Why new Questionnaire in Broken

in #davinci6 years ago


Link to Questionaire: https://review.utopian.io/


After having a long and exhaustive debate concerning the new Questionaire - I can say that we failed.

The problem is that you can get even 3 times more money for the same task!

Proposal Description

My proposal was very simple, based on KISS principle:

  • DaVinci-Utopian representative should approach project manager and offer our services
  • We get the task with deadlines, requirements, all 100% serious
  • We get paid by word. I know you don't like the word "pay", but the economy is gowerning the behaviour like it or not
  • No mistakes allowed, the Client is important not a translator
  • If the translator is bad - fire the translator

Mockups / Examples

Here is the problem. Let's imagine the perfect translation, what do we get, concerning the words:

  • 2000+ Words = 100%
  • 1800-2000 Words = 98%
  • 1600-1800 Words = 96%
  • 1400-1600 Words = 94%
  • 1200-1400 Words = 92%
  • 1000-1200 Words = 90%
  • 900-1000 Words = 88%
  • 700-900 Words = 85%
  • 500-700 Words =82%
  • Less than 500 Words = 79%

Why is this bad?

Well, let's assume that there is a 2.456 words long Project.
It can earn:

  • 100 + 79 = 179%
  • 92 + 92 = 184%
  • 85 + 85 + 85 = 255%
  • 90 + 90 + 79 = 259%
  • even 82 + 82 +82 +82 = 328%

Can you imagine that?
179 - 328 span?

Even worse, in the first case, translator is risking to get 0 for "the week post, only 79%"
It's the safest to play 3 x 85 %...

There is simply no sense in this, how to call it, additive approach.
You need to multiply, not to summarize unrelated values.


If you adopt my suggestions, very same suggestions you have already seen in the Discord Channel you will:

  • have much more serious experience
  • you will foster the quality
  • translators will be payed for their job (I know you don't like the word "pay")
  • you will have no space for any abuse, tactics, call it however you like
  • Clients would be delighted
  • Hopefully, you will earn some real Dollars/ Euros and make a step towards the sustainability

Good luck with this great project, thank you for the opportunity, don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy to participate. I'm only trying to help you.

GitHub Account

No need for that, just see the suggestions listed in the post

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