in #food7 years ago


You will love this recipe if you never tried Halva! Its so yummy, delicious and kinda healthy as well! I love it! Derived from the Arabic word for “sweet”, the term halva or similar is used in countries around the world to refer to countless varieties of nut- or flour-based confectionery. 

The flaky texture of store-bought halva is difficult to re-create at home because many traditional recipes include a meringue-like substance made from sugar syrup and boiled soapwort roots, however this version comes about as close as you can get. 

Halva (halawa, alva, haleweh, halava, helava, helva, halwa, halua, aluva, chalva) is any of various dense, sweet confections served across the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Balkans, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Malta and the Jewish diaspora. 

Halva can be kept at room temperature with little risk of spoilage. However, during hot summer months, it is better kept refrigerated, as it can turn runny after several days.


2 cups OR 240 gr of sunflower seeds

1 cup OR 80 gr of walnuts

1 cup OR 100 gr of plain white flour

1 cup water ( add half a cup at a time to make sure the mixture is not too liquid) 

1/2 cup sugar or honey 

2 tbsp of sunflower oil 

1/2 cup cranberries or raisins or both + extra seeds if you like


Watch the full video here on how to make it :

Grab the written recipe on my website here :

I hope you will enjoy it!

Alla xox


Looks delicious! Lol at the list of spellings :p

hahahah right!! its hilarious what it can be called, so i thought i will include it all!! :D

Ironically, we are going to an Ukrainian store in Spokane Washington today to buy some halvah. I'll try this one also and we'll see which turns out the best.

hahah oh no way!! obv home made does not taste very similar to the shop bought as they add loads of sugar and other stuff, but its so much healthier and i do love it as its full of good stuff!!

Nice yummy ...very yummy haha.
Russian food looks delighful!!

heheh yes i hope you will enjoy my yummy posts :D

haha. One cuisine I haven't eaten is Russian, but you make it look nice.
I followed you. Please follow me. I will post some food stuff from my travels if you are interested.

i hope you will try it one day! do you live in UK?

Yeah I live in London. although I travel a lot. Any places you recommend? Do you live in London?

yes well you have to come to my russian supper club!! I'm hosting one this saturday in fact!!

OK that would be super fun!! So what do you do in the Russian supper club?
Let me check if I can make it this sat. I will private message my number.

yeah i only have 4 spaces left already! so you can come with a friend or partner!!! Here is the link to my 6 course russian menu!!!

That looks amazing. The texture kind of reminds me of banana cake. I should definitely try this out! It doesn't look too hard to make :)

hahahah well consistency is different!! but its super easy to make and i highly recommend!! :)

Thank you <3 I am following you now! Looking forward to more deliciousness!

What baked, then eat. :)

I've never heard of halvah! I think It's not easy to find in Korea..:(
so I should try to make it with this recipe!

yeah i dont think u will be able to find it there, but you can make it as ingredients are quite simple tbh!! :)

My grandmother cooks the same halvah, but adds apricots instead of cranberries. Now I know her recipe, muhaha (evil laughter). Thank you @allasyummyfood !

mmm sounds good!!i will have to try and add apricots next time :))) hahahah

tasty and healthy

Interesting recipe, I will have to try it. Thank you. X

yeah its really good! give it a go!

I intend to and adapt it if you don't mind? I need to make some diabetic sweets for the market and this recipe of yours has possibilities. Thought I'd take out some of the honey and substitute sweet potato? I think it could be good with that addition for diabetics. Will do a recipe in images in the near future so you can see what I have done to your recipe. Great recipe. X

oh yes please do, i will definitely love to see that :))) and yes you can add sweet potato although I'm not sure about the texture if it will set, thing is sugar glues everything together, so if you can think of another sticky non sugary liquid then it will work, otherwise I'm not sure it will set!

MMMmmm! Cornstarch, might work added to the sweet potato pulp and cooked out like a sauce. Will have to try it and see. Or, flax seed is a gloopy egg replacer for vegans, that could work though I don't know how available it is in Spain. Hey ho. We can but try. Thank you for responding. X

yeah get trying!! but it needs to be sticky!! we'll good luck I'm curious :))) keep me posted or tag me! or PM me!

Will do, I will definitely post it as a 'recipe in images' for you to see. X

look forward to that!!

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