🌺 🌱Green Smoothie Of The Day: Mango Dragon Fruit Smoothie 🌱🌺

in #food7 years ago


I just love the bright color of this one. It surely lightens up your day right from the start. I'm sure your kids will also love it. Especially the girls. What a better princess' drink than a deep pink or fuchsia smoothie.

Bright colored smoothies are a fun way to introduce your family to exotic, new fruits. Though dragon fruits may seem alien to you, the pink ones have a slightly sweet flavor. But it is its texture that makes this fruit unique and so much fun to eat.

Have you tried dragonfruit or pitaya yet? They are rich in antioxidants, they contain vitamin C, polyunsaturated fatty acids (the good fats), dietary fiber, and several B vitamins for carbohydrate metabolism, as well as carotene and some protein.

Mango Dragon Fruit Smoothie


2 cup spinach
1 big pink dragon fruit or 2 small ones
1 big banana (or 3 small tropical bananas)
1 mango
2 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 cup coconut milk
1.5-2 cups water
Hemp hearts (optional topping)


  1. Blend spinach, water, and coconut milk until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and blend again. If the smoothie is too thick for you, add more liquid base. If you have a high-speed blender you can throw in everything at once.
  2. Optional: Top with hemp hearts or other superfoods/toppings you like.




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What?! Really?!! Everytime I mix something beautiful red with spinach it's still delicious but ugly brownish. Two cups of spinach!
Looks incredible!

The deep pink color of the dragon fruit takes over any green color. Not sure if you can find these in Germany though. Enjoy the rest of your night ;)

You can, but they are very expensive because they are exotic and brought from far away ... not exactly very sustainable! 😝 Guess, I'll stay with raspberries and blueberries and apples ...

Yeah... That's why we never eat berries.... but I got some seeds.A lot of them. Starting with strawberries first.Can't wait to move hehe. Raw beets always work to get nice deep pink color too.

I agree with @pusteblume............I can never make pink smoothie with spinach lol. You are a miracle worker. It looks beautiful and I bet it's delicious 🍌🍑🌿🍍

I thank the organic, locally grown red dragonfruits for it.. they are the true rock stars ;)

The color is soooo lovely!

We don't have the pink one here. I always want to try but we only have the white flesh ones where I live boo-hoo

Thanks. It did brighten up the morning. I like the pink ones. they are a little sweeter. Dragonfruits don't have much flavor but love the texture.

Yes that's what I always think as well, it's rather bland imo

I love the dragon fruit, it gives to your smoothie a great color, and when you mix mango, bananas, spinach, all these gives incredible taste to the smoothie, we have here dragon fruit, but we don't get it all the time, we get it in summer, but so expensive.

Ohh is it. Here it grows year round. Easy to grow and very cheap. Although the red ones aren't always available. Have a great weekend ;)

Love the color of this smoothie and looks really refreshing. Thanks for sharing my friend :)

Thanks @theinspirator for another lovely comment ;)

You are welcome! Wish I had more time to cook as you do. Your recipes are fantastic :)

Wish I had more time too hehe... but love cooking so I always make sure to make time for it ;) Have a happy and healthy week.

First time I tried dragon fruit was in Thailand, but it was the white one and I used to add it to my mango-papaya smoothie. Now I wish I found the pink one because the color of that smootie is so vibrant and beautiful!

Hehe. I love them. Not a lot of flavor, but such a nice color indeed. Have a lovely weekend!

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