Achievement Unlocked: 4,500 Followers!

in #steemit7 years ago

It only took ten days to go from 4,000 to 4,500. Shit's heating up, isn't it? It hasn't been reflected in my earnings, but there are benefits to Steemit besides money. Many of the new followers are at last relatable, cool people with compatible interests instead of just more incomprehensible spammers.

The crypto collapse has been brutal. But really, SBD hasn't suffered nearly as badly as most other coins. By every other metric, Steemit is going strong. Growth is accelerating, and that will mean good things for all of us who are already on the platform.

If the interval between each new 500 followers shrinks much more, I won't bother reporting it and will instead begin reporting only each new 1,000 followers. These posts are kind of fluff anyway and not what you come to my page for.

What's changed? I said I'd try out some new stuff and I have, with the level editing series. You can count on one chapter of a story and one VR let's play per day, and now a level editing article. The fourth item can still be anything, so there's always some sort of surprise. (⌐■‿■)

I am going to run out of writing to post after this most recent novel however. I have a new feature planned to take its place until I reach 5,000 followers, at which time I'll begin reposting my entire oeuvre story by story, chapter by chapter, in alphabetical order.

I know you don't come here for recycled content, but writing is time intensive. It isn't practical to write all new stuff fast enough to have a new chapter ready every day, and by the time I hit 5,000 a majority of my followers will never have read 90% of my novels and novellas.

Those of you who are die hard fans and have read everything by me, there will still be 3 items per day that are original. So there'll still be plenty to keep you coming back, and who knows? You might enjoy a nostalgic retread of your favorite Alex Beyman horror classics. ( ಠ‿ಠ)

Stay Cozy!


You are posting on regular basis and your content is also really good and that is why you are adding more number of followers with every article and this, at times increases at a faster rate and you will add more numbers down the line also.

Congratulation and thank you.

Congratulation sir @alexbeyman and let me tell you sir, you are one of the collest person having big heart and that why we your followers and readers love you.

Sir please you post on science topic and I like it also and why not start something different type of it to make it a little versatile.

Thank you and Have a great day.

Glad to know that, Congratulation . It is your hard work and hard work pays off.
You are going very fast. I am loving to be a follower of you. Best of luck for more :)

I am interested in reading your writing. until I read 3 times. you are a senoir businessman. success always for you

I think a lot of the followers are just new people that follow because of the size of your wallet or the number of followers you already have if they see you on trending or hot. I feel like the same is happening to me on a smaller scale.

That would explain it. Still, the more the merrier.

Absolutely, some of the plankton and minnows will grow their wallet over time too so there may be a lag between followers potential profits.

You're doing it so fast, it's like drinking a cup of coffee...
And Boom! Soon 5,000 will be a huge milestone.
Looking forward to it, you can do it.

Congrats Man, You're just a follower making machine!
Well thought about reposting the previous stories. I would never think of that idea lol.

Cheers and kudos to you! Hard work definitely pays off.
To everybody: have a nice day and week. WorkON!

Congrats. When you said you will run out of what to post, i felt bad but lightened up with the promise of new features. Please don't go away oooo.

wow..congrats..but how do you do it so fast sir? :)

It accelerates over time if you stick with it, and post compelling content with high frequency.

I agree with you @alexbeyman . A large number of subscribers is good.But it does not always affect the earnings!Good post good luck to you @alexbeyman !


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