Faery Friday February 28, 2020

in #faeryfriday5 years ago

It’s the last Faery Friday for February 2020. I’m kind of shocked at how fast time is going by as we are now two months into 2020. I hope that this isn’t how this whole year will feel for me. But it’s Friday and that means another weekend. I don’t really have any plans this weekend so just glad to have the house full of my family.

For today’s card pull, I am using the Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud with text by Jessica Macbeth. This is a single card pull since it is an oracle deck. If you like this deck you can get it for yourself. Just click on the picture below.

What do the Fae want me to share?


Today’s card is number 19 The Sage
Wisdom. Hidden knowledge. Retreat. Old age. Patience.

The Sage is also the shaman. Not all wise men are shamans and not all shamans are wise men, but this one is both - power informed by wisdom and wisdom made manifest by power. This is also the face of Father Time, and we see the colors of the seasons surrounding him. Sometimes, he is old Man of the Mountain, The hermit who searches within for wisdom and understanding, and then is willing to share it with any true seeker who comes to him.

His “blind” eye enables him to look into other worlds, other realms, and the wisdom buried deeply within each of us, where the Singers dwell. He has reached a stage of life where he has let go of many of the activities of younger beings, retreated somewhat from the outer world of Faery, and has become more deeply immersed in the inner landscapes of knowledge, inner vision, contemplation, and spirit. On the exterior, he lives simply, almost austerely, but his inner world is filled to overflowing with richness.

In order to pursue his studies more thoroughly, the Sage has cultivated detachment. Some may see this as remoteness or coldness, but he is no less loving for that. The Sage finds the inner connections between everything. He sees the connections, relationships, and consequences between seemingly separate ideas, beings, and things.

Love and compassion are the inevitable consequences of seeing truly, and this leads the Sage to share his learning with others. Like any other wise elder, he leads by gently teaching from his vast store of wisdom. When asked for his judgment about something, he is discriminating and generous-hearted. He turns a blind eye to punishment, feeling that what is needed is mercy and a way of teaching those who err so they will not make the same mistakes again

The Sage is constantly learning. While on the one hand he values tradition and stability, he also understands and values the need for growth and change. He can’t go for a walk or a flight around the neighborhood without discovering something new and trying to see how it fits into the whole. He is always expanding his understanding of reality and deepening his awareness.

As we develop patience and compassion intertwined, we begin to manifest the wisdom of the Sage.

Here we see wisdom and deep inner understanding. One of the keys of wisdom is to organize, integrate, and simplify one’s thoughts. Complexity often leads to confusion; simplicity is to be valued. This card mental discipline informed by balanced learning and compassion. Tradition is valued by appropriate change is accepted. The Sage know when to let go and when to move on. He knows when to retreat and think things over. He compassionately and wisely shares his knowledge with others, teaching by example as well as by precept. The scales of justice are balanced in the Sage’s hands. This card in a reading also signifies the need for deep consideration and refined judgment applied with compassion and mercy.

The Sage is one of those cards that I have always liked. Not just for the art of this card but for whom the image is of. I feel like he is one that has all the knowledge of the universe. For today’s reading, I think that he is telling us to take time and organize ourselves. Looking at the wisdom we have within and maybe even sharing it with others who are open to hearing it.

Personally I have been working on a project for the past few weeks of organizing all the information I have regarding my Tarot and Oracle decks. Not only for my own personal use but also to streamline my Tarot Tuesday and Faery Friday. I feel that this speaks directly to what I am trying to accomplish so that I can better share my insights with you all.

Do you feel a connection to The Sage? Does this reading speak to anything in your life? I’d love to hear from you.

I hope that this reading has been helpful to you all. Please let me know if it has impacted you in any way. I’d love to hear from you. While doing this reading I am was listening to Spotify playlist Faeries: The Seelie Court. You can find me on Spotify under amrauthor. I hope you enjoy the music.

May your stars shine brightly upon you.

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