Lexicon of spirit animals: beaver


Mode of life:

The beaver is the largest and most diligent rodent living in Europe, Asia and North America. As a primarily nocturnal and semiaquatic animal, the beaver dwells in riverside areas with abundant underbrush. Webbed hind feet and closable nostrils make the beaver an excellent swimmer and diver, while its hairless, flat and paddle-shaped tail serves the purpose of navigating properly while in water. Typically, when a danger looms ahead beavers slosh their tails onto the water surface to warn their enemies. The beaver is a herbivore that on land takes its bearings predominantly by means of keen sense of smell and hearing, and they are well known for toppling large trees by using nothing but their specifically developed incisor teeth. Tree logging not only gives the beaver access to food but also construction material for their lodges built in water: with prehensile forefeet beavers craft complex dams made of wood, mud, stones and reed, allowing them to maintain a consistent ambient water level so as to ensure that the lodge entries remain underwater. Beavers live monogamously and have a lifespan of up to 20 years.



Spiritually light aspects:

When the beaver enters our life it reminds us of our potential to put our visions and dreams into practise irrespective of how unlikely we consider them to be. After all no wonder: as an animal that is capable of drasticallly remodelling its environment by merging water and earth elements the beaver surely knows its craft. It teaches us to mold our yet watery amorphous visions into substantial shape by means of earthed practical corroboration. By building dams to keep the ambient water level steady the beaver demonstrates how to set our house of feelings in order and safeguard our emotional well-being without impairing environmental balance. Quintessentially, the beaver instructs us how to become the architect of our life plan by summoning up the necessary passion, perseverance and eagerness to reach the finish line without losing vital energy.



Spiritually dark aspects:

On the other hand, the beaver can indicate a congestion of feelings which are hampered in their flow due to overly complex inner protection walls. We become so busy with the creation of walls that we end up displaying oversensitive behavior toward external influences spinning us into a web of dependence and fear. Furthermore, overzealousness easily entails short-sightedness and unflexibility in our approach chosen to manifest our dreams, deteriorating our odds to successfully finalise our project by means of viable alternative pathways if we hit a snag.


Much Love and Light,



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