If you have books, you have a room for improvement.

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)
Salam, everyone.

I just finished reading a good self help book. And i thought of sharing its teachings with you guys. So that, anyone of you who want to improve their life can get advantage from here(also, I'll get a firm holds on these habits by writing them).


7 Habits Of Highly Effective people

It's by Stephen R. Covey. Let's move towards these habits.




You are the creator(consciousness) in your life.
Don't react instead slow down and give a response to the situation in a proactive and conscious manner.

Effective people don't has the habit to look for their circle of concerns, things that bother them,but they have no control over.

They work in their circle of influence, things in which they have the control.

For instance: They have no control in an aggressive behaviour of a person(circle of concern), but they surely have the control in their response towards it(circle of influence).

2.Imagination in mind

To have principles in life, first imagine them in your mind creatively.

Write down your principles(for your work life or your family life or your personal life), because writing brings clarity.

Expand your creative brain by expanding perspective and imagination, then finally write down your affirmations.

Affirmation is the positive self talk, every effective person do. It must be personal, emotional, and positive.

Affirmation For Health
E.g: I'm feeling the fullest energy in my body and brain. I am healthy. My hair are shiny and lively.

3.First things First(Logical work)

Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least

This habit has the
logical working of your left brain to attain independence and principle centred life.

Prioritizes important things(that makes you grow)over urgent things (those which are on your table right now). Those things that align with your goals.

Organize weekly schedule than daily to-do-list, in this way you'll have more time and valuable and realistic actions.

It says lead things from the right brain(creative working) and manage things from the right brain(logical working).

**Interdependence **


It says to win in a long run, interdependence is the key. And to win in relations, you have to build emotional bank account with people. This account includes honesty, kindness, courtesy, and fulfilment of promises.

4. Habit: Think win/win

I want to win, and i want you to win too.

It says when deadling with people in a relationship or business think about win for both partners.

Rather than you win, I'll make a sacrifice and lose, or i have to win this no matter how much it hurts you to lose this deal.

This habit says you have to make such a deal with others, that benefits both the parties, if no, then make no deal. It's better to make no deal than perusing win/lose, lose/win perceptions.

Because the latter perceptions bring results in a short term, letting others win,
or let me win and you lose.

These perceptions when continue without a break arouse many negative feelings in a person, that result in diseases later on.

While win/win or no deal, serves you in a long run. You may face temporary loss when you see no win/win for both parties and cancel a deal.

E.g: See problem from other's point of view, understand them, show them concern, see the issues, find solutions which serves them good without you having to compromise.

To attain this habit you must have intergrity, character, maturity and courage, which attract others towards you in future.

5.Habit: First understand others, then be understood.

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply.

It says, effective people has the habit to dig deep into a conversation. They just don't listen on a superficial level, rather they listen with empathy.

Empathy is understanding and entering into another's feelings.

It is one on one conversation with others. You've to consider a situation to understand it, and need courage to be understood without any ego.

This habit is so important to build quality relation with you spouse, family and children. Mostly when someone approaches us, we sussssh them without feeling their concerns.

We keep giving them sermons, do this do that. I know I know, i had had such a condition, so i know how to deal it better. So you better seek my advice.

While this habit says, create a psychological air for others, where they won't be suffocating.

Sharing one of its quote:

A good lawyer almost writes the opposing attorney's case, before he writes his own.

6.Synergy:Creative Cooperation

Effective people has habit to synergies everthing they can do. Let me break that into a simpler term.

When two things or people of different opinion meet, rather than compromising on their stance, they tend to understand each other, and bring out a solution for the issue, which has greater effect, than if they do it on their own individually.

E.g: man and woman bringing a child into this world is also synergy.

Lemme give you another petty example:

Consider two siblings or a couple. One wants veggies for the dinner, while another wants, rice with chicken. They are like either this or that for dinner, no in between.
Syngergy teaches them to understand each other and bring a third dimension for the solution. Which could be vegetable rice in this instance(both parties will be satisfied on this).

It says people have differences, psychological ones, and effective people respect that. They avoid conflict and create a psychological air to understand each other, and bring creativity.

1+1=1.51+1=11 or 100 or 1000

7.Renewal(Room for Improvement)

This habit says effective people don't wait for a calamity to come in their way, and then they will take care of their health. Instead they take time everyday to sharpen their brain, body and emotions, to avoid the ailments in the future.
Health in following terms:

These four dimensions are interlinked, you can't win in one by avoiding others.

  • Physical Health

Effective people lookafter their nutrition, stress management and exercise.

We don't find it urgent to do something for our physical health, in normal days. We wait for calamity to hit us, we wait for long prescriptions of doctors, when we have no choice left, then we take it seriously.

Taking good nutrition and doing exercise require habit building approach rather than emotionally doing it for 2hours a day, one day, and avoiding it for the next two months.

You can do what you enjoy like, walking, jogging, swimming or playing badminton.

  • Spiritual Health

It requires to be present in a present moment: Meditation.
Moreover it's about your values, which you must have to be effective and have firm hand on them.

It says to pay attention to your surrounding to avoid anxiety or depression. Don't use book, or mobile phone, just pay attention to the nature around you, and you'll find peace in your soul.

The greatest battles of life are fought in the silent chamber of soul daily.
David O.McKay

  • Mental Health

An effective person continuously feeds on intellectual content to grow his or her mental strength.

It is achieved through writing, reading good literature, autobiographies, non-fiction, and by organizing or planning things.

The person who doesn't read is no better than a person who can't read.

When we plan or organise things, we first image them in our mind (that's the creative working of our right brain), then we execute and manage them physically(that's the logical working of our left brain).

In this way, we sharpen out mind(mental health). To be successful in any field in life, one can't do it without manifesting first it in the mind.

Wars are won in general's tent

  • Emotional Health

Emotional Health is achieved through a meaningful purpose in life, goals, serving humanity, and having principles in life.

It nourishes by making contributions and relations with humans.

Earn thy neighbour's love
Dr. Hans Selye.


  • 1.Mind your own business. Make efforts in situations where you can actually do something, rather than inserting your legs in every affair.

  • 2.Use you creative mind (right mind) to imagine things and principles.

  • 3.Use your logical mind (left mind) to manage things.

  • 4.Thinking for the benefits of both parties in a communication or business.

  • 5.Understand others, be patient, and then say you've understood them well.

  • 6. Be creative by accepting differences with others, engage them in win/win, and produce more effects.

  • 7.Leave a Room for improvement in your health forever.

That's all. Kindly take the courage and read it:)


Absolutely books increase a person's knowledge, so read more books and increase your knowledge because every successful person is fond of books, the best example of this is Bilgates. I read books.

 2 years ago (edited)

Absolutely, i don't know any successful person in the world who doesn't read.

 2 years ago 

According to my flawed thinking, if we fully adopt the Holy Qur'an and the commands of Allah Almighty and live according to the Qur'an and Sunnah, then Alhamdulillah, there will not be any problem in our life, but unfortunately, we have learned more English than the Holy Qur'an. I apologize for telling the truth.

 2 years ago (edited)

First of all there are many people who teach quran in english, and have guided the youth in the entire world. Kindly stop bashing any language, it's the need of the hour to learn different languages.

And who said if you follow the Quran there will be no problems in your life? Study the journey of every prophet. They had all the greatest and every possible miseries in their life. Quran guides and makes it easy to bear these problems(but problems will be there all the time).

Second of all, Indeed quran can heal the sick heart. Then why we go to a doctor when we fall sick? Because quran is for soul. And treatments and therapies are for body and mind. It's balance that muslims need to maintain in their life, rather than falling into extremes.

 2 years ago 

My dear brother, you are 100% right, but you don't understand me۔

 2 years ago 

It's your sister here, not brother.

 2 years ago 

Hahahaha sorry dear.

 2 years ago 

I am currently reading this book and trying to grasp the concept of the first habit - pro-activeness.

This is my first non-fictional read and I am enjoying it. Very well-written with the most relatable examples that the author could give.

I was so wrong about independence and personality ethic being sufficient for a successful life. This book made me realize the importance of interdependence which most of us lack but is actually crucial for a successful life.

Can't wait to read about all the habits.

 2 years ago 

If you want to go further in your life after achieving a little success, interdependence is the key.

But sadly it lacks, no one taught us the habit of healthy communication in life.

Now the condition is, difference of opinion arouses anger or tears everytime:(

P.S: It took me roughly more than a month to finish this book because it's non fiction:p

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