in #life7 years ago (edited)
  • Pedekate via HP, FB, And other social networks ..? * image

  • See the problem ..! *

Nowadays, the use of Hp with all the conveniences such as audio calls, video calls, sms and chat has become the most urgent thing in everyday life apart distance and space is not a constraint for those who still want to keep on touch with family, friends or even a lover
Additionally with its social media facility is becoming increasingly popular, making it easy for its users to communicate with each other, negatively the media is often a means of dealing with the opposite sex (Ajnaby) intimacy even intimacy will be intertwined

  • The question is ...? *

How is the law of Pedekate via Hp and social networking in order to find a mate ...?

  • Considerations ..! *

God's people create tribes and nations to get to know each other ..!
As Allah calls in the alquran of the letter Al-hujarat verse 13

يا ايها الناس انا خلقناكم من ذكر وانثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفو ان اكرمكم عند الله اتقاكم ان الله عليم خبير
It means: O man, we created you from a man and a woman and made you nations and tribes so that you may know each other. The most glorious person among you is Allah, the most righteous among you are, indeed, Allah knows best and knows

The abundance of telecommunication tools that are offered make it easier in the process of dealing with but that if the communication medium is misused, such as for courtship or anything else contrary to Islamic rules
In order to communicate because they want to deliberate because the khitbah is the first stage towards a wedding performed by Islam, because marriage is the Sunnah of the Messenger
As the Prophet said:
النكاح سنتي فمن رغب عن سنتي فليس مني
Marriage is my sunnah, the one who hates my sunnah is not my own

Even Rasullullah very much like those who are married and able to give birth Children shalil rasulullah said:
تزوجو الودود الولود اني مكاثر بكم الأنبياء يوم القيامة
To reverence a woman who loves her, she gives me a true descendant. I race to multiply with you all to the prophets (HR.abu daud ibnu majah)

But is one of the ways of communication that allows Religion ..?

One of the most accurate Islamic communications is the khitbah he came with the guardian did not ask Vc or meet outside without a guardian
Because of the fact that Islam also allows the prospective wife to have the terms as the prophet's words to Al-mughirah:

انظر اليها فانه احرى يؤدم بينكم
Look at him actually it is more appropriate for the continuity of affection for both of you (HR Al-Tirmidhi)

اذا القى الله فى قلب رجل خطبة امراة فلا بأس ان ينظر اليها
When God has put the purpose of applying a woman in the heart of a man it is not sinful for him to see (HR.

  • Conclusion ...! *

A. Communication via hp is essentially the same as direct communication, until communication with ajnaby is not allowed unless there is a certain intention

B. Obviously if it is not to apply for such a legal courtship of sin

  • Reference book *
  1. احياء علومالدين ج 3 ص 99
  2. اعانة الطالبين ج 1 ص 301
  3. أسعاد الرفيق ج 2 ص 105
    الموسوعة الفقهية الكويتية ج 35 ص 122
  4. بريقة محمدية في شرح طريقة محمدية وشرعية نبوية ج 4


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