Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners' course - Task 6: Blockchain Wallet - Types, Uses, Installation, etc

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


This is my second Crypto Academy post, before I have completed task 1 (Steem and Tron) and now I will try to complete task 6. The question is as follows:

(1) How do you store/secure your keys? (Examples/Screenshot)? Download & Install TronLink Wallet(Android/iOS/Extension)? How do you store the key(Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples)? Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet? Include Screenshots & hide/blur the sensitive information.

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How do you store and secure your keys?

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Keys are a very valuable thing in the world of decentralized crypto platforms, losing keys means you lose your account and wallet forever because they cannot be recovered. Of course this is a loss for us, so we must take care of the keys very well not to lose them, we also have to store them in a safe place so that they are not taken by others.

I use two methods of storing and securing my keys, the first is storing them in my notebook app and the second in my notebook.

In my notebook app, I only list the keys without including the platform name of the keys, then I also add a few letters at the beginning and end of the keys which I can identify myself so it is very safe.


This is an example of how I store keys in notebook app, there are already 4 new letters in the keys which I added at the beginning and end of the keys, I can identify all the letters because I'm used to it.

Next I save the keys in a notebook, this is the safest in my opinion but has a big enough risk of loss. If we lose the book, then all the keys will be lost with it. Therefore, we must store books safely enough and not to be lost. L To prevent losing the keys that I wrote down in a book, I take pictures of the keys and save them on my smartphone and hide the file with a password.


Please note that I do the same for all other important keys such as private keys, and mnemonics. The most complicated is the keystore because it is not possible to write it so I ignore it.

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What are the different forms of Private Key?

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There are three types of private keys that we can use to login to our wallet, it all depends on us which one we want to use. The three private keys are:



This model key looks simpler and more comfortable to use because it only uses a few word phrases in a predetermined order. When we log into the wallet using the MNEMONIC key, we will be asked to fill in the mnemonic phrases in the order they are and cannot be wrong in the slightest. If there is a number one phrase we fill in number two it will cause a failure at login.



Maybe this is not a type of key that is foreign to us because the steemit wallet uses this model key, the private key combines letters and numbers randomly and is quite long. Private keys are not possible to memorize because they are very complicated. If we log into the wallet using a private key, there should not be any numbers or letters that are mistyped, uppercase letters must remain large and small letters must remain small.



Maybe this is the most complicated key among the three, this key is not popular among crypto lovers because this type of key is very, very complicated. This is not possible to write in a notebook because it is very long, this key uses letters, numbers, periods, commas and others randomly. When we access the wallet, all letters, numbers, commas, must be exactly the same and there should not be the slightest error.

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Download & Install TronLink Wallet for Android, iOS, or Extension

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I don't think it's necessary to explain how to download and install the TronLink application because it's very easy, we just need to open the playstore and type TronLink in the search bar then click install. For iOS, download it on the AppStore, and for extensions search on Google, the details are below.


  • Step 1: Open Playstore app, type TronLink in search bar, Download/Install app.

  • Step 2: You can create a new account or import an existing account, here I am opening a new account.


  • Step 3: Agree to the user agreement and create your username
  • Step 4: Create a password and confirm password
  • Step 5: We are asked to backup the Mnemonic key

Now you have successfully registered a new account, after that we have to backup all existing keys, such as Mnemonic key, Private key, Key Store.


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How do you store the key (Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples)?

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Just like what I said above, I save the key in my notebook and in my smartphone's notes application by using a pattern when I want to open the application. In addition, I also added some words that are not keywords so that my wallet cannot be taken over.


The screenshot above is the TronLink wallet mnemonic key that I saved in my smartphone notebook, then I added 4 new words that have absolutely nothing to do with the mnemonic key.


As for the key that I keep in my regular notebook, I don't change anything because I'm very sure that no one will be able to find it in this book. So that's how I store my keys (private key, mnemonic as well as my exchange account, I don't keep keystore because it's too hard)

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Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet? Include Screenshots & blur the sensitive information

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Mnemonic Key is a simple thing to handle TronLink, because it is simple and easy to remember. I am very comfortable using mnemonic keys rather than other keys which are a bit complicated to write or memorize. So my answer is Mnemonic key, but in terms of security I think private key and keystore are better, it's just that both keys are very long and difficult to retype.


Hello @aldrich10,
Thank you for taking interest in the 6th Task of the Beginners’ class. Your grades are as follows:

Presentation/Use of Markdowns0.8/2
Compliance with Topic0.5/2
Quality of Analysis0.8/2
Clarity of Language1.5/2

The following caught my attention:

I know storing keys in email is still possible for people to steal by hacking our email, but I'm sure this will not affect the keys I store.

I suggest that you don’t store them online at all.

Feedback and Suggestions
  • You did not answer the question on the types of private keys. The presentation is therefore incomplete.

Thanks again as we anticipate your participation in the next class.

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