Newbie Onboard - Between Getting Lost or Being Success on Steemit (Sndbox Summer Camp Psichology - Task 1)

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

Hello, steemians.
How are you doing? Hope that everyone is happy and having a relaxing night after a huge of activities, ya!

Btw, steemians, do you aware that @sndbox has released the next quest of the series of challenges, after the completion of its second quest of the Sndbox Summer Camp? And this time, the challenges are focusing on Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology quest! Sound interesting, right? Why don't we take a part in this challenge? I will!

Focusing on the aspect of psychology, I will share you about the phenomenon of the newbie's experiences in joining steemit.

We may be a master in one field, but entering another (new/different) field, and being a newbie onboard, in what ever sector, of course we need to adapt ourself into this new environment, to learn and make ourselves flexible, so that we will be able to have a sweet interaction in there, don't you think so, guys?

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What is steemit? What does it offer us? What is the benefit?


As I said above. Adaptation and adjustment in making ourselves comfortable in a new field is a MUST. This is also applied in steemit platform. It has it's own rules and guidelines that we should fulfill to make ourselves are match in it.

An amazing thing people said about steemit when promoting it is about the rewards offers by steemit. This social media and blogging platform is truly different from another ones! It supported by the blockchain technology, transparent, decentralized, no plagiarism, and the most important different one is that steemit pays its content creator with the digital currency! Yes, steemit offers a new HOPE!

No wonder then the newbie steemians number increased significantly. They being on board and hoping to be rich and get success here. But...?

Situation Analysis

They got disappointed.
The promotion to join steemit here in Indonesia is growing fast and wider. Day by day, the number of new steemians increased significantly. The reason to join steemit are vary as well, such as willing to improve their writing skill while also built a network/relationship; willing to improve their skill on making video; willing to enjoy the solid and friendly Indonesian Steemit Community; and bla bla bla.

Beside those reasons, the very strict reason is to get the rewards (the crypto currency)! Of course this reason is acceptable, nothing wrong with it. We need income, right?

But, unfortunately, the newbies on board with this reason normally faced the disappointment because they have to face the reality. They did not meet their expectation but falling lost in 'the republic of steemit'.

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Oh, dear, why there is no body upvote?

Getting reward is not a one - two clicks action. It is not easy to get the upvote. It takes time to grow up our reputation, it need efforts to increase it and it need time and willingness to learn more and more in building a better and better content. That is why steemit provides the steem white paper, steem blue paper and other guidelines to ensure that we are moving on the right track and playing safe here, in this 'steemit republic'.

Steemit platform main business is about the content. Any kind of good quality content, will usually provide a good rewards as the return, isn't it? But, somehow, many of steemians have a limitation of patience, limitation of willingness to learn more and more in order to make their content being better and better.

They are easily blaming the curators or senior steemians since they don't get enough upvotes from these curators or senior steemians. Since they did not get a good rewards, then these newbies onboard getting mad, being in bad mood, and then trying to buy vote, or make conspiracy to get upvote. This phenomenon appears wider now. Steemians are easily get mad and decrease their activities in providing good content, or even they stop their contribution.

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What's wrong and where to improve?

In my point of view, the phenomenon above appeared because of the newbies on board have the limitation of product knowledge about steemit, they lack of on how to deal with and play safe on steemit. Where to improve?

The room for improvement should be at the first step of campaign. Preparing a good start is a must! What does it mean?

Means that, the senior steemians should make a good and suit packaging in promoting steemit. Give these new minnow candidates a clear brief, and do not emphasize the attractiveness of steemit is ONLY on its rewards. Rewards is a bonus, after we fulfill the efforts in building the good content and reputation, networking with community and so on. Tell the newbie candidates to set their goals, so that they will be able to set the action plan to achieve the goals.

Well, steemians, that is all for now, and special thanks to @anomadsoul, @guyfawkes4 and @sndbox for the challenge. Hope this entry will be able to meet the requirement said on the article.

Will be back soon with the second task on the next article. Thanks again and have a great day!

Al, Bandung, 8 April 2018


Selalu kagum sama tulisan kak Al 👏

Keren, semoga kesuksesan menghampiri kita semua ya kak @alaikaabdullah.

Gaya penyampaian cut kak @alaikaabdullah ni selalu bikin kita serasa di dunianya, dan ga merasa diri kita terasing, semoga kesuksesan menyertai kita semua😇😇😇

Saya sangat menyadari hal karena saya sebagai mental pemula, tetapi saat saat ini saya menyadari ada rasa sesuatu yang salah dengan prinsip mental saya, dengan membaca konten ini saya jadi lebih menguatkan sikap dalam merestorasikam mental kepemulaan saya bersteemian,

Thank mbak alaika.

Semoga berhasil kakak awak :)

Hehe, mksh untuk kunjungannya yaaa, dan doanya juga. :)

Semoga berhasil cutkak lon !!!

Bagus banget kak tulisannya... Moga sukses ya

Trims, Kak Sitti, sebagus tulisan yang bilang kan? :)

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