
Most men even fear freedom..The ability to choose and the face consequences of their choices more often make them anxious and scared rather than happy.
Great post followed and upvoted. I am planning to post about similar subjects as well if you are intrested.

I agree. I witnessed this with family members and acquaintances - the idea of liberating themselves from some person, situation or circumstance elicited a fear response. It's the unconscious programming from our environment that makes it hard to act rationally or in our self-interest.

I appreciate the follow & upvote very much:-) Have an awesome day!

Following. Freedom is scary, but freedom to live and work as we please is how civilization improves.

Thx! Absolutely, freedom is scary because we are brought up in a society that promotes dependence. But prosperity and abundance are born from freedom. It's like Nassim Taleb says, freedom gives us the opportunity to tinker and stumble upon better ways of doing things.

Have a great day!

Self-governance is freedom. Unbent, unbowed and unbroken.

True dat, sir, true dat...:-)

I like the way you write) Thank you for a very nice post, I enjoyed every line%)Upvote. I do agree with your point what freedom is in our mind. You are also absolutely right - it hard for people who grew in the modern world to understand it. Unfortunately, our society is more interested in the ones who will follow without questions.. but I am sure there is the Universe of freedom%))
anarchospace_by_sasha_gengi (2).jpg

All there is is freedom - for those who can see it and recognize it!

I appreciate the kind words & the awesome image:-)

Yep, for those who can recognize it! well said!

❤ it! got a new supporter of your blog + upvoted + resteemed!

I appreciate that:-) Have an awesome day!

Freedom is a choice we make whether to stand in our own power, or to that of others. If you lived in the middle of nowhere and off the grid, that is freedom...if you are not locked into the system for anything, that is freedom, if you are following your highest good you are Free. Freedom is a state of mind :)

Definitely, I agree completely! I remember a conversation I had with a woman from Peru where we compared the state and size of governments in our two countries and I made an off-hand remark that I saw a lot of improvements for Peru on the horizon. She shrugged and told me that she felt it would not significantly affect the happiness level of her compatriots - that people were as happy or as depressed as they made up their minds to be and that they would always find an excuse to easily justify either.

Freedom is definitely a state of mind:-)

Being There

great pic...walking on water :)

It's from the movie Being There (one of my all time favorites).

I thought it appropriate because you ended your comment with "Freedom is a state of mind" and the movie ends with this scene and the voice-over that says "Life is a state of mind." :-)

A great movie with a beautiful, subtle message!

Cool....I shall make a point of watching the movie now :)

Awesome, I hope you like it:)

Very interesting. I have often feel I limit myself when I have negative thoughts. Fear is useless.

I am in an image posting mood today:)


I don't mind if you're willing to sacrifice your freedom for your safety; it only becomes a problem when you're willing to sacrifice MY freedom for your safety.

Absolutely! I am a big believer in letting people sort out their own problems, so if someone is unfree, that is not my problem. As for THEM threatening MY FREEDOM, there are always ways for me to inoculate myself against that without a need to fight or defeat others.

In any case, it is always up to me to build & grow my freedom.

Agree. Trouble is, they don't see a difference!

Your post gets burried underneath all these resteems on my feed.

Anyway, as Sartre said:

“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.
It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.”

Freedom can be excruciating, imagine not having to conform, imagine people just being responsible for everything they do, all that freedom like weight on their shoulders.

I don't mind freedom, I've been already living it anyway.

Like all things, freedom can be a good thing or a bad thing. If you are reluctant to embrace your own freedom, you will suffer under the weight of it. If you do embrace it, you can soar and fly and enjoy the best of life!

Nice post .
A new law just passed in Australia could get you 10 years jail post posting your comment about vaccines on social media.
I posted about it yesterday.
I would appreciate you having a look and comment.

I heard about that. People in Australia should start voting with their feet and leave for greener pastures.

Yes I agree or at least stop kneeling before our self proclaimed masters.

This is exactly it. By it, I mean how I generally feel all the time. It's also why I don't like living in a city like NYC.

Most here beg to be governed :/ but there are always voluntaryists around, and you can't kill agorism :)

Upvoted and followed!


Thank you, I appreciate it!

And you're absolutely right, agorism is tougher than that (snowflakes can't touch!

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