Faith: The CURRENCY of the Kingdom

in #steemchurch7 years ago



Imagine you want to purchase something worth $50sbd from a store, you go to the store keeper with the monetary value of that item and he or she hands you the item. Your transaction is done.

Same way you make these purchases with currencies, the same way faith is the currency of the Kingdom by which you make transactions in the Kingdom.

Faith was CREDITED to Abraham as Righteousness… (Romans 4:9, AMP) this goes to show that Abraham PURCHASED Righteousness with the currency called Faith.

ANYTHING done outside of faith is a sin (Romans 14:23) this means that, as long as the kingdom is concerned, the only means by which you can make any transaction is by FAITH. Even the SALVATION of your soul was received by FAITH. (Ephesians 2:8)

NOTHING can be gotten from the Kingdom without faith as faith is the CURRENCY of the Kingdom. Hebrews 11:6 says, But WITHOUT faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please him: for he that cometh to God MUST BELIEVE that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

God himself demonstrated His faith when He created the Heavens and the Earth... (Genesis 1)... God said, Let there be Light, and there was light… God spoke things that BE NOT as though they were (Romans 4: 17)… He said, “Light be! And light was”

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Remember, Hebrews 11:1 says; NOW faith IS the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED for and the EVIDENCE of things NOT seen… it didn’t say THEN, faith was… NOR did it say, LATER, faith WILL BE… it says NOW FAITH IS… this goes to show that faith is in the present…

That same scripture says faith is a SUBSTANCE, which means faith is TANGIBLE... it has value, it has worth… That is why Jesus said… O ye of LITTLE faith, why do you doubt? ( Matthew 8:26) And he could say something different about the Centurion... I have never seen such GREAT faith in Israel…(Luke 7:9). And He could also say, O FAITHLESS and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? (Matthew 17:17).
How much does your faith worth?

That same scripture goes to say, faith is the EVIDENCE of things NOT seen… This is like an irony. How can what you haven’t seen have an evidence? But then in the Kingdom, BELIEVING is SEEING as against the world’s concept of SEEING is BELIEVING.


In conclusion, I will say, if you cannot believe it, then, you cannot receive it. How much is your faith worth?

Bible- (Amplified Version and King James Version).

Don’t forget to UPVOTE, RESTEEM, and COMMENT.


You faith can move mountains but your doubts can create them
Faith is truly the currency of the kingdom

Amazing write up



Thanks so much. I am honored to have you resteem this post.

Without faith we can achieve almost nothing
Faith bringa all the goodies from God at the tims we want it
When we pray we pray with faith, when we ask from God we do it with
Faith is a very important prequisite for a successful christian life


Sounds like a nice word game.
Faith - currency
Righteousness - item

I do not agree anything done aside faith is sin, I guess it is just your opinion though. I would suggest next time, you reduce the number of words you put in uppercase, as it makes your writeup a bit untidy.

Thanks so much... I will take cognisance of that when next I put up a post.

Faith is a really important part of a Christian's life. Our faith can tell how much of a mature Christian we are.
Faith is trusting God for what he has promised and is yet to be seen as we can see in this verse of the bible

faith is the EVIDENCE of things NOT seen

What I like about your post is the way you related faith with currency. And as @johnesan said, "this is totally ingenious".

As a Christian, the amount of knowledge of God's word that you have in you will determine the liberty that you will enjoy, the knowledge of God's word in your life will determine how much of his glory you will enjoy...thanks for sharing this on @steemchurch.

For faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God... (Romans 10:17)
The Word goes hand in hand with your faith.

It is so easy to lose faith in God's plan for us, when you feel your faith is fading, read this scriptures and clear your doubt.

  • James 1 vs 6

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

  • Mark 11 vs 24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Wounderful post....well written!
Seek first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you.

I like your analogy of faith and currency. Totally ingenious.

talking of faith as a currency to the kingdom as it relates to righteousnes is a neccessity for us here @steemchurch and also like a breakfast in word of God... nice one @ajoke🖒

Its our job to make sure our faith's worth never decrease!!

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