Cobinhood: The Team & Design Philosophy

in #cobinhood6 years ago (edited)

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In the previous post, I wrote about what Cobinhood is all about and what their features are. Today, I will be reviewing their team as well as the project's design philosophy. I believe every project needs to have a direction that they can fall back on so that they don't get swept away by the newest and coolest trend. That is where a good team comes in as they will be the ones who will provide the direction for the project. That being said, I think diving into this project as a whole is interesting because if Cryptocurrency is the future, then exchanges are the ones that should be investigated. I believe a good exchange will be the gateway for the masses to like or hate Cryptocurrency. In Cobinhood's case, it could entice the masses to use it due to its zero fees.

The Team

It is unfortunate that not much is being said about the team aside from information three individuals from the team. This is not a bad thing because I have always heard of the name Popo Chen being thrown around Youtube videos on Cryptocurrency. It was great to finally find out who he really is. He has been hailed as a revolutionary by certain You-tubers and I can see why. Just take a look at his credentials in the picture below.

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I suppose the only way to describe him is that he is a serial entrepreneur. He founded a very successful streaming platform called '17 live streaming'. This was before he became CEO and founder of Cobinhood. Currently he is also involved in a project called DEXON which is a Decentralized Apps (DApps) platform similar to EOS and Ethereum. What sets DEXON apart is its vision to be an EOS or Ethereum on steroids. With someone as qualified as Popo Chen, I do not doubt that he will lead Cobinhood in the right direction. However, some may claim that he is unproven in terms of the cryptocurrency space, but that is the same for most cryptocurrency programs out there.

If Popo Chen is the head that directs the entire project, Wei-Ning Huang would be the one that takes care of how the platform works. His role is equally important as Cobinhood would just be an idea without his expertise. His experience in building web based applications, there would be no platform called Cobinhood. Wei-Ning Huang works as the CTO of Cobinhood and has experience working for Google as a senior software engineer. In addition, he has over ten years of software development experience. He does not seem to display any credentials with regards to blockchain technology. Then again, this is not really an issue since Cobinhood already has a working product. Even if this is the case, Cobinhood does have someone who is rather experienced acting as their advisor.

Cobinhood has employed Tony Scott as their advisor. Tony Scott has 40 years of experience in information technology. He has worked as the chief information officer for companies such as Microsoft and Walt Disney. Tony Scott was also the United States Federal Chief Information Officer from 2015 -2017. His years of experience would be extremely useful in providing Cobinhood with guidance regarding all aspects of technology, scientific research and years of advice in technology related issues.

Cobinhood's Philosophy On Design

Cobinhood's fundamentals consist of a few important aspect. Chief of all is how the platform is designed. According to Cobinhood's brand manager, Wen Ku, the design philosophy of Cobinhood is centered around user-friendliness. This is important because being user friendly is key in not scaring away new customers to the platform. Trying out Cobinhood for the first time, I had no issues in getting the hang of it. Everything just felt intuitive.

A testament to Cobinhood's seamless user interface is when it won the prestigious red dot award in 2018. The red dot award is one of the world's largest design competitions. Winning the award was actually a rather impressive feat as hundreds, if not thousands of other companies participated. Thus, the competition is rather high. However, what made this win even more awesome was the fact that Cobinhood is the very first cryptocurrency app to win it.


All in all, I find that Cobinhood has a rather great design and an interface that just works. Despite going up against past winners of the red dot award, such as Electrolux and this really cool robot design as seen below, it still managed to prevail.

Image result for notable winners of the red dot award
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Furthermore, I do think that Cobinhood has a good chance of doing great in the future because of the stellar team that it has. While there are many other exchanges out there with better volume and more offerings, a crypto exchange serves one purpose. That purpose is to enable you to exchange your cryptocurrencies. If a crypto exchange is too complex to be used, then that completely defeats its purpose even if it may have every single cryptocurrency on the market.

On a separate note, Cobinhood will be at the upcoming South East Asia Blockchain Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia on November the third. This summit will be attended by Blockchain startups from all around the world. What's more, Cobinhood's very own Daniel Chang will be one of the speakers to speak at the summit. He will be joined by other notable figures in the cryptocurrency space including Bobby Lee from the Bitcoin foundation and Mark Tan from Wanchain.

I hope you found this post informative. I do recommend that you check out Cobinhood as a project as well as what it intends to do in the future. In addition, do check out their website as well as their social media sites to get an idea of what they are up to. The links to their social media sites are below. Also, I have attached a few articles for your reading pleasure on Cobinhood.

Links & Social Media Sites

Project Website:

· Products & Services:


· Cobinhood Team:

· Cobinhood Story:

· Facebook:

· Medium:

· Twitter:

· Instagram:



Many of the findings here are researched but are based on my own opinion. I welcome any debate and discussion but I am no financial adviser. As such, always do your own due diligence before selling your kidney to invest in anything.

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