Acting Regent of Bireuen Opens ODF Declaration and KIA Book Parade.

in Steem SEA3 months ago


Acting Regent of Bireuen Regency, Jalaluddin, S.H., M.M together with related officials opened the Open Defecation Free (ODF) Declaration and Maternal and Child Health (KIA) Book Parade which was attended by 1,200 participants.

The activity, which was accompanied by the presentation of various awards, was held by the Bireuen Regency Health Office which took place at the Hj Fauziah Convention Building, Sunday (12/22/2024) morning, in Gampong Cot Gapu, Kota Juang District.

Head of Bireuen Health Office, Dr. Irwan in his report said that health issues need to be our common concern, the problems of stunting, maternal and child mortality are still a priority agenda in Bireuen Regency.


Conditions in Bireuen Regency in 2023 experienced an increase in stunting prevalence, namely from 23.4 percent in 2022 to 32.9 percent in 2023 (SKI Survey, 2023). The target of Bireuen Regency to be achieved in 2024 is 27.5 percent and in 2025 it must reach 23.1 percent, the national target in 2025 is 18.8 percent.

Meanwhile, for the Maternal Mortality Rate, the national target in 2024 (AKI) is 183/100,000 Live Births (KH), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is 16/1,000 KH. Conditions in Bireuen in 2023 Maternal Mortality Rate (AKI) is 109/100,000 KH, Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is 10/1,000 KH. In 2024 until today, the MMR is 80/100,000 KH, the AKB is 7/1,000 KH.

Although the situation in the figures for Bireuen Regency is below the national target in 2024, the shared hope is that Bireuen Regency can achieve zero MMR and AKB. The ODF problem also still needs support from all parties, villages with ODF status in 2023 were 33.99 percent, the target that must be achieved is 100 percent, in 2024 the progress of ODF villages has reached 100 percent.


Dr. Irwan also explained that today's ODF Declaration activity is one of the sensitive intervention strategies in reducing stunting, and also one of the output indicators of Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM), namely that every individual, community has access to basic sanitation facilities so that they can create a community that is free from open defecation (ODF).

While the KIA Parade is an effort to increase awareness of individuals, families and communities about the importance of KIA books. The KIA book is used as maternal and child health surveillance, as one of the specific intervention steps in reducing stunting and reducing maternal and child mortality rates.

Meanwhile, the Acting Regent of Bireuen, Jalaluddin in his remarks, among others, said that the activity held today was an action related to environmental factors and behavioral factors. This is a big challenge for the Bireuen Regency government.


It was also said that currently the Bireuen Regency Government continues to strive to accelerate the achievement of Open Defecation Free Villages (ODF) and increase the use of Maternal and Child Health Books (KIA). This activity is also one of the strategies for accelerating stunting reduction as a form of specific and sensitive intervention.

"With the implementation of the ODF Declaration and the KIA Book Parade, it is hoped that 100 percent ODF can be achieved, as well as reducing maternal and child mortality rates and stunting prevalence in Bireuen Regency," hoped the Acting Regent.

Data obtained a number of awards given in the activity for each category, namely, the best Posyandu at Bireuen Regency level in 2024 was given to Posyandu Bunga Jeumpa, Gampong Punjot, Jangka District, received by Aisyah, namely a plaque, certificate, 1 Xiomi iPad and a gift package.


The best Posyandu cadre 1 at Bireuen Regency level in 2024, Ratna Dewi Gampong Nase Mee, Pandrah District, received a plaque, certificate, Android cellphone, Posyandu management book and gifts. The best Posyandu cadre 2, Darwati Gampong Pulo Pisang, Peusangan District, in the form of a plaque, certificate, Android cellphone.

While the best Posyandu cadre 3 at Bireuen Regency level in 2024, Mutia Farida Gampong Bale Panah, Juli District, also received a plaque, certificate, Android cellphone and Posyandu management book.

Then the recipients of the Healthy Canteen KIT are Darmuni, S.Pd.,Gr from SMPN 3 Makmur, Fakriah, S.Pd.,M.Pd from SDN 4 Jeumpa, Safrina, S.Pd from MIN 50 Bireuen (MIN Cot Meurak Juli-ed), and Yulia Vonna from SDIT Azkiya Bireuen. Also the handover of ODF certificates to Keuchik from 73 villages from 15 sub-districts in Bireuen Regency.









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