Language barrier - How can we use it in our benefit?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #learning7 years ago

I see in so many posts one type of disclaimer: "Not a native english speaker". This makes me conclude that most of us consider not being native speaker of a language (usually english) as one of the main issues we might have (here, on steemit, but not only).

I would like to share with you my point of view and some stories that I hope will prove this language barrier has some benefits also and we should take advantage of it.

When you're not a native speaker you'll double check everything you say/ write

How many times will you go through and correct a text when you write it in your native language? And how much attention will you pay to grammar and logic? For me, writing in Romanian is so innate that when I try to think on what I'm writing and what would be the correct form I realize I do not know, at a conscious level; and sometimes the unconscious is not giving me the correct forms. This makes me feel weird at some point, double checking if that word is correct or how should I split it or other 4th grade grammar rule. I never get this dumb feeling when writing in English as I know it's normal not to know it and it's normal to make mistakes (it is in Romanian also but much harder to accept).

When referring to relationships of any kind, having a different native language can be also a great benefit. Some years ago, I was going out with an american guy. While it lasted we had much more meaningful conversations and paying much more attention to what we were saying, double checking if the message reached the other one the way we wanted to. I never did this when talking with my romanian friends/ boyfriends until then as it only seems natural to me that they would understand what I mean without doubt.
I've learned from this and now I do it in Romanian also as we don't have an internal dictionary to make the translation and each of us enrich the meaning of words and expressions with our past experiences.

Keep your brain in shape


Continuous attention on a new language and continuous learning it comes with some great benefits for your brain:

1. Brain fitness

Our brain capacity is enlarged as there will be multiple new connections created in the language and hippocampus area.
Hippocampus is that part of the brain responsible for making, storing and retrieving memories. So every time you learn a new language, you'll enhance your memory, and not only those memories with your struggle.

2. Cure for the aging process

Studies show that learning a new language delays the Alzheimer disease with 4-5 years. I have in plan for sure to engage my parents in learning a new language as I want them healthy for as long as possible.

3. Think faster, make better decisions

Every time we learn something new in a language, our brain tries to easy his effort. So he will search for those already created connections, in the other parts of the brain, to help fix the new information. This means that on the long term, learning a new language helps you be able to think faster in your native one also and have more informed decisions as more brain pathways will be checked before it.

A different language comes with a different perspective

I don't know about you but I feel different when talking/ writing in English.
My native language has all sorts of emotions associated with it, since my very early years. And one of the most powerful one is that I have to do better and my effort is not enough. That I don't write good enough, that I don't have smart things to say and people already know it, that I won't be appreciated or more, that I'll be judged.
My little saboteur called Perfection is gone when I switch to English. I know I'm not perfect but I'm fine with it. I'm fine with making mistakes and it's easier for me to take the feedback. I feel that what I say can really help the others and is worthy of being said. I feel I am worthy.
This comes probably because my real interaction with English came later, when I had a job and I was appreciated for trying to do things not only for being the best.
Not sure if it's applicable in your case but you could investigate this.


I did not saw on steemit many users that would judge the level of English of the authors. On the contrary, I saw a lot of users supporting and encouraging new ones to express themselves.
Tests show that we are able to understand a word in context when we have only the first and the last letter correct. So stop worrying that people won't understand you. If they won't, they could ask for further clarification. It's in the reader's job to pay attention to what are you saying and filter the information.

Worry less, write more and use this platform to improve. Maybe not everyone will gain a lot in terms of money but for sure we can have side winnings.


Language barrier can be a mind opener. :)

For daily use, I switch between Romanian, German and English, seldom Italian, Hungarian or Spanish (were at last both I really You are so right; switching languages comes with a slight change in thinking and behavior. Romanian is native. Speaking is done unconscious. If there must be something technical or logical, I use German. One of the most structured languages there can be. It follows the Latin build up with cases and syncretism. Also most of the words are self-explanatory being combined to describe the object.

Here, on steemit, most people are supportive. There are some guys that also give you a hint if you do some mistakes, not offensive, but as feedback to improve.

As usual a great post @alinamarin

Thanks for the feedback, Alex. So this ia why German was not the language for me, too technical:D

It is also called the language of thinkers, because of the modern phylosophers like Kant, Schoppenhauer, etc.

English seems to be the language of competition as most sports that we know today, come from the anglo-saxon world.

I guess it is 2 things: first, it is the realization that despite how awesome your attitude and your brain are thanks to bilingualism, people will only see and judge you by the final product with all its imperfections. Second, it is actually caring about people seeing your imperfections) Especially, masses of people you don't know. The Internet hasn't been a pleasant place for people to hang out, so the worry is well warranted. That said, I find the Steem community a lot more agreeable than any other unmoderated social network because people have financial interests here)

This are 2 generalization I don't quite agree with. Not all people judge by the final product and there is a big difference between taking feedback and caring about it.
At least from my experience, internet is the best place where you can be accepted and less judged because it's all about diversity. Indeed, there is more feedback as not knowing someone makes easier to say something good or bad about it's actions.
Just let me believe the people are nicer on steemit not only because of their financial interest :)

True, and not everyone cares. But there are some who would follow under this generalization, like some fall under the category of those who actually apologize for their English. =)

That somehow makes me feel like a complete asshole. =)

This was not my intention. I really appreciate this type of dialog and I get my learnings also from it:P

Nah, I'm not complaining. That also made me reflect a little. Thank you for the dialogue!

Great article @alinamarin.
I am Nicolae from Bistrita, Romania. I believe you are from Bucharest so I would like to tell you about our facebook group where we are trying to build a community of romanian steemians. Should you be interested, I drop you the link here. We are still few there, but feel free to join us and lets steemit on !!!

Hi Nicolae. Another group?:D we have already Let's see how can we get all together :D

Did not know about this group. Thank you ! I'll make a join request.

Good attitude, Alina! As long as the content we write is useful for others in any shape and form, I think the readers can overlook a little mistake here and here.

Yes. But in the same time we should improve ourselves based on the feedback, it's ok to make mistakes as long as you learn from it.

yup. don't let mistakes stop you from creating, there are valuable lessons in those mistakes ;)

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