The Gaps in the Current Market


We have recently seen how gold and silver have behaved in recent weeks; the behavior of the gold ETF has set an exceptional pace and it is not surprising that it will soon touch the resistance of $ 2,000, with projections to expire, the following year, of $ 3,000 an ounce.

The same happens with silver, despite always being undervalued and always being considered a second-class asset, the records that we see when exceeding $ 22 an ounce, marking, today, a record of $ 24.23. The projections are not exaggerated when saying that it could touch the $ 40 in the not so distant future. Platinum and palladium are not far behind either, with positive records of 26% and 67% respectively.

Still, this has interesting readings, many may interpret this as a valuation of gold, silver, and some other metals as stores of value, traditional as gold, optional as silver, and perhaps new as platinum and palladium, but what that the numbers speak to us is of a loss of value of the dollar, a lack of confidence that is seen taken by the actions that many institutions, led by the FED and their maximum impression of money and their interest rates almost 0. There is a position In general, where they are taking a policy that does not help and hurts a lot.

These policies relatively distort the reality of the market and the lawsuits are clouded by the excessive amount of money that is in circulation and that will be until the conditions are found to be able to find a path to recovery.

I have already mentioned in other articles that you must be very careful with what the market really is and evaluate its true behavior well, and that is in the words of Jim Gram, Founder of the financial magazine Grant Interest Rate Observer, indicates that you have " a monetary moment that is unprecedented and therefore requires extreme caution and great humility on the part of all of us. "

And is that metals are really a very dynamic alternative to what is happening in equities. The indicated has many expressions and interpretations, but in common sense we already know what this means in small letters that nobody wants to read.

Now, and where are the cryptos ?????, easy to answer, just as we already show that the dollar is losing its standard condition, so the cryptos, led by bitcoin, are taking those spaces where the dollar already disappoints and gold and silver they repel because they are unattainable, where the most opportune see in them the creation of a whole new stock market that is only just beginning and that its valuation has not yet taken off.

Good things are expected, but like everything, the actions of the FED accelerated many things, and this massification is slowing down to give its incredible entrance, if not, see how PayPal, Visa and Master are now pending and working for what is coming.


Hello @alquimista1501
This year has been very unusual.

The market's behavior is following the same unusual stop.

And I agree, the dollar seems to be losing some ground in the battle.
We have to be very cautious at the moment.

If it is very real weak, it says about the crypto since it depends on its level of confidence as a means of instrument.

Hello @alquimista1501
I believe that little by little the stage is being set for the crypts to position themselves very well, and to reach the value that has been predicted for some time in various analyses by experts in the field.

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