Contest||"Love and Money!"

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago



Hi, greetings to everyone on this platform, I trust our day went well? I must thank God Almighty for keeping us alive. And my special thanks goes to @nina-91 who saw the need for this topic"Love and money".

Honestly, this two words has been a headache and has also caused disaster in so many relationships today because some people failed to understand the difference in the two words. I think with this interesting contents, people will come to understand the difference.

But honestly, every living creature deserves some love and attention and as well as money too, I know what you are thinking now, so let's go together and see what we say about the hint questions;

❤️Have you ever been served a
breakfast, I mean (heartbreak) or do you know anyone who has had a heartbreak. Share with us.


Hmmmm....., well I have been served breakfast long time ago. Well as for heartbreak, it happens all the time,but am going to share with us my experience of heartbreak a very long time ago.

Heartbreak is never something one should experience because, it will deprive your happiness, it makes you feel like you are in another world, it is something that one never expected.

Like how can you say you love someone, but you are actually having an affair with another lady or guy, I have passed through heartbreak and I know how it feels to see young girls and ladies of nowadays to see themselves in such mess.

You know like the saying that goes like this"After all we have been through or after what I have done for you". When that happened to me, I nearly killed myself with flows of tears as everyday I will lock up myself and starts remembering everything like literally everything that we have been together and the worst part of it is that he himself doesn't feel remorse for what he did.

But right now, I really thank God that am alive today with my husband and two kids,it was never a smooth journey back then,but I overcame with the advices from my godmother and some neighbour who knew about it and the frequent visits of my best friend then, including the word of God I heard then.

❤️Does genuine love without money exist ? Explain


Ofcourse it does exist. I am number one witness to that. Well money is good in every relationships because it makes the relationship look sweet from the outside and not from the inside.

But when there is genuine love, whether there's money or not, the love keeps renewing and also been refreshed like it was in the days of the beginning. Genuine love comes from the inner you and flows natural even though the person may have offended you, it does not blame or counts.

This is my four years in marriage, I have lived with my husband without him having any property as such, but today I can boldly tell us that we are living fine by the grace of God. Money can buy love but to an extent,money can go far in maintaining a relationship, but not too far.....

I have met someone in this life who by the grace of God is living beautifully fine with her family today. This lady met a man who happened to be a Barrow pusher,she loved the man even if it means soaking garri without sugar or groundnut with the man,but one day as God may have it, he blessed the man,and he now own a duplex,bought cars, and they got married and today they are living very fine with their children .

I still believe that genuine love without money still exist.

❤️If you were given the opportunity to choose between money and love,which would you prefer? State your reasons.


I wouldn't know how to answer this one, but I think one need the two of them. My reasons is that you need love to be loved,and you equally need money to see yourself through difficulties and also any monetary challenge.

Love is like an air that smells and goes around the relationship,while money is needed to make it visible. Everybody needs money to meet up with challenges of life. That's my reasons...😄.

❤️It is true that money answers to all things,in your own understanding , can money answer to love?


Yes I think money can answer to love but not for too long because any love bought on money basis doesn't last,we are talking about a genuine love. A genuine love doesn't know whether you have something (money) or not, and that is why you hear many people saying something like; I don't know why I love him or her this much, such love is yearning from inside the person.

Whether the person is a truck pusher or a coward or even an illiterate or the disabled ones,everybody needs to be loved and also be supported financially.

Let love❤️lead while money follow,because you give who you love......

Thank you all for Reading
Love you all

I invite my friends ;@goodybest @ngoenyi @richy20 to join

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