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RE: Machen diese beiden Community Aktionen immer noch Sinn? Wie ist eure Meinung: Nur eine Flaute oder ist das Verfallsdatum erreicht??????

in #deutsch4 years ago

Hi Kadna,
I've been following your blog but have resisted commenting because my sentiments are at odds with many of your participants. I just heard about another death here. My granddaughter is on a track team at school and her teammate's uncle just died of the virus (in our community). Last week I heard that her childhood friend (at school with her) lost his father. A few weeks ago I lost a friend..I hadn't seen him for years but was very fond of him. He struggled in the hospital for about ten days before he expired of the virus. Death reports here are regular. Sometimes the casualties are several people removed from me, but all are close enough to be startling. It's a little upsetting to hear that some people believe the virus is not real. But I respect that people have a right to their opinions.

I never knew anyone who died of the flu, or a cold, or even strep throat (although I do know someone who became seriously ill from strep). I like to keep things light hearted and certainly don't run around with a cloud over my head. But the virus is real. If this is not true, people--many of them not elderly--are dying mysteriously and we should find out why.

Hope you don't mind my honesty, but my experience seems to be quite different from most people who comment on your blog. I think it's a good thing to share what has happened here. Not rumor, but truth.

I hope you stay well.

Your friend from beleaguered New York


Thank you for your honest words. You are very ggod at research. My informations about Bill Gates, his foundation and tha WHO - his goal to reduce the world population, his vaccinate programs im india and africa causes illness for many children and infertilation for women... The virus is not natural but from the Wuhan labor... Please can you look at that and i will be glad to get other informations from you... at the moment i am really scared about this... I have two (in the next days comes number three) grandchildren... I stay well and i hope you too. Sorry for the deaths in your life - this time is very challenging for all of us. Hopefully it will get an end soon! Greetings to you Kadna

Can you feel love for someone you only know from a distance? I feel love for you when I read these sincere words. I will read those references. I don't trust many grand plans, or planners. They think in terms of goals and great numbers. Often the individual gets lost in the scheme. So I appreciate your skepticism and share it.
I did some research on the polio virus development and learned horrible things about that process--how disabled children were used to test it, how a misstep caused infection at one point. So I am not trusting at all. However, I know nothing about the Gates' program, so I will have to look into it.
Yes, the polio vaccine saved millions from death and disability, but how did we get there? Questions people don't ask because they benefit from the result. I believe in vaccines, I appreciate science, trust science. However, trusting individual scientists...not always.
You stay well and I hope for a healthy future for your grandchildren and for my grandchild.
Love from your New York friend,

Thank you so much for your nice comment! Big hugs across the ocean Kadna

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