How to survive if you are a fitness beginner. Part 1: Oh no, not this gym please

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago

Hello everybody! Today we'll talk about how to overcome yourself and find some courage to come to the gym.
Why do I write that? Because I went through it myself, and I know how difficult it is for many people to attend the gym for the first time.

to go or not to go

Each of us has fears, and here are the main fears associated with the gym:

-What will the others think when they see how fat, helpless or weak I am?

  • I do not know what to do with all these exercise machines, they look like spaceships.

-I won' t succeed, sport is not my thing at all.

  • Girls' fear: I will look like a man.

-I will tear my ligaments, my back, drop these heavy dumbbells on my legs, break all my bones and equipment.

what are all these buttons for?

When I first came to the gym, I was seized with horror. I stood in front of the exercise machines, being so scared. I didn' t even know how to approach them. But in any sports club there is always an instructor on duty who will tell you how each simulator works, explain which muscle group it develops, show you how to do exercises correctly. It does not cost any money, such instruction is included into your subscription.

you can find all the necessary information here

But even if there is not a person like this around for some reason, you can always turn to other visitors. As a rule, people who invest time and effort into classes are always ready to help others, because almost everyone of them remembers how he himself started.

How to fight with shyness? My hairdresser often asks me about the gym, but she has not bought the subscription though a couple of years has passed. What if you invite one of your friends to go to the gym with you? Or may be some of them are already involved, then you may join them. In fact, as a rule, after the first training, this fear will disappear. The visitors of the gym are all very different: there are fanatics as well as people who are lazily pedaling, readers of Internet news on the treadmill, and even those who came just for taking selfies. Everyone is busy with themselves, and no one cares about you.

looks like something very heavy

This is also applied to your fear ‘’Oh, how fat I am’’. Believe me, there are lots of overweight people in the gym, but they are more likely to cause respect by their self-work.

Some women think their figure will be transformed into male figure.

The figure that athletes and bodybuilders have is the result of hard work which lasts for months. When I was preparing for the fitness bikini contest, I realized how much effort it would take to dry the muscles at least a little. In addition to daily training for certain (!) muscle groups, it is also nutrition and proper water intake.

There are so many points that should be combined that it is naive to believe that just attending the gym for 2-3 times a week you will radically change your figure. And even if you follow all the terms, the drying effect is doesn’t last long. It may be even the opposite: you may be disappointed that the weight is standing still, and the millimeters of fat don’t want to go away.

To be continued.


Gracias por esta información valiosa! Si, a mi pasa lo mismo el gimnasio me da algo de miedo, pero con tu explicación puedo sentirme más confiada!

Me alegra poder ayudar a alguien 😊

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