Blow Away The Clouds Of Creative Block (Visual Art)

in #art5 years ago (edited)

Creative blocks... yes the "white page or blank page" fear of artists, is one of the most frustrating things to go through. It happens to every creative person out there and I have had my fair share of these too. It leads to self doubt and fear and ultimately lack of confidence. But throughout my journey, I have also figured out a few ways which were able to take me out of this phase and thought I could mention a few of them:


Do nothing: One positive aspect of creative block is that it gives you time. I have found that relaxing my neurons help me in such situation instead of forcing something out of them. Simply stopping fighting against it makes it easier for a little while. Even when I am on a deadline, a little break to rejuvenate works wonders. It has definitely made me more productive in the longer run.

Watch My Idols: Thankfully there is no dearth of talented people out there and it is always great to watch the people you are inspired from, create. It satisfies my mental need of creation and I don’t feel too agitated after that. I have also talked about it the past how much I love visual artists like kelogsloops and coco bee.

Not wait for inspiration to knock on my door: I used to waste hours waiting for that inner drive to show up and loitre around feeling absolutely okay with my decision even if it was an entire day. “Oh well, how can I make something if I don’t feel like it?” - I thought. I discovered one day that scribbling or doodling is a good starter for the brain. Any type of drawing which doesn’t require much thinking or attention. It was surprising to see that something would pop out just from a random sketch or pattern. Hence, I think it is very important to just pick up those tools and get on with it.

Leisure activities: How many of you feel like activities such as cleaning, cooking, etc are stimulating? Laundry + music is one of my favorite things to do, where I feel like I am also completing some task but without exerting my mind. Making some tea alongside adds a little charm to the whole process haha. But I have always been able to think faster after achieving smaller goals.

Tapping in elsewhere: When art feels stagnant, I switch my fields of interest and start reading about design, check up on art competitions, follow up on some upcoming art and design exhibitions and/or look up some good architectural photos. Something about any of them is enough to spark something in me and I get out of my block pretty easily. I think stepping away and indulging yourself in other hobbies/interests is a pretty good way of distraction from the task in hand.

Keep Creating

Lots Of Love <3

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