in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Personally, I've always had (and will continue to have) issues with these kind of thoughts(speech) 👇

"People who work for others are lazy and mediocre, because they are afraid to test the depth of the waters and explore deep, they choose to play it safe by working under other people (as servants)..."

"If you work for other people, you help them build their business and end up not building your own. So, rather than work for people, spend that time building your own business"

"Those that work for other people never succeed in life..."

These thoughts do not encourage people working with (under) somebody and depicts people that still work with people as being lazy, myopic and visionless.
That is all shades of wrong and dumb.

So there's this speaker whose lecture I attended (he was a friend). He said lots of stuff and started 'yarning' trash when he said those things above.

I smiled all the way and waited for the question part.

I raised up my hand when it was time for the questions and said

"This is not a question but a contribution," he gave me a go ahead and I continued. " The thing is this, all these things you've been telling us, it is either you've not told your workers or they're too myopic to dream and think of establishing their own."

I licked my lips and continued

"But that's by the way. You have people working with (for) you and you possibly might not have pulled this through if not for their services. I mean, think about those in charge of logistics, media, protocol, accounting and even welfare. You think you'd have been able to do all of these all by yourself? Without help? You even have a personal assistant to show that you cannot always do things by yourself."

I became the motivational speaker and all eyes were on me. I loved the attention I was getting. But no, I wasn't done yet.

"What I'm trying to say in essence is this; we all need people at every point in time. Without people, there is nothing we can do. Most of the time, the bosses are just there as figure heads, their workers think and talk and work for them. That's why you pay people. You pay people to think for you, you pay people to answer your phone, you pay people to drive you around. You'd die younger and earlier if you're left to do all of these by yourself. You'd die of stress (accumulation)."

"My point is this. Rather than make people look stupid for choosing to work for you, appreciate them because without them, you won't grow and be this big. Steve Jobs wouldn't have been able to do what he's done if nobody worked with(for) him."

I'm very polite, so I said "Thank you", packed my stuff and left the place.
Other people followed.

Motivation ended earlier than planned and I lost a friend.

Truth is bitter like alomo , but you must swallow it.unsplash_temp.jpg


Like a boss!

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