Didactics in University Education / Analysis

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

public domain Image: Pixabay

At the university level it is necessary to implement strategies and techniques that facilitate teaching and transmit learning, for this we must make use of available resources, when we talk about resources we must not only refer to technological tools, but also how to transmit knowledge. To this end, we can investigate a little about didactics as a discipline to carry out the art of teaching.

In this sense, didactics can be appreciated as a set of knowledge that allows those who study it to carry out the art of teaching, since it offers concepts about the teaching-learning process. On the other hand, it must be clear that in order to transmit information in a clear and coherent way, the teacher must have the necessary preparation in the area of study he or she is teaching, so that students can learn and transform knowledge in the most natural way possible. In this sense, a teacher who does not fully understand his or her teaching area will not be able to make himself or herself understood, much less clarify the students' doubts.

Starting from these premises, it can be said that the professor tries to teach a set of knowledge that is foreseen in an academic program that as part of the formative process of the university student, the professor must diagnose the group of students, to implement a process of integration through work sessions, from there it will begin to know the abilities that each member presents to develop their cognitive process through strategies like analysis, theoretical-practical exercises among other alternatives that allow the student in a spontaneous way to participate and share the acquired knowledge.

A living example of didactics can be seen in the science of mathematics, in which one must not only have knowledge about how to perform calculations, but also know how to teach in order to transform knowledge and give it practical utility. It could be said that the science of mathematics is not the same as the science of teaching mathematics, and requires a preparation with different orientations.

In short, the university professor must first have a clear idea of what he or she wants to teach, in order to implement teaching strategies in accordance with the area of study, which allows for the explicit transmission of knowledge and generates student participation. Secondly, the professor must be in a constant learning process, which translates into techniques and updated information, making classes more dynamic and interesting in order to promote individual or collective development of future professionals who will be responsible for creating new theories in different areas of knowledge.

IDear reader, what do you think about didactics in university education, I would like to see your opinion in the comments!

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 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Hello dear friend @amestyj.

A great article, it is always important for a university professor to implement the most appropriate teaching tools for the necessary transfer of knowledge between teacher and student, noting as expressed that the teacher must handle the topics you want to teach and thus facilitate feedback with their students.

Friend enjoy reading your good article thanks for sharing it. Successes for you and your family.

Greetings friend @rbalzan79, thanks for the valuation that you give to my content, if brother it is important that who transmits an information has the capacity to do it in an explicit way, since this way the receiver will be able to understand the message.

This is important in the university sector, because we are training the future professionals who will be in charge of the different productive areas of a country.

Thanks brother for your visit, blessings for you and your family, have an excellent weekend! 🤝

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