How do you feel if you spend three days researching and writing a post for steemit, you wait and when you publish it, you only get 3 votes?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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It happens many times that good posts get little. I have seen many excellent posts which the authors wrote nicely after spending many days in researching, compiling, drafting and proofing but they were not on trending section. Many such posts don’t get more than $1 while whales get $30, 50 or more for their mediocre posts. This is the reason that many users don’t see this platform profitable and quit.

Instead of ‘proof of work’, Steem platform was designed on ‘proof of brain’ concept. According to this concept Steem cryptocurrency is not mined like Bitcoin et al. Steem and SBD are generated when users write posts and the Steem community upvotes them, if it finds their content worthy. However, Steem platform also need investors. So, to attract investors, voting power was linked with the holding of vests i.e. Steem Power (SP). But, it is also causing problems as large SP holders don’t care for the quality contents. But it is not their fault as they have not invested to read hundreds of posts and then select quality post to upvote them. They are here to reap the fruit of their investment. 


But, the unjust reward distribution system is mounting resentment in the minds of those who are not getting an enough reward for their posts. Hence, it has become imperative to do something for the quality contents. Some people and some communities are trying to reward quality contents but these efforts are not enough as they select only a few writers and their criteria of selection is based on personal relationships. 


So, what can be done? I think ‘Stinc’ should develop an algorithm and select quality posts automatically for upvotes. This feat is not impossible to achieve. @ trufflepig is a bot that selects quality posts every day automatically. ‘Stinc’ can also develop such bots and make ensure that the quality posts don’t get less than some fixed amount. That fixed amount can be anything but it should not be less than $2. If a post has already crossed $10, bots should not upvote it further. For this purpose ‘Stinc’ should upvote the post as late as possible to ensure that the post didn’t remain unprofitable and also the user don’t get further upvote from the bots, if the post payout is more than $10.  It will be a good thing for the community and it will also help to build this platform as a hub of knowledge. User retention rate will increase and many new users will come here to join and invest. So, overall it will be beneficial for this platform. 

But, the question is whether 'Stinc' or the community will think about it? I think many people are not ready to admit the existence of the problem.  

steem red line.png


Well constructed topic and no comments. Oh well. I too have become frustrated with this system and I called out many months ago that the Bots would destroy this platform. But I've learned this... if my hard fought content draws no attention, then I can easily throw silly memes up and catch flies. Just like cooking spaghetti... you throw it against the cabinet and if it sticks, it's done! In other words, it doesn't take much effort.

I think some months ago, you had some dispute with someone who were downvoting your posts.
Really this system sucks! It doesn't care for quality contents. Rather it is busy in making rich richer.

Yeah, he just about soured me on Steemit. All I did was identify him as someone who was profiting from the same actions he was flagging others for... self-upvoting. He called it "Rewards Pool Abuse." I compiled an article on how much he was taking (for upvoting himself via his multiple accounts) from the very pool he claimed he was protecting... yeah, protecting for himself! They he literally threatened me and began flagging everything I posted, even my comments on totally unrelated postings. Just a bad actor on a crooked stage! I powered down 80% of my SP and now just trade it on the exchange. I stick around here with dim hopes this platform will mature... which is beginning to seem hopeless.

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