Be Weird, I Dare You

in #life7 years ago

Some are born weird, some achieve it, others have weirdness thrust upon them. - Dick Francis

Weird. Most of us are, most of us pretend not to be. I was considered a bit of a weirdo my entire life - I avoid eating bread, sugar and meat, I don't watch TV, I still listen to heavy metal music and I would always choose a long walk in nature or city streets over the night at loud, popular club. Still, if someone called me weird 5 or 10 years ago, I would most likely get offended. But what does being weird even mean? Not watching TV, not wearing the same socially standard clothes, listening to alternative music or being an artist? Or simply not having the same opinion as everyone else.

If you search for the word in dictionary, it is described as something supernatural, unearthly or mysterious. Now with that in mind I would certainly prefer to be called weird rather than normal. Weird people are not afraid of going against the social expectations. They are original, authentic and free to express their true selves. Their weirdness is side effect of being awesome. Everyone is different and unique and if we all show our true colors and say our own opinions, would everyone be called weird?

Accepting and owning my weirdness changed my entire life. I just stopped trying to fit in and started being myself. There's no one out there that is gonna be better you than you. And if you try to be someone else, that cool guy from your office or that charismatic Steemit author that everyone loves, people will see right through it and you'll end up seeming pretty boring.

In the past decades or even centuries being socially accepted was something everyone was striving for. And the best way to achieve it was by conforming to the mass and seeming normal. But now, with the rise of internet, everyone can find a way to express themselves and reach the designated audience (I guess Steemit is the perfect example). To marketers, the more people fall under the general definition of mass, the more money they make. Instead of having a choice, market is guided by social pressure. But as Seth Godin suggests in his book We are all weird, we are about to see the end of mass production, mass marketing and even mass education and the opportunity it represents for everyone.

So, back to the topic, what's wrong with being weird anyway? Weird people have much more fun than the "normal" ones. If you are authentic and you don't care about what others think of you, you can get away with pretty much anything - you can dance funny, you can laugh at random things and keep everyone around you entertained, you can be creative and think outside the box, you can make risky moves and choices. You'll be more memorable than everyone else. A limited edition. The black swan.

Once everyone sees that you own your weirdness and don't care about what anybody says, they'll come to you asking for advise.

Just remember that there s no such thing as "normal" - we are all weird, and it's up to us to embrace it. The world needs more authenticity, anyway.

Images 1, 2

Hope you enjoy this rant! If you do, don't forget to upvote and resteem it. Also make sure to follow @alcibiades to stay updated about future posts .


I was just watching the Big Lebowski last night! I think the image fits when applied to this post. The Dude was weird, but he did not resist it.

He was the first character that I thought of to fit into the rambling. Quite a weirdo, indeed. :)

A conversation came up at work yesterday among co-workers...

Could I have done better?

In the end, we decided that the answer is no. Because we will always make the best of what we have by embracing who we are. So your post caught me at the right time. Good job!

I'm glad it resonated with you.
It's all about being authentic and embracing it. Results will come as a side effect. But most important thing is that you are happy with yourself. :)

Too late! I was weird before you… ;)

Oh, you've done your homework. xD

No, I didn't. This guy aggressively insisted to do my homework:

Thanks. I really needed to hear this post echo in between the weirdness of y ears at this time in my life my friend @alcibiades

Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you found this helpful - stay weird, stay authentic. :)

Two thumbs up or maybe one sorta crooked up and another bent slightly off at an angle?

Shut the fuck up Donny!

Haha, legendary reference!

you obviously don't play golf

That's what I've been trying to tell everyone. Been weird is fun. Been 'normal' is boring!

I guess the message really is - just be yourself. I have no problem whatsoever with my weirdness. But then I have an advantage..I was born to defy the parameters of "the ordered world" throwing a spanner in the works over the years.

Exactly, that's the message - be authentic, express yourself fully. I guess we are all born with it, but the society wipes it out of us. Have fun until you are six, then go to school, get a job and start saving for the retirement. Don't try anything crazy.

That's more than a rant; it is a manifesto of weird! I am glad that you accept and own what makes you unique. Hopefully, others can learn from reading this. Society expects us to be 'normal', but we are all individuals.

Thanks! What a wonderful world would it be if everyone just accepts who they are and act like that.

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