s there is still fresh contentAnd you can see some clear way of monetization then it means that this site most likely is is a successful site. OkNow the next thing the next stepIf we can call it a step is just for you to remember that look there is no perfect nicheThere are drawbacks in every niche. So if you feel a little bit torn about a particular niche that;s completely normalYou know, I felt very torn about pretty much every niche blog that I;ve started when I went with my travel siteI was a little bit torn when I went with theBlog about blogging, you know, I was also a little bit torn. So it;s completely normal for you to feel to oneWhat the aim of this exercise that we;ve just been through is is to minimize your risk of failure or make itVery very close to zero as close to zero as possibleBecause if you think about it, sometimes people just think I want to start a blog aboutGoldfish ok, and then they find out that for goldfish. No advice courses about goldfishThere are no FT net programs about goldfish and the goldfishNiche itself is is reasonably small maybe yes, there is a way to monetize withYou know, it;s recommending some aquarium products or something like thatAnd maybe goldfish are a good niche, you know, I shouldn;t pick on themThis is just my exampleif you pick a niche and you justGo into it without doing any research then your chances of failure or not being able to monetize are actually really really largeBut if you go through this exercise that we;ve just been through and you;ve got several ways of monetizingso you can create content you can create your own products andYou can clearly see that the right affiliate programs that there are own courses that you can sell and that there are other successful sitesDoing it you;re basicallyMinimizing your chance of failure within that particular niche. Hopefully that makes senseNext step last step is just do it. Once you;ve gone through this exerciseAnd once you feel pretty good about particular niche, then stop procrastinating. Just get that blog going becauseyou know ultimately asMuch as you can you knowI;ve been in a situation where I was thinking about a niche for a month or for two monthsShould I or should I not start a niche a blog in that particular niche?ultimately, you might know if for sure until you actually try this andthat;s how that;s the only way that you can find out whether it;s going to be successful or not if you;ve been through every singleStep that. We;ve just been through you really should minimize your chances of failureSo that;s pretty much it guysThank you so much for watchingIf you like this video and you want to get notified about my future videosthen please make sure that you click here the subscribe button andAlso, click the little notification bell icon to make sure that you get notifications about my future videos as soon as I upload themThank you so much for watching. It;s Greg Kononenko. The Caffeinated Blogger. I;ll talk to you guys later

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