5 Most Trusted Sites of Bitcoin Wallet Making

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin is a digital money born in 2009, the creator of bitcoin named satoshi nakmura with its total deployment or limited supply of only about 21 million btc only. From year to year the use of bitcoin is more and more widespread, thus making bitcoin prices soaring sharply in its first year that gained about $ 800 USD more then in 2010.

In 2016 this coincides in March cost about $ 449 USD or about Rp 6000000 This fluctuating bitcoin price makes the investos begin to invest their money to buy bitcoin or trading.

But when going to buy bitcoin or mined this bitcoin we need a container to store it called bitcoin wallet. Bitcoin Wallet can be made by installing wallet application on computer or can also use wallet service online to be exchange with rupiah money or other money. I will personally share this list of online wallet creation to all my friends to start bitcoin mining or saving money. The Bitcoin Wallet Site Here are 5 reliable bitcoin wallet sites that are mostly used by bitcoin

  1. Bitcoin.co.id
    As discussed earlier in the article on selling / buying, bitcoin.co.id is a place to sell and buy bitcoin instantly located in Indonesia using local bank transfer payment method. Aside from being a place to sell / buy bitcoin, here also provides a bitcoin wallet that can be used to store bitcoin. Not just bitcoin wallet there are also other cryptocurency wallet such as LTC, Dogecoin, Etherium and others. So no need to register wallet elsewhere. What I like most about this site is we can trade to benefit from the rise and fall of bitcoin prices. In addition there are also chat rooms that can be used to converse with other bitcoin friends so it feels good. To make his wallet fairly easy just list on vip.bitcoin.co.id and fill in the data in accordance with the data of friends. Try when registering using the real name of friends because to fill the balance using the name of the bank account in order to avoid errors. When friends have signed up, then friends can save and receive bitcoin from other wallet. In order to enjoy the features available on the site first the account must be verified. The way is easy enough just need a photo selfi friends with berulisakan "bitcoin.co.id". For more details there will be guides available.

  2. Blockchain
    Next is blockchain, here only a special place for bitcoin manufacture and delivery and acceptance of bitcoin only. Not available other features such as bitcoin.co.id For registration is very easy just go to the blockchain site then create my free wallet, then confirm the account of friends who have the email. I am sure my friends can in terms of register list and confirmation so I need not explain again. As a matter of fact our bitcoin wallet consists of numerous codes that are difficult to memorize for example: 3BwDTzz3RPno6o3nRmV82q87iDo3i4A69T. This is the wallet I have. Once done in registration then it can be used to receive and send bitcoin even save. Many have used this site as a place to store bitcoins. The best thing is here we can see the transactions that occur from all wallet accounts, ranging from acceptance and delivery.

  3. Xapo
    Here is no less famous as a place for making bitcoin wallet is xapo. For registration fairly easy only require no active hp for ferivikasi account to be used. The most fun on this site is the existence of a faucet that can be used to get free bitcoin and bitcoin directly in the xapo wallet. So no need to fear the site will scam because it directly entered in xapo wallet. Unlike the other faucet sites that can not directly pull to the wallet, or must reach a certain balance in order to transfer to our wallet. Also read: The terms in bitcoin are often used The most unpleasant wallet creation here is when we will log in sometimes have to send this log code via sms where when the number is gone we can not log in. But as long as friends do not neglect here it is safe for bitcoin storage. In addition to making wallet, xapo also provides the purchase of pulses and android games with bitcoin. To register please click xapo Coinbase The next wallet creation site is the coinbase, whose function is only for the creation, storage and delivery of bitcoin only.

  4. Coinbase
    is quite popular too, many are using this for wallet making, even I also use this though not often. For registration fairly easy also for ferivikasi only requires no handpone only and can be used to store bitcoin. For those interested can directly to the site here

  5. Bitx
    The last one is bitx, the same as coinbase used only for bitcoin wallet creation. Many also use it for making bitcoin wallet, there is nothing special on this site because it is only for bitcoin production, so can not explain its advantages. To register can directly visit the site here Also read: Everything about bitcoin There are 5 sites for making bitcoin wallet online that friends can use to store bitcoin, and the list above I use all. As a note only that the above sites are also available in the form of smartphone applications that can be downloaded in playstore and appstore. To start getting bitcoin can see free bitcoin list here Bitcoin Free


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