To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.

in #study3 years ago

I lack patience. I want everything to happen right now. So, to be, observing is something that feels kind of wasting my time. But, I guess you can observe in many ways. For example, if you play a soccer match, then observing might mean that you will do better just stopping for a while and to try to understand how things can improve, instead of always just running after the ball.

If you deal with traffic problem, the solution might be to get out of the car and try to see things from perspective, or maybe from above.


If you want to help people, maybe you better stop and not just look at one incident, but read more about the topic, observe, and maybe you will discover a pattern that is leading to the problem that is in discussion.

Observing and studying doesn't have to be far away from each other!

I don't always agree with the quotes of the day, and to be honest, I feel like the quote (To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe) makes studying and observing seem like two wide differences. I don't agree on that.

In fact, if you read about a topic, it might actually help you observe and see. Somehow, when you read a book, you also trust the observations of others which they have written down, and now you can learn from their observations instead of your own!

Do you get it? No matter what - we for sure need to observe, we need to study, and the combination will increase our wisdom!

What do you think? Are you planning to grow in wisdom today? I would love to!
I hope you have enjoyed this short daily article of wisdom. Do not forget to follow me on Steemit for more similar daily encouragements in the future. Do not forget the shower example - you shower every day to smell well, and you need daily encouragement to keep your spirits up! :) It isn't something that happens only once!

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