The Journey of Persistence: How to Stick With It And Leads to Success || 10% Beneficiary to @steem-nations

in Steem Nations8 days ago

Hey everyone,

I am doing well and hope you all are also doing well! Today, I am here to share the journey of persistence with you all


We all face things when giving up looks like the only option. The pain of failure, hurdles and the tireless work makes persistence feel impossible but the art of persistence truly shines. I have learned firsthand how to keep going even when the chances seem stacked against me and i want to share my journey that might inspire you to persevere in your own journey.

Few months ago, I started a online job where my pay depends on how many orders i complete. The thing was i have to work late at night and at first i was not receiving any orders. This made me sad because i was not getting any results for my efforts and my family started to worry and they suggested i should quit because it seems like all the hard work was not paying off.

Even though it is heartbreaking, i stay persistent. I focused on improving my skills and refining my approach and hope that things will eventually change. I kept working hard and remind myself the goal of doing this job.


Then after a month of dedication and persistence, i finally receive my first order. When i received my first payment, it is a significant reward for all the hard work i have done. It was a clear sign that staying persistent even when it seemed like nothing was happening, is worth it.


Celebrate Small Wins

When i was working late at nights i make sure to acknowledge each completed order and each improvement in my skills. These small wins keep me motivated.

Find Your Support System

During my tough times with the online job, my family was doubtful at first but their worry eventually change into support after seeing my dedication and persistence. This helps me alot and make a huge difference.

Stay Focused on Your Goals

Focus on your goals. My goal of doing this job is not just to earn money but to prove to myself that i can succeed despite the challenges. Keeping my focus on this goal helped me go through the difficult times and to be persistent.

Embrace the hurdles, celebrate the small wins, lean on your support system and keep your eyes on your goals. The road can be tough but with persistence, you can find that every challenge you overcome is one step closer to your dreams.

This experience teached me an important lesson that persistence is about sticking with it through tough times. Even when you are not seeing quick results continue to work hard and stay focus it will eventually lead to success so when things feels tough remember that your efforts will pay off if you keep working hard.


Remember, when it feels like giving up is the easier option, persistence and dedication can turn hurdles into opportunities and setbacks into comebacks. Keep going and let your journey be a proof to your strength and resilience. Don't lose hope.

I hope you learn something from my post. Your prayers and support mean the world to me.


With best regards,

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