in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)


Dzikir is an activity of worship in Muslims to remember Allah SWT. This dzikir becomes the key to the peace and happiness of life in the world and prosperity in the hereafter. Because of the importance of remembrance to practice this one becomes one of the obligations contained in the Qur'an.

Dzikir should be a practice that continues to be done by servants of God who believe. So when making dzikir as a priority then we can avoid the nature of arrogant and arrogant. Worship this one can be done anytime and anywhere. Except a place that does not fit the holiness of Allah SWT as in the bathroom.

There are so many sentences of dzikir that are uttered to be pronounced every day. But among the sentences dhikr it, there are some sentences that most preferred by Allah SWT. Here are three sentences dzikir most beloved of Allah.

1. Dzikir Two Sentences

The first dzikir sentence beloved by Allah SWT is by saying Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi. As mentioned in al-Adzkar, Imam an-Nawawi quotes the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim.

Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to Abu Dzarr al-Ghifari, "Will you please tell the most beloved sentence of Allah Ta'ala?" Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "In fact the most favored word of Allah Ta'ala is (Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi-glorified God and praise is only for Him)."

Abu Umamah narrates that this phrase is greater than the gold that is put in the way of Allah Ta'ala. The Prophet said: "Whosoever is feared by night so troublesome, or grabs to berinfaq, or fear of the enemy," continued the Prophet, "should reproduce the subhanallahi wa bihamdih." Because, the light ends, "It is more beloved Allah Ta ' ala of the golden mountains that are fenced in His path. "

Of course it will multiply the rewards earned by those who truly believe in God by collecting these two practices at a time. They are in the way of Allah at the same time dzikir and glorify His name every time.

2. Four Sentence Dzikir

The next sentence of dzikir consists of four sentences. These four sentences are very well known among the Muslims who love dhikr. Can be pronounced in one sentence intact, separated, and can be read according to one's condition.

Narrated by Imam Muslim of Samurah bin Jundab, Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Allah's most beloved sentence is four. It is Subhanallah-Glorified God, Alhamdulillah-Praise be to Allah, Laa ilaha ilallah-There is no god who is to be worshiped except Allah, Allahu akbar-Allah Major.

At the end of the narration quoted by Imam an-Nawawi in al-Adzkar, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gives guidance, "It would not hurt you to start (read it) from which sentence."

In addition, this four-sentence dzikir sentence can be a shield to dispel the fires of hell. On the Day of Judgment, the passage will come before and evade from the fire of hell and keep the salvation of those who read it often.

3. the main dzikir

However, among other dzikir phrases, the sentence Laa Ilaha illallah the most important. Because in lafadz dhikr this means There is no god but Allah. The person who recites this dzikir sentence believes that only Allah is the one who must be worshiped and made as a place of prayer and ask for help.

Narrated aloud by Imam at-Tirmidhi, Jabir ibn 'Abdillah heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The most important dzikir is (Laa ilaha ilallah-No god is worthy of worship but Allah)."

Keep being a servant of God who always remembers Him all the time. Both in good times and in difficult circumstances. May we be a worshiping servant. Amen.


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