Alaska State Fair : Palmer AK

in #fair6 years ago

We went to the fair on opening day for $2 a person. Normally it’s $15 for adults and $10 for kids.
So let’s go to the fair. 😊
This is what you seen when you go on opening day, in the rain, before 2pm. LOL! Very few people, love it!

We headed for the food first, but I forgot to get pics. We ate at the WishBone chicken place and got fried zucchini sticks. 🤤 Oh yeah!

After that we headed indoors to the animals, and gardening stuff. We seen the pigs, sheep, goats, cows, reindeer, chickens, geese, ducks and rabbits. I think that’s all the animals, I didn’t take as many photos as I normally do, they also didn’t have many animals on opening day. 😕

After petting some animals, my favorite was a sweet piggie that reminded me of Pumba. So I pet him for quite awhile.
After all the scratches and pets we had to wash our hands. At the barn they have a wash station. 4-6 sinks with dryers.
It just so happens this time we got a llama spitting on us and had to dry our hands with chicken farts.

After we seen the animals we checked out the garden stuff. I took a lot of photos and tried to choose my favorites.
We seen 50+ shades of honey 😜

Sorry I had frizzy hair and wasn’t in the mood for selfies, I hate selfies to begin with. But here you go, take it or leave it.



Then we headed for the rides, below is from the Farris wheel.
We ended up spending $80 in tickets. 😒😔 Each ride was 5 freaking tickets, each ticket is $1. Unless you get a super saver ticket book. Anyways, the kids got to ride three rides, the mega drop, 10001 nights, and the Ferris wheel. $80 for three rides. 🤦‍♀️
We normally plan out what rides before hand so we are not spending a shit ton on rides and tickets. But this time we didn’t.
Well with the super saver you get 10 free game tickets.
So we played some games too.

After the rides and games we headed into some of the buildings. We stopped at the kid friendly animal one. Where they have a TON of reptiles. This time they also had fish tanks full of cool fish and the like.

They had tad poles! Big ones!! I was so stoked!

Piranha too, then we started to get into the reptiles, they have so many it’s over welming.


After the reptiles we headed to another indoor activity.

Robotic Dino’s!
I apologize ahead of time for the dark photos, this building ALWAYS had crappy lighting.

Three horns are my favorite 💗




Towards the end of the exhibit they had a robotic Dino you could control.

Then it was time to wander the fair.
Found things I want and are cool.

Want/need, would help with my Endo pain. Ultra mega heating pad 💗

Found the black smith, he is at the fair every year.

More honey 🐝

We can never leave without our bucket of donuts.
From here we will be making our way out of the fair, and grabbing one more fair food that is a must.

Seen these guys over by the horses

I could easily go bankrupt in this store. 💗

Last fair food, an elephant ear. AKA fried dough covered in sugar.

Well that took awhile to get up on Steemit. My phone is being a pain when it comes to editing photos so they will load to Steemit. It took me three days to do just the photos. 😣🤦‍♀️ So I will be starting the other photos soon for the other posts.

• All photos and content are our own. Please do not use any part of this post without our expressed permission. Thanks for not being a dick •


Our local fair is next week. Now you have me fiending for deep fried fair food. Nice pics, you guys have quite the gigantic fair.

It’s big, we have our favorites. I wanted halibut, but they wanted $18 for four pieces. 👎 So I called up my grandma and grandpa, they cooked up some for me 😊

Great pics! The price of the rides! I would have fainted!!!! That's crazy!

Yeah the prices are so freaking stupid!
I keep hearing “but it’s the fair...” I don’t give a shit! If they can’t make it affordable they are going to loose a lot.
This year they offered two days that you could buy bands for all the rides you want. Just two days! Can you imagine the lines and people 🙅‍♀️

Good thing you went with the entrance fee deal. Imagine if you didn't! I imagine all the people and cringe. We don't have children and so we don't go to the fair. Too hot, too many people, too expensive, too noisy. It was fun when I was a kid but's just too much.

When I was a kid I didn’t get to go to the fair much of at all.
I can handle opening day, any other day(I have tried in the past) is way to much.

Looks like a great affair, pity about the rain, but i'm sure you Alaskans are used to it?
Looks like a lot of time and effort went into some of those displays and stalls too. We have similar things in England, but on a slightly smaller scale, they are our 'County Shows'.
Thanks for sharing.

Yeah here in Alaska you can’t let the rain stop you.
We have carnivals, and smaller fairs. This one is suppose to be the biggest in the state. 😊

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