
in #anarchy7 years ago

I don't vote. I don't believe in the legitimacy of government and have no desire to condone their activities by voting for it to continue.

Do you vote and why? In my opinion you can't vote yourself to freedom. A government, no matter how small or inept, is the antithesis of individual liberty. Voting is contributing to the system, essentially giving approval to it to rule you.

Why give your consent to an organization that openly steals from you to wage wars. Lies to you. Locks you in a cage if you lie to it or commit any one of a litany of other "offenses."

In my opinion withdrawing your consent by not voting is the only moral path. The phrase "The lesser of two evils, is still evil" has been said over and over again. Still it doesn't seem to sink in. It's the truth. Giving power to the perceived lesser evil is giving power to evil, plain and simple.

Not voting may not change the system to where I want it to be, but voting assures one thing: The government is given a renewed vote of confidence to continue it's barbarous existence.


Exactly, some do not see the fallacy of expending trust on untrustworthy people. Others believe that if they vote some trustworthy people in place they will act better, but the system demands that they work within certain parameters and those are of imposing your will onto others, initiating force, and resorting to evil, and cannot see that basic truth that the lesser evil is still evil, and arguing over the magnitude of evil is mitigating the conversation in a moot direction, as the nature of the system is the only poignant topic.

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