Lexicon of spirit animals: owl


Mode of life:

Owls are very versatile mostly nocturnal birds home to the various mountain ranges, plains and forests across Euresia, North Africa and North America. There are more than 200 owl species, among which the most common ones are the eagle owl, long-eared owl, snow owl and barn owl. Most salient traits of the owl are a usually amber-colored iris, ears fletched with feathers and a ruffable plumage. Around early April owls seek out the abandoned nests of other birds or squirrels which they then use for incubation. Owls typically lay 2-4 eggs per incubation period with their fledglings hatching after approximately 35 days. After 4-8 weeks the young owls leave the parent's nest but stay in their territorial vicinity. An owl's diet consists of smaller mammals, birds, amphibians and fish, while only few owl species are diurnal. Most owls head off for hunting after dusk, whereby exquisitely good hearing and a remarkable night vision 100 times more effective in dim light than Humans' come in very handy during the extensive forays through their territory. In the daytime owls conceal themselves in the midst of pine or spruce branches, sitting there with a stock-stillness that they can be easily mistaken for tree snags. Only very experienced observers can spot them.



Spiritually light aspects:

If we want to delve into our Soul abyss and understand darkness the owl is a masterful teacher. Combing through forests on their nightly forays, owls highly commend us to thoroughly scout our own inner dark forest with all its latent secrets and potential. Eavesdropping the owl's wisdom teaches us that darkness is neither good nor bad; it simply is, and as a matter of fact the majority of the cosmos is dark and empty. In the silence of the night our visions and ideas are born, and ultimately it is in this very darkness that our destiny web is woven. When we dare to confront our own shadow, which we all have, we will learn that we are the cause of our life course, and once we truly grasp this the dark will turn light. When we practise introspection and meditation in silence and gradually fathom the interconnectedness of all matter, we become masters of camouflage through silence like an owl which in its stock-stillness coalesces with its surroundings. With an infallible instinct and keen senses the owl helps us lift our Soul veils, accurately guiding us to detrimental subconscious patterns which need to be released.


Spiritually dark aspects:

If we feel strongly attracted to owls we might have an inclination toward being busybodies with a know-it-all attitude. Giving itself airs by means of hyping personal affairs, the owl loves indulging in exaggerated secretiveness to always leave the room with a feeling of being the only one "in the known". Cajoling oneself into thinking that way easily leads to paranoia whereby we falsely accuse others of conspiracies against us. In a roundabout way the owl surreptitiously craves the spotlight without openly admitting it. Furthermore, because of a slight inexorability that gives little importance to more playful self-expression, owls are alleged to be grumpy.


Much Love and Light,



Ah... the Owl, the totem of wisdom and experience. At least in Scandinavia.

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Exactly, they are very reliable teachers, and even their busybody attitude isn't that bad because it's not based on any ill-intention.

beautiful post, good message and pictures are perfect, greetings

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