Steemit Crypto Academy Season 4 ||Beginners' Course - Task 4 : Blockchain, Decentralization, Block Explorer|| homework post by alihassanraza

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Define decentralization. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a decentralized system. In what areas of life can a decentralized blockchain be helpful? (write in own words)



How are you doing, i hope you will be all right.I can't work here because I had a fever for a few days But now i am fine and today i am going to posted my first post in steemit crypto academy. And I hope this will not be my last, you all will appriciate me Inshallah. Am very thankful to my professor @yousafharoonkhan to teach and explain to us very well.

What is Decentralization

It is a system in which the power to make decisions and control is distributed. It transferred administrative powers from a central authority to a local authority.
We can also define that those who are top management, they do not take advice, the power of decision making in every one's hand and everyone can take a free decision that can work and they can do their.It has many benefits and also the loss.
in this system the power of decision making is not under the control of a single person.They do not follow any instructions orders. Blockchain technology helps the decentralization system to get widespread attention in different resources, especially in cryptocurrency,during the election in government problems and in banking problems and in the health sector it is very beneficial.In this system, all our data and our currency completely secure because it has very good security.And there is no risk of stealing anything.


If we take the Internet for example, the power to take all kinds of decisions in the decentralized Internet will be in everyone's control, not the server, it will not be the power of top authority to make decisions , and it will keep our data very high secure , there will be no kind of mistake to be stolen and we will get our data secure.If the Internet is decentralized then it will be very beneficial, all control will be in everyone's hands. In today's era, we are using the Internet is centralized internet and it have the ability to take all the decisions in one person's hand and only the server gets the custom whenever he wants our data is with him. Our data is not secured in this situation. Whatever message or chat we give to someone, it goes to the server first and then later reaches our place, in this case it is not secured.And if we used decentralized internet it will be totally secured and the authority of decision making is in every person's hand. The decentralisation system is very useful for running an organization on a large scale.Because a lot of people are working on a larger scale and do not know where they are going and what are they working,so allowing all people to make decisions can be very beneficial.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Decentralization System


||Opportunity for employees||

Employees learn a lot when power is distributed among them, they have a chance in the decision-making process and they take the initiative to cope with tasks

||An advantage for diversification||

Make it easier to change activities and products according to market requirements in decentralized management; since power is distributed fairly, there is no complexity in the distribution of work and differences between employees.

||Noticing changes in the market and implementation||

when a new product comes on the market, it is important to analyze the customer's requirements and make innovative changes to the products, this requires the provision of the services price, quality and delivery.

||Motivated employees||

If managers can participate in decision-making processes and large-scale processes, they gain recognition, which automatically strengthens their trust; managers promote and automatically improve production.


||Same procedure||

In the decentralization process, every manager has their own way of making and implementing decisions. This leads to different rules for different people as guidelines are formulated on the basis of talents.

||Coordination problems||

As the rules are different for people under different managers, coordination between others Teams are often seen as a problem.

||The financial costs are higher||

The person who acquires the authority of the decision-making process must be trained. This automatically requires high prices, and many small start-ups cannot afford to centralize their business and appoint experts in different fields.

||Decentralization of conflict||

Although it distributes power, it puts a lot of stress and responsibility on the division heads and they must satisfy the profit under all circumstances. This often leads to conflicts between managers.


In what areas of life can a decentralized blockchain be helpful?(in my own words)

Decentralized blockchain proves to be very beneficial in different parts of life.With this, we get guidance in almost all areas of life and we make it a lot more secure.The following are some of the areas in which the decentralized blockchain is extremely safe and helpful to us.


The decentralized system is very useful and very safe in the banking sector because it has all kinds of decision-making power in everyone's hands and not in the one hand.The most beneficial thing is that it contains your money and your data and all your information, and there is no risk of theft.When you make any transaction through this process or transfer your money to another place, this process does not waste your time.Beacuse you don't have to ask someone from a big position you don't have to take, you can take every decision yourself.


Decentralized documents management is a solution is a system in which all your data, all kinds of papers, all kinds of files are absolutely safe. You do not have any concerns about your data only in your control.The biggest advantage of this is your documents are free from manipulation and you can easily access it by sending or ordering your documents all over the world.This is the biggest benefit in which your data is not given on the Internet and your file is saved blockchain documentation identifies your files.And in this case you can submit the certificate and file documents as well as your deposit and solve your problem.

Health sector

This system is widely used in this health institution, many employees get a part and solve all kinds of issues easily.It is easy to know about the medicines sitting at home and you do not have any problems with taking guidance from the doctor.

Government sector

A decentralized government plays a very good role in this situation it creates a trusted administration in what everyone has the right to take a decision.It improves the rights of the local population.And it provides better protection to minorities during the election, even when such matters occur, the central government plays a very good and good role.



Decentralization is essential in today's business scenario, where companies are growing and diversifying into different product lines. Top management needs to focus on other strategic issues, so they need to free themselves from day-to-day activities. This is only possible by delegating authority and responsibility to the executive level. General management can also consider a partial decentralization of the organization. Where managers can make some less critical business decisions themselves; management is responsible for decisive decisions.

Final Words

It was really a great title. I love reading it. I totally understand it and I am very grateful to my professor @yousafharoonkhan that he explained to me so well.






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