The Daily Brief 2019-10-09

in #news5 years ago

This is a summary of 19 AMN articles on the following subjects: EE.UU., Siria, Trump, Turquía, Russia, Aleppo, Hasakah, Raqqa, Syria, Saudi, Turkey, Qamishli, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Houthi, UAE, Yemen, Kurdistan, SDF, YPG, Israel, Rusia, Assad, Erdogan, PKK, Latakia, USA, Iran, Pompeo, Saudi Coalition.

Categories covered in this brief: Americas-Es, Espanol, Siria, World-News, Syria, Turkey, Gulf, Middleeast, Yemen-Es, Turquia, Iran, Yemen

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Table of Contents

Estados Unidos nunca debería haber estado en el Medio Oriente: Trump después de la retirada de la frontera con Siria

Published 2019-10-09 23:52:12 by Nick Leon in Americas-Es, Espanol, Siria

El presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, comentó sobre la retirada de las tropas estadounidenses de Siria, diciendo que Estados Unidos nunca debería haber estado en el Medio Oriente en primer lugar. En una publicación de seguimiento, agregó que entrar en la participación militar de Estados Unidos en el Medio Oriente fue "la peor decisión jamás tomada en la historia" del país. “Fuimos a la guerra bajo una premisa falsa y ahora refutada, armas de destrucción masiva. ¡No hubo ninguno! ”, Dijo, refiriéndose a la acumulación de la invasión de Irak en 2003, cuando la administración Bush afirmó que... Read on ->

Tags: EE.UU., Siria, Trump, Turquía

Russian sub strikes targets with Kalibr cruise missiles in Black Sea test-fire

Published 2019-10-09 22:43:43 by News Desk in World-News

The submarine Kolpino performed a live-fire exercise in the Black Sea, launching Kalibr cruise missiles, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Wednesday. "The crew of the Black Sea Fleet’s submarine Kolpino fired Kalibr missiles against a coastal and a naval target at combat training ranges in the Black Sea. The sub launched the missiles from its submerged position," the press office said. The missiles successfully hit the targets "located on the coast in the area of the Opuk practice range and at one of the Black Sea Fleet’s naval training ranges," the Defense Ministry said. Source: TASS

Tags: Russia

Video footage of Turkish attacks on northern Syria

Published 2019-10-09 22:34:18 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 P.M.) - The Turkish Armed Forces began their attack on northern Syria Wednesday, targeting several sites belonging to both the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and People's Protection Units (YPG). Using mostly airstrikes and artillery shells, the Turkish Armed Forces repeatedly struck the defenses of the Kurdish-led troops in the Al-Raqqa, Aleppo, and Al-Hasakah governorates. As shown in the videos below, one of the primary targets for the Turkish Armed Forces was the SDF-held border town of Ras Al-'Ayn, which is located in northwestern Al-Hasakah.

Tags: Aleppo, Hasakah, Raqqa, Syria

Saudi Arabia condemns Turkey's military operation in Syria

Published 2019-10-09 22:17:11 by News Desk in Gulf, Middleeast, Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced earlier on Wednesday the start of Operation Peace Spring against PKK/YPG and the Daesh in Syria's north "to neutralize terror threats against Turkey and lead to the establishment of a safe zone". Saudi Arabia condemned later on Wednesday the Turkish "aggression" in northeast Syria, Saudi state-run broadcaster reported, citing source in the Kingdom's foreign ministry. According to the ress service of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), at least three Kurdish militia fighters and five civilians were killed, while dozens were injured in shelling of the border areas in Syria by Turkey. In addition... Read on ->

Tags: Saudi, Syria, Turkey

Turkish Army attacks city controlled by Syrian Army, SDF forces

Published 2019-10-09 22:09:42 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) - The Turkish Army carried out a new attack on a Syrian border city located inside the Al-Hasakah Governorate. According to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Turkish Armed Forces heavily shelled the Syrian Democratic Forces' (SDF) positions inside Qamishli city, causing a number of explosions in the process. The Syrian Army, who is also positioned inside the city, said the Turkish Armed Forces did not target their troops, but they did cause panic among the local population as it is one of the most densely populated cities in eastern Syria. No casualties have been reported... Read on ->

Tags: Qamishli, Syria, Turkey

Emiratos Árabes Unidos retira fuerzas del Aden de Yemen

Published 2019-10-09 21:36:33 by Nick Leon in Espanol, Yemen-Es

Los Emiratos Árabes Unidos retiraron algunas de sus fuerzas del puerto sur de la ciudad de Adén como parte de un acuerdo con Arabia Saudita. Esto se produce después de enfrentamientos desde hace mucho tiempo entre el gobierno respaldado por Arabia Saudita y el Consejo de Transición del Sur (STC) respaldado por los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Ahora ambas partes se están acercando a un acuerdo que apunta a poner fin al enfrentamiento de Adén. Un testigo presencial dijo que al menos 200 tropas de la UEA y decenas de vehículos se habían retirado de Adén a la terminal petrolera de... Read on ->

Tags: Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Houthi, UAE, Yemen

SDF pide una zona de exclusión aérea sobre el norte de Siria

Published 2019-10-09 20:56:57 by Nick Leon in Espanol, Siria, Turquia

Las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias (SDF) convocaron el miércoles a la comunidad internacional y a la Coalición Global que tiene como objetivo derrotar a Daesh * para establecer una zona de exclusión aérea para proteger a Siria de "una crisis humanitaria inminente" a la luz de la operación militar turca que es Se espera que sea lanzado en breve. La declaración se produce horas después de que el director de comunicaciones de Turquía, Fahrettin Altun, anunciara que el ejército turco cruzaría la frontera siria en el momento más cercano y comenzaría la operación militar en el noreste de Siria. El Ministerio... Read on ->

Tags: Kurdistan, SDF, Siria, Turquía, YPG

El avión ruso supuestamente detiene el bombardeo de un avión de combate israelí a Siria

Published 2019-10-09 20:18:40 by Nick Leon in Espanol, Siria

Anoche, un avión ruso interceptó un avión de combate israelí que se preparaba para bombardear un sitio dentro de Siria, alegó el canal Telegram Gallifrey Technologies, según informó Avia.Pro. Según el informe, se vio un avión militar ruso cerca de la frontera sur de Siria después de que un avión de combate israelí apareciera cerca de la frontera. "Se informó sobre los vuelos de los combatientes rusos sobre el sur de Siria, presumiblemente debido a la aparición de aviones militares israelíes", dijo el informe. Poco después de este reclamo, la cuenta de Twitter de capacidades militares sirias, que a menudo... Read on ->

Tags: Israel, Rusia, Siria

SDF calls for no-fly-zone over northern Syria

Published 2019-10-09 20:14:45 by News Desk in Syria

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Wednesday called upon the international community and the Global Coalition which aims to defeat Daesh* to establish a no-fly zone to protect Syria from "an imminent humanitarian crisis" in light of the Turkish military operation which is expected to be launched shortly. ​The statement comes hours after Turkey's director of communications, Fahrettin Altun, announced that the Turkish army would cross the Syrian border in the nearest time and start the military operation in northeastern Syria. ​The Turkish Defence Ministry tweeted Tuesday that all the preparations for the operation were complete and the offensive might... Read on ->

Tags: SDF, Syria, Turkey

Los kurdos acumulan tropas en el norte de Siria para luchar contra la invasión de Turquía

Published 2019-10-09 19:54:07 by Nick Leon in Espanol, Siria, Turquia

DAMASCO, SIRIA (4:00 P.M.) - Las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias Kurdas (SDF) continúan enviando refuerzos masivos a las fronteras del norte mientras Turquía prepara la invasión total. Un video de 30 segundos muestra decenas de vehículos que transportan a cientos de combatientes kurdos que se dirigen a las fronteras del norte de Siria en un intento de repeler al ejército turco. Turquía dijo que está lanzando una campaña militar en el norte de Siria para erradicar los "grupos terroristas que representan una amenaza para la seguridad nacional de Turquía". Con el anuncio de Turquía de la operación, Estados Unidos retiró sus... Read on ->

Tags: Assad, Erdogan, Kurdistan, PKK, Siria, Turquía, YPG

La fuerza aérea turca desata un ataque masivo en el norte de Siria

Published 2019-10-09 18:57:38 by Nick Leon in Espanol, Siria, Turquia

BEIRUT, LÍBANO (4:45 p.m.) - La Fuerza Aérea Turca ha desatado un asalto masivo en el norte de Siria esta tarde, apuntando a varios sitios bajo el control de las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias (SDF) y las Unidades de Protección Popular (YPG) lideradas por los kurdos. Según una fuente en el norte de Siria, los ataques aéreos turcos se concentran principalmente en la ciudad fronteriza de Ras Al-ynAyn; Sin embargo, desde entonces se han extendido a otras ciudades en la región norte de Siria. Al mismo tiempo, las unidades de artillería del ejército turco están golpeando las posiciones de las Fuerzas... Read on ->

Tags: Erdogan, Kurdistan, PKK, Siria, Turquía, YPG

Turkish Air Force unleashes massive attack in northern Syria

Published 2019-10-09 17:06:00 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:45 P.M.) - The Turkish Air Force has unleashed a massive assault in northern Syria this afternoon, targeting several sites under the control of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and People's Protection Units (YPG). According to a source in northern Syria, the Turkish airstrikes are primarily concentrated on the border town of Ras Al-'Ayn; however, they have since spread to other towns in the northern region of Syria. At the same time, the Turkish Army's artillery units are pounding the Syrian Democratic Forces' positions along the border, causing a number of explosions that have forced locals to... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, Turkey

Breaking: Erdogan announces start of Turkish military operation in northern Syria

Published 2019-10-09 16:36:05 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced Wednesday the start of Ankara's long-awaited military operation against the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria. According to reports from Ras Al-Ayn in northern Syria, the Turkish army is pounding the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces in a massive air and artillery attack on the region. Erdogan said the offensive, dubbed “Operation Peace Spring”, would aim to eliminate threats from the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia and the Islamic State militants, and enable the return of Syrian refugees in Turkey after the formation of a “safe zone”... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, Turkey

Syrian Air Force attempts to destroy jihadist tunnel network in Latakia

Published 2019-10-09 16:18:51 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:00 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) unleashed a massive attack on the jihadist stronghold of Kabani this morning, targeting an area around the town that is believed to have a large network of tunnels. Led by their choppers and jets, the Syrian Air Force repeatedly struck the southern perimeter of Kabani, causing several explosions that could be heard throughout the northeastern region of the Latakia Governorate. According to a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) source near the front-lines, the Syrian Air Force also targeted some caves in the Kabani area that were believed to have housed... Read on ->

Tags: Latakia, Syria

Kurds amass troops in northern Syria to fight off Turkey's invasion

Published 2019-10-09 16:08:28 by Zen Adra in Syria

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (4:00 P.M.) - The Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continue to send massive reinforcements to the northern borders as Turkey prepares full invasion. A 30-second video footage shows tens of vehicles carrying hundreds of Kurdish fighters heading to Syria's northern borders in an attempt to repel the Turkish military. Turkey said it is launching a military campaign on northern Syria in order to eradicate the 'terrorist groups which pose a threat to Turkey's national security'. With Turkey's announcement of the operation, the US pulled out its troops from northern Syria; a withdrawal harshly criticized by the Kurdish officials.... Read on ->

Tags: SDF, Syria, Turkey, USA

Pompeo accuses Iran of offloading oil in Syria, urges world to act

Published 2019-10-09 16:01:29 by News Desk in Iran, Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:35 P.M.) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran on Wednesday of offloading oil from its Adrian Darya 1 tanker in Syria. "Oil from the #AdrianDarya1 has been offloaded in Syria, proving that Iran lied to the UK and Gibraltar. This terrorist oil will fund Assad’s war and Iran’s sectarian violence. EU members should condemn this action, uphold the rule of law, and hold Iran accountable," Pompeo tweeted on Wednesday morning. According to Pompeo, the tanker's "terrorist oil" would now be used to "fund [Syrian President Bashar] Assad's war and Iran's sectarian violence." The top US... Read on ->

Tags: Iran, Pompeo, Syria

Syrian gov't slams new Turkish operation in Syria

Published 2019-10-09 15:45:49 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) - The Syrian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Wednesday that strongly condemned the upcoming Turkish invasion of northern Syria. In the statement, Damascus accused Ankara of violating international law by illegally entering Syria without the permission of the government. "Syria strongly condemns irresponsible statements and aggressive intentions of the Turkish regime and its amassing of the army at the Syrian border, which is a disgraceful breach of international law and UN resolutions that respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity," the country's Foreign Ministry said in a statement. According to the statement, Ankara is manifesting its... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, Turkey

US should have never been in the Middle East: Trump after Syria border withdrawal

Published 2019-10-09 15:29:20 by News Desk in Syria

US President Donald Trump has commented of the US troop pullout from Syria, saying that the United States should never have been in the Middle East in the first place. In a follow-up post, he added that going into the US military involvement in the Middle East was "the worst decision ever made in the history" of the country. "We went to war under a false and now disproven premise, weapons of mass destruction. There were none!" he said, referring to the build-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, when the Bush administration claimed that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, Trump

UAE pulls out forces from Yemen's Aden

Published 2019-10-09 14:54:24 by Zen Adra in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates has pulled out some of its forces from the southern port of Aden city as part of an agreement with Saudi Arabia. This comes after long-time clashes between the Saudi-backed government and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC). Now both sides are inching closer to a deal aiming at putting an end to Aden standoff. Eyewitness said that at least 200 UEA troops and scores of vehicles had withdrawn from Aden to Buraiqa oil terminal near Aden refinery. According to the deal, the Saudi forces will take control of the entire city of Aden. Two Yemeni... Read on ->

Tags: Saudi Coalition, UAE, Yemen

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