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RE: Developing the new Utopian bot

in #utopian-io6 years ago

After voting all our moderator's comments it will start voting the highest quality (determined by its score)

I have a small suggestion.

In the current situation (Good Post, 1000+ words):

  • Very Accurate, Low difficulty = 68
  • Good Translation, Average diff. = 69
  • Very Accurate, Average diff. = 78
  • Good Translation, High diff = 79
  • Average Translation, Ext. High diff. = 71

In my opinion, maybe this should be adjusted a bit.

Because a perfect translation is - a perfect translation and it has some value because it's done well. It's like a perfect haircut. The task is simple, but you can recognize the quality.

If a translator decides to tackle a more difficult category and makes significant errors than it's questionable if that contribution was beneficial at all. Like an engineer who is doing something difficult, but the errors cause the bridge to collapse.

Recently I participated in the translation project that included Serbian (my native language), Croatian (basically the same), Slovenian (90% the same), French and Russian that I also speak.

When I crosschecked some inputs I found dozens of conflicting translations. It's a complete mess that requires a lot of work. Again...

  • I think there should be a way to get the highest score for translations with low(er) difficulty by translating more words, 2000 for example
  • and to give a bit more weight to "excellent accuracy", and a bit less to average (and a lot less for low)

We are building the future brand, and the top quality should be our No1 priority.

Anyway, what you made with the community is very, very close to perfection. Cheers!


I think that's more of a problem with the questionnaire. I'm not really sure how scoring translations goes, so I can't really say much about that. Maybe you can bring it up during one of our weekly voice meetings or ask the people over at DaVinci + @jmromero and @rosatravels to look into this.

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