Achievement 4 by @allan.fakeer Task : Applying Markdowns

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago


The thing that makes our content attractive and readable is presentation of content. If we want to work online on different blogging websites, then first thing that we need to consider is presentation of content skill. We should make our content attractive by using different heading, table, bullets, and using links.
Before start working on steemit we should learn about content presentation. For this purpose steemit define tags and keyword that make content presentable. We will discuss five markdowns as requirement.


For Comparison we use table. So how to draw a table in steemit editor let’s see.

How to create a table using html?

I faces few problem regarding creating table in its own defined tag. So, I prefer html to create table.


<th> Advatages </th> <th> Disadvantages </th>
<td> Adv 1</td> <td> Disad 1</td>
<td> Adv 2 </td> <td> Disad 2</td>


Advatages Disadvantages
Adv 1 Disad 1
Adv 2 Disad 2

Text Justify

Text Justification makes our content attractive. So, we will learn how to justify the text.

<div class="text-justify">

Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification.

Output of Code

Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification.

Text Without Justification Tag

Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification.Random Text for Checking text justification. Random Text for Checking text justification.

How to Align text into two Columns?


<div class="pull-right">
Text for Align right. Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.

Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.

It look like that

Text for Align right. Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.Text for Align right.

Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.Text for Align left.

How to add Line at the End of paragraph and How to insert space between to paragraph?

Write three stars without space is using for adding Line between paragraphs. It separates the paragraph.
When we want add space between two paragraphs then we write the following tag.


How to add Headings of different Sizes?

Heading plays an important role in making our post attractive. We use Heading and Sub-headings in our content. So how to add Heading and Sub-headings in our content.

Heading 1


Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Above Heading is created by using this code:

#Heading 1
##Heading 2
###Heading 3
####Heading 4
#####Heading 5
######Heading 6

How we can place our content and text at center.

In our content there are many things that are looking beautiful when they are place at center. For thing purpose we use Center tag that make our content center.


<center> Text </center>

Advatages Disadvantages
Adv 1 Disad 1
Adv 2 Disad 2

Hey @allan.fakeer, this is Aniqa Mashkoor one of the greeter helpers.

You have successfully completed your achievement 4 and now you can head towards completion of achievement 5. Please read and understand it first Achievement 5 : Understanding The Steem Tools

Task Rate: 2

Remember that achievement 5 has 4 tasks and you have to make separate post for each task. And each task must be posted in Newcomers' Community. Get ready for a hands on experience of steemit tools.

Your are now eligible to be a part of Newcomer's Support program which is 500SP Minnow Support Program

#pakistan #affable

 3 years ago 

Hi, @allan.fakeer,

Your post has been supported by @svm038 from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

Hi, @allan.fakeer,

Your post has been supported by @radjasalman from the Steem Greeter Team.

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