Slow wool skirt / のろのろウールのスカート

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago


Initially I thought about making my own pattern from a basic pattern but I changed my mind. Better to have a skirt I can wear this season. Thank you Etsy & SCHNITTBOX!

Sewing pattern skirt Berlin by SHNITTBOX - Etsy

Although I'll add pockets to the skirt, the sewing part is pretty simple even simpler than the baby pants I made this season. I wish I could wear it until it gets too warm.

For the next project, I think about making a linen dress on my favorite book "FLW sewing & styling", which I brought all the way from Japan. I wanted to sew some clothes on the book for long time but I didn't have appropriate paper to trace the pattern ... finally I could found & bought paper ;)



Happy #NeedleWorkMonday!

今日は仕事しないぞー!とパンを焼いて、家を掃除して、赤ちゃんと散歩をして気づいたら午後になっていました。スカートの型紙を原型から作りたいなと思っていたのですが、そんな壮大なことを考えていると今シーズンはけなくなってしまいそうだし Etsy で・・・ありがたや。

Sewing pattern skirt Berlin - Etsy






そんなこんなの針仕事の月曜日でした :)



#NeedleWorkMonday is initiated by @crosheille. Thank you for hosting the nice weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日こと #NeedleWorkMonday@crosheille さんがホストしているタグで、毎週月曜日に和気あいあい洋裁、和裁、編み物、ビーズワークなどなど針仕事にまつわる投稿を読んだり書いたり楽しめます。


I’m glad you found a simple pattern to use! I am curious to see how it turns out with your selected fabric! I need to take a pattern reading class.
I’m good with reading crochet patterns but sewing patterns are like another language for me. 😅

Totally you are good at crocheting. You make a hat for a shop :) I would like to learn it more next season. I become a sewing party member in spring/summer. Although I plan to knit a cotton cardigan ... (hard to stop knitting/crocheting!)

Awww thanks so much! I would love to be apart of a sewing group! Lol yes it is hard to stop doing the things you love to do and are comfortable with doing.




Ravely で一目惚れして一昨年冬用に編みました。糸二本でボリュームを出して編むのははじめてでおもしろかったです。

うきうき白で編むも赤ちゃんとの暮らしの中でなんだかグレーになりつつあるような・・・ ;)


(いやいや、sumi さんにかかればお茶の子さいさいですよ!!・・・と書いて、sumi さん&お茶とはなんとと思って、改めてお茶の子さいさいの語源を調べました。)


ありがとうございます。そうそう、 @suminyan10 さんも何か針がからむもの作られたときはぜひぜひ!

Wow, this is so cool, @akipponn! I wish I could do what you do---reading a pattern from a book. Wow. I can't wait to see how it tuns out. Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you, my dear!

Now I know what @crocheille also meant by "reading a pattern" ... no no I'm not reading a pattern the book has a pack of patterns as an attachment. So what I have to do is to trace a pattern, cut fabric and sew parts together ;) Anyway I'm looking forward to posting about the outcome.

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