SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country"

Hello Guys!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their lives in a great way. Thank you all so much for stopping by. Here I will tell how many homeless people are in our country and how they are living their lives. Before starting this contest I am inviting some of my friends to participate in it.


Here is the link to the contest post.

So Let's Start:

Are there homeless people in your country?

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In our country many people are homeless and are lying on the roadsides, often I see them sleeping under the shutters of shopping malls and shops. I have been seeing them lying outside in the dead of winter.

In almost every town and every village, there is bound to be someone who has no home of his own. In the same way, he stumbles around people and is sometimes on which side and sometimes on which side he is sleeping. And spends his whole life like this.

All the people you see on the streets have one thing in common: they are addicted to drugs. Because they don't care about anything, they lose everything and find only addiction.

What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the street, homeless, and without a family?

Many people are among them who suffer from mental stress. Sometimes they come out because of problems at home and they have so much worry and tension that they go crazy. And when they are mad, they witness all their senses. They do not know where they are and what they are doing.

There are also some love losers. Who, because of not getting their love, sit on their conscious witness and go crazy. To forget their pain and suffering, they become addicted to drugs and addiction destroys their lives.

Some people are so poor that their household expenses cannot be met and all the responsibility falls on them, due to which they leave their homes and go away. And most of the time we see them sitting on the streets and even the younger generation is very much among them. Those who become addicted to drugs and destroy their lives.


Addiction of any kind is a disease and once you become addicted to it, it becomes very difficult to quit. You try to achieve the same in every situation, so you fall far behind in the race of your life. And leave their family and their home bar and just indulge in drunken activities. Even when they have nothing to eat and drink, they start stealing. The money they get by stealing, they use it again to become drug addicts, thus they destroy their lives a lot.

Has the government tried to try or create decent shelters to help these people?

Our government has failed miserably in this regard because they have not taken any measures for these people to improve their lives. He has not run an organization for them to improve themselves, nor has he built a shelter for them. And they are not given any treatment, they are destroying their life and the government is not aware of it.

The government is ignoring these people a lot and if the government does not take any steps for them, they will continue to destroy their lives. And even lose their lives. Many people are in front of us who are addicted to drugs and die because of this addiction. Because most of the people are those who do drugs but they don't get drugs, when they don't get drugs, their health is worse. And then they do things that cost them their lives.

Some shelters have been developed but are not properly maintained because people are not aware of them. If shelters are opened and awareness is given, people can go there and improve their lives. But those who are addicted to drugs are not aware of anything, we have to tell them ourselves, catch them, and treat them ourselves. Then they will be able to live their lives properly.

What could you propose so that these people do not remain in this dark world?

We will have to struggle a lot to get these people out of this dark world. Because their mind is only focused on the things where they sit every day and what they do every day.

I think an awareness center should be opened for them to bring awareness to them. And their campuses in different places so that these people are called in these campuses and check there what is the problem of these people. Why are they lying on such roads and what is their problem?

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Shelters should be opened for these people so that they can live in this place. And in these sheltered villages, there should be provision of complete food and medicine for them which will be provided by the government. And by this, they will make their life easier and when you get them right by bringing them into this work, then employ them in a good job so that they can live a good life.

Many people are addicted to drugs, so their blood has to be changed to get rid of their addiction. It is very important to take care of it and so some people are on such streets due to problems at home. The reason for their problem should be asked and solved.

All these steps should be taken so that they can make their life easier.

Regards: ahsansharif


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Greeting my friend,

I am happy to see your participation here. Addressing the root causes of homelessness in Pakistan, such as poverty and lack of affordable housing, is crucial to finding lasting solutions. Wish you good luck for your post.


Thanks a lot for staying here and valuable response. I wish you good luck too.

 3 months ago 

Homeless people need to be taken care of by everyone in our society and not only the government. You have shared a nice post, and I wish you success.

Thanks a lot dear for spending time on my post. I wish you more success too.

 3 months ago 

Considero que en casi todos los países hay personas en situación de calle por diferentes motivos, uno de los más comunes creo que los vicios a la droga y el alcohol. Algo muy lamentable porque dentro de ello hay muchos niños y jóvenes.

Absolutely child or young people's includes the most who or in drug disease. Thanks for valuable response. Have a nice day

Tunawisma merupakan orang yang tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal dan terjadi karena beberapa faktor seperti kehancuran ekonomi, mengalami tekanan mental dan juga karena kecanduan.

Pemerintah mungkin menganggap remeh masalah ini padahal ini merupakan masalah besar yang harus diatasi oleh pihak bersama demi kenyamanan dan keamanan suatu wilayah dan juga mengurangi jumlah tunawisma.

Semoga beruntung temanku🤗

Thank you so much for your valuable and supportive response. I wish you the best of luck too. Have a nice day

In your country, many individuals face homelessness, often resorting to sleeping on the streets due to various reasons such as mental stress, addiction to drugs, poverty, and family issues. Sadly, the government has not adequately supported these individuals with shelters or resources to improve their situations.

Thanks a lot, dear for staying here and giving a valuable response. I wish best of luck.

We have to help homeless people. Being homeless doesn't mean they aren't human; they are also humans. Everyone should be treated equally, and we should help them. Helping doesn't just mean giving them money; it means offering them food and talking with them.

Absolute, tha ks a lot for your supportive comment. I wish you best of luck. Stay blessed

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