Fruits and veggies Monday - edible chrysanthemum / 春菊育ててます

in #fruitsandveggiesmonday7 years ago (edited)


I grow veggies that are not easily available in Germany. Edible chrysanthemum (glebionis coronaria / Shungiku in Japanese) is one of them. I like the unique bitterness. It's must for beloved Japanese hot pot Sukiyaki for up coming winter season. I thinned some out this morning and look forward to cooking them in miso soup. I wish rest grows fine under less sunshine and cold temperature.


By the way according to wikipedia, edible chrysanthemum is originally from the Mediterranean region. As I didn't see it in other countries and we eat so much in Japan, I just thought it's from Japan or somewhere in Asia. #fruitsandveggiesmonday is a good chance to read and write about fruits and veggies :)

これを書いていて、春菊の英語名を調べがてら開いた wikipedia の春菊のページで、春菊の原産は地中海地方だと知りました。他の国で見かけないのに日本ではどこでも買えるのでてっきり日本のものか少なくともアジアのものと思っていました。 #fruitsandveggiesmonday は果物や野菜について読み書きするよい機会になっています :)


awesome @akipponn, there's nothing like growing your own greens in the house in the winter.

I grow my own beet greens for smoothies. A perpetuel green machine, just snip a few leafs as needed.

A plastic shoe box sized containers with 3" holes in the lid and 3" net pots with a circle cut out of the bottom of each pot to let the beet root thru and a small beet from the garden or the local market and some water with nutrients added from time to time and you are in ready to go.


Nice & crazy :D I do with carrot, daikon etc to have green color in my kitchen. I learned it from my grandma. Now I have a bottom part of radicchio.


nice and colorful too - interesting swirls as the new growth begins

I also love miso soup. but I usually add only wakame, tofu, mushrooms and scallions. However, I would definitely love to try it with Shungiku. I must check our Asian market here in Toronto. Maybe I can find it. Wonderful entry, thank you so much for joining us 😊

Thank you for hosting the #fruitsandveggiesmonday :) Good luck for the Shungiku search!

looks delicious and healthy!

Ya, I recommend you to have a bite when you find it. Mine should be like this in the end ... ;) I will see!

(Photo is from wikipedia:


図々しく日本原産だと思っていました ;) ハワイはあったかくていろいろ育ちそうなのがうらやましいです!


そうですよ!日本はお野菜高いけど種類の豊富さはすごいと思います。紫蘇やからし菜なども育てていて、オクラも育てようとしたもののこちらはちょっと寒くて育たずでしたがトルコマーケットでみつかったり。ミョウガも育てたいなと思ってます :D


間引き菜でしたがおいしかったです :) あとはプランターに残したのが無事育ってくれてすき焼きパーティー…なんて。


一緒に驚いていただけてよかったです。量が少なかったのでなめことお味噌汁にしました。すき焼きできるように頑張って育てないと :)


そうそう。なんて言ったらよいのやら苦味と鼻に抜けるなんとも言えない香りがよいんですよね :) 早くで育って山盛り食べたいです。ドイツの人がどういう反応するかも楽しみです。

Thanks for your reply.

Nice post.

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