The 40 secret rules of love by Rumi, briefly summarized (English version)

in #philosophy6 years ago

Hey my lovely Spiritz,

There is a book called 40 rules of love.
Is nice to read.
Rumi the famous Sufi Poet and Mysterious Mystic had written such rules once.

Me, as an Yogini, have abbreviated these times!

And honestly a Sufi and a yogi are already very similar.

Similar to the Yoga Sutras, I have just put each rule as short as possible in a nutshell.

A sutra is a thread, a guide if you like.

I find it very pleasant to get to the point, rather than to talk about the hot porridge.

Some of the rules are a bit longer and some are quite short.

Have fun reading.


Rule 1:

As we see God, it is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves.
When we think of God primarily as fear, blame, or twig, it means that, above all, fear and blame and doubt work in us.

When we see God full of love and compassion, we are the same.

Rule 2:

The way to the truth is a work of the heart, the head has nothing to do with it.
Make your heart your to your boss.
Let go your mind.
Meet your false ego (Nafs / Gunas, every language calls it different!),

Battle them and then overcome them.

But only fight with your heart.

Knowing that your ego (higher self / universal soul) will bring you to knowledge and to God.

Rule 3:

Every single person understands the Qur'an on another level beyond the depth of his understanding.
There are four levels of insight altogether.

The first level carries the external meaning, with this level, the majority of people content themselves already.

Then comes the second, called the Batin, that is the inner plane.

The third level shows the interior of the interior.

And the fourth level is so deep that you can‘t put it in words and therefore is indescribable and remains.

Scholars who focus on the Sharia know the external meaning well.

Sufis and yogis know the inner meaning.

Many saints know the interior of the interior.

The fourth level is known to the true prophets and to all those closest to God.

So do not judge the way other people connect with God.
Everyone has their own style and their own prayer.
God does not take us by the word, but looks deeper into our hearts and how truly we are in there!

It is not the numerous ceremonies or rituals that make the difference, but whether the heart is sufficiently pure or not.

Rule 4:

You can get to know and study God through everything and everyone in the universe because God does not limit himself to one.
But if you really need it, and want to know exactly where gods home is, there is only one place: in the heart of each and true lover.

Rule 5:

Intellect and love are two completely different things and made of different materials.
The intellect knots people in knots, guidelines and risks absolutely nothing, but love solves every clutter and just risks everything!

The mind is always careful and advises: "Beware of too much ecstasy, stay decent, Blah is better ....", while love just says, "That's fine, it's good. Do it!"

The intellect does not collapse so easily, while love can easily shrink to a pile of scrap and ashes.

But the treasures are hidden deep within the rubble and ruins.

A broken heart hides an untold precious treasure.

Rule 6:

Intellect and love are in perpetual apparent struggle until the mind finally realizes that the heart is the true boss!

Rule 7:

Loneliness and aloneness are two different pairs of shoes.

If you are lonely, it is quite easy to believe that you are on the right track - no one else is there.

Being alone may be better for you because it means that you are alone without being lonely.

But last but not least, it is better to have a person who is your mirror.

Remember, only in the heart of another person can you really recognize yourself and the presence of God in yourself.

Rule 8:

No matter what happens, no matter how bad things seem to be, do not get close to desperation.

If all doors are closed, God will open a new path for you, just for you alone. Exercise in gratitude for the evil!

It is easy to be grateful when everything is alright.

A Sufi as well as a yogi is not only grateful for what he / she has received, but also for what he / she has been denied and done! You learn so much in life!


Rule 9:

Patience is not something to endure passively.
It means being far-sighted, because that's how you see the end result of a process and know how to trust it. What is patience?

It is to see the thorn and recognize the rose, to look at the night and see the dusk.

Rule 10:

East, west, south or north hardly differ.

No matter what your goal is, just make sure you make each journey to an inner journey.
When you travel inwardly, you travel the whole wide world and the otherworld.

Rule 11:

A midwife knows that if there is no pain, there is no way for the newborn and the mother can not give birth.

Likewise, much pain is needed for the personal birth of a new self.

Comparable to a day that one has to go through intense heat to become strong, love can find true perfection only in pain.

Rule 12:

The search for true love changes everyone.

There is no seeker who has not matured on his way. As soon as you look around for love, you begin to change both internally and externally.

Rule 13:

There are more spurious prophets, gurus and teachers in this world than the number of stars that are in the sky.

Do not confuse power-driven self-centered people with true teachers.

A true spiritual mentor will not pay attention to you and will not demand obedience or admiration from you.

Instead, he / she will help you value your inner self.

Real teachers are transparent like glass. They let the light of God shine through them.

Rule 14:

Try to resist the changes you encounter. Try to let life live. Do not worry that everything could change in your life.

Rule 15:

God is fully engaged in completing your work, both internally and externally.

He is completely alone with you.

Every human being is a kind of project in the process of becoming that is slowly and inevitably approaching completion.

We are all an unfinished work of art, waiting for completion and striving for it.

God takes care of each and every one of us, because every single point is equally important to the whole artwork and the highest self is the artist of the image.

Rule 16:

It's too easy to love a perfect god, immaculate and infallible.

What is more difficult is to love our fellow human beings with all their imperfections and blemishes.

If we do not finally learn to love God's creation, we can not really love God, let alone know God.

Rule 17:

Real dirt is inside.
The rest can be washed off while showering.

There is only one kind of real filth that can not be washed off with soap and water, this is the stain of hatred and piety that pollutes people's souls.

You can super cleanse the body through abstinence and fasting, but only true love will truly cleanse the heart.

Rule 18:

The entire universe is contained in a single human being.

Everything you see around you, even the things you do not like and even ignore or dislike the people you reject, are all present in you to varying degrees.

So do not look for the devil outside yourself.

The devil is not a special power or mythical creature that attacks you from the outside.

It's a banal voice in yourself.
When you fully get to know yourself, when you face your dark and bright sides with pure honesty and consistency, you will arrive on a sublime level of consciousness.

If somebody knows himself, he / she also knows God.

Rule 19:

If you want to change the way others treat you, then you should first change the way you handle yourself.

Because if you do not learn to accept and love yourself, truly and honestly, then there is no way that you can ever truly be loved by others.

Once you reach that stage, be grateful for every thorn that others throw at you.

This is a sign that you will soon be showered with roses.


Rule 20:

Do not worry about where the road will take you.
Focus exclusively on the first step.

That's the hardest part, and that's what you alone are responsible for.

Once you take the first step, let everything else happen that happens naturally and the rest will follow.

Rule 21:

We were all created in the image of God, yet we were all born different and unique.

No two people are the same, not even twins.

No two hearts beat constantly in the same rhythm.

Is not anatomically possible!

If God had wanted everyone to be the same, he would have done so too.

Rule 22:

When a true lover of God goes into a bar, this bar becomes a place of worship, but when a drunk goes to the same place of worship, it becomes his bar.

In everything we do, it is always our heart that makes the difference, not our outward appearance.

Sufis and yogis do not judge other people by how they look or who they are.

When a Sufi or yogi looks at someone, both eyes are closed and he / she opens a third eye - the eye that sees the interior - the heart.

Rule 23:

Life is only borrowed, and this world is nothing but a sketchy imitation of reality.

Only children confuse a toy with reality.

And yet, adult humans are either beguiled by the toy or they disrespectfully break it and then simply throw it away.

Keep away from all kinds of extremes in this life, the golden mean should be the way.

Rule 24:

Every human being has a unique place in divine creation.

Each one of us without exception is destined to be a kind of ambassador on earth.

Ask yourself how many times you really act as an ambassador, or if you ever did it?

Always remember that we discover the divine spirit in us and live by it.

Rule 25:

The real hell is the here and now.
But also is the heaven.

Stop worrying and fearing hell or dreams and illusions about heaven because they are both here and now.

Whenever we are in the heart, feeling love, we ascend to heaven.

Whenever we hate, lie, steal, envy, or fight, we run straight into the fires of hell.

Is there any hell worse than the torment a person suffers when he knows deep down in his conscience that he has broken someone else's heart?
Ask this person.

This one will tell you what hell is.
Is there a better paradise than the love that revives in a person, in those rare moments of life and when you feel one with God?
Ask this person. This one will tell you what the sky is.

Rule 26:

The universe is also a being.

Everything and everyone is interwoven through an invisible web of stories.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all in silent communication.

Rule 27:

This world is like a snowy mountain, throwing your voice back to you as an echo.

Whenever you speak, good or evil, true or lied, it will eventually come back to you.

Break the cycle and say and think nice things about the person who was bad to you.
40 days and nights.
Everything will be different after the 40 days, because you yourself will be different inside.

Rule 28:

The past is a matter of interpretation.

The future is one of many possibilities, so another illusion.

The world does not move straight through time.

Time moves through us and is inside us, in endless fractal spirals.

Eternity does not mean an infinite time, but rather the timeless one.

If you want to achieve true, eternal enlightenment, forget the past and the future and stay in the moment. This here and now is all that is and everything there will be.

Rule 29:

Destiny does not mean that your life has been severely predetermined.

Therefore, it is gross ignorance to leave everything to fate and to actively contribute nothing to the universe.


Rule 30:

The true Sufi or yogi is such that, even if he / she is unjustly accused, attacked and condemned on all sides, he / she will endure patiently and not utter a single bad word about nasty critics.

Rule 31:

If you want to strengthen your faith, you have to soften yourself internally.

For your faith to be firm as a rock, your heart has to be as tender as a feather.

Rule 32:

Nothing should stand between you and the highest self.

No priests, rabbis or other guardians of moral or religious leadership.

No spiritual masters, not even your faith.

Believe in your personal values and rules, but do not press them on anyone else.

If you break the hearts of other people again and again, you do no good, no matter what religious duty you think you are fulfilling.

Learn the truth, but be careful not to make a fetish of your truths.

Rule 33:

While everyone in this world strives to get somewhere and someday become somebody to leave everything behind after death, set the lofty level of nothingness as your goal.
Neti Neti.
Live this life light and empty similar to the number zero.

Rule 34:

Submission is the opposite of weakness or passivity.

It does not lead to fatalism or capitulation. Real power rests in submission.

It is a power that comes from within.

Those who submit to the divine essence of life will always live with tranquility and undisturbed peace.

Rule 35:

In this world, it is not the similarities or regularities that advance us, but the opposites.

All opposites in the universe are contained in every single human being.

Therefore, the believer has to meet the unbeliever who also lives in him.

Again the unbeliever has to find the silent believer in himself.

Until the day one attains the oneness stage of the perfect human being, faith is a slow process and one who needs its apparent opposite: unbelief.

Rule 36:

The law of reciprocity is that what you give comes back to you.

The total energy is thus retained, there is only a transformation in the form instead.

Thus, there are only processes of transformation, one form of matter transforms into another, and the extent of the whole remains the same.

Rule 37:

God is like an accurate watchmaker.

So precise are his orders that everything on earth happens in its own individual time, neither a minute late nor a minute early.
For everyone without exception, the clock works exactly.

There is a time of birth for everyone, time to love and a time to die.

Rule 38:

It's never too late to ask yourself, "Am I ready to change the life I live?
Am I ready to transform myself? "Every moment and every new breath should be renewed and renewed.

There is only one way to be born into a new life:
to die before death.

Rule 39:

As the parts change, the whole thing stays the same.
For every thief who leaves the world, a new one is born.
Every righteous person who dies will be replaced by a new one.

Rule 40:

A life without love has no meaning or value.
Do not ask yourself what kind of love you should seek, spiritually, spiritually or materially, physically; divine or worldly.

Love is what it is, pure and simple.

Love is the water of life.
And a true lover is a soul of fire. The universe turns differently when fire loves the water.


Of course, I recommend reading the original or the much longer reading on this.

These are wonderfully written in the word sound.
A true pleasure to wrap the mind with words and possibly to allow access to the heart.

Just look on Amazon or in the bookstore of your confidence afterwards.

A wonderful version of the forty rules was written by Elif Shafak.


Rise & shine

Love & light



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