Hasta la Muerte: Finish the Story #28

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)

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Peruvian jungle. Drug cartel. CIA. Revenge. These are the elements offered by @theironfelix in this, the 28th week of #finishthestory contest. Who can resist such a challenge?

The first part of this post, Revenge of Yayo Che, was written by @theironfelix. The second part, Hasta la Muerte, is a product of my imagination--my idea of how the story might end.

First Part

Revenge of Yayo Che

by @theironfelix

In the dawn of the Peruvian Jungle landscape, a Sendero Luminoso member spotted five OH-6 Cayuse helicopters but waived the anti-aircraft to not launch their load – the soldier radioed in that they finally came and to approach the compound. In these five helis, paratroopers were carrying Russian AK74s and were armored up. In the leading one, a certain lass finishes her cigar, then picks up the radio and begins to drum up a blood frenzy:

"In Cuba, the Cubans celebrate a hero - name’s Che. In the World of drugs, we got our own Che – he of course went by many names like el Rey de Yayo, but we know him as Yayo Che. A heart in a heartless world, a spirit in spirit conditions and a sigh of us oppressed folk. Yet the World couldn’t stand this – so the World robbed us of him! Killed anyone that followed him! And humbled our pride!... But from the mud we rechristened our humbled pride, determined to show them gusanos what the dirt tastes like and show them who the real cockroaches are! For if you mess with us, you’re messing with the BEST! And today marks… El Día de Juicio!”

As she released her radio, she heard from the radio static chants of “!Yayo Che!” and “!El Día de Juicio!” She saw from the dashboard that they were closing in to the compound, the place of the culo that ordered the hit – the Cuban Government intel was correct and she owned them a solid. Funny that they supported her endeavors, but she stopped laughing internally when she realized that political maneuvers and combatting La CIA influence was priority when it came to these matters. Considering this mission as her main payment to the Cubans, she snapped her mag into the AK74 and racked it.

Approaching closer, the pilot asked when to start popping the missiles and rain the lead thunder – her only reply being was “on my signal.” The pilot saluted and began to steer the OH-6 Cayuse into combat formation, resulting in the other helis following suit – she radioed in to the pilots to prepare for contact with anti-air craft and to rain hell, then she ordered to hang and kick the assassin’s corpse out. Moments later seeing her command followed, the pilot asked one last question before they got danger-close:

“¿Estás listo, Yayo Che?”

“¡Sí! Let the lead thunder start hammering the World! Let ‘em know El Día de Juicio!”

Soon she and her paratroopers parachuted and began their descent into the Jungle, there was no coming back and now they had to put all their hearts into it. She briefed all of them a million times on what was to be expected, the ins and outs of the compound and aid from el Sendero Luminoso – they were all going to move as one Arm, one Heart and one Spirit, for they had nothing to lose and everything to gain. El Día de Juicio truly began.

Second Part

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Hasta la Muerte!

By @agmoore

When the fusillade from the sky had ceased, and the target was softened for them, she raised her weapon in the air. The pent up energy, the antagonism that had festered in her since the death of Yayo Che, found expression in the bloodcurdling battle cry, "La lucha hasta la muerte".

Behind her, the charge echoed among the troops like a menacing drum roll, ".. .hasta la muerte, hasta la muerte...."

She had known since the moment she decided to join Yayo Che where the path would lead. She had acted with the same fatalism that infected her pueblo. The circle of life was narrow for the campesinos. They harbored no illusion of choice. The only possibility of freedom lay in breaking loose from the bonds of tradition, and family.

In becoming a confederate with Che, she did not defy her people. She ennobled them. She transformed their passivity into action, their submission into rebellion. She became, for their sake, a warrior.

Che helped her to find purpose. That purpose--destruction of the enemy--gave her honor. When the enemy assassinated Che, they did not alter her purpose or stain her honor. They inflamed a passion for justice.


The center of the compound was open to her now, the crude structures which served as dormitories for the enemy, stripped of guards. The bravest guards had fallen. The cowards had fled into the forest.

"El Día de Juicio," she proclaimed, as she surveyed the carnage. And around her rose the chorus, "El Día de Juicio".

She didn't pay attention to the dead. These lay in the random order to which death had assigned them. She needed to find the survivors, for she was determined there would be none.

"Vamanos!" She called to her comrades. "Into the forest. We hunt, and slaughter them."

She pursued with fevered fury. The search was not difficult, for the hunted did not think to cover their tracks. Trails of broken underbrush and trampled earth sealed their doom.

A harvest of blood was her bounty. And yet, her hunger for revenge was not sated. The more she killed, the greater her appetite grew. She needed to feel the terror, to make death individual, and personal.

A bit of camouflage caught her eye, a wisp of fabric almost concealed by the bark of a wimba tree. The Gringo did not attempt an escape. His eyes met hers.

She smiled. Perhaps in that smile he saw hope.

She raised her weapon slowly. Sweat beaded on his brow. His lip trembled. She wanted to get closer, to smell his fear.

He didn't move. She could hear his heart beat, or was that hers? Her finger caressed the trigger, danced lightly against its hard surface. He was powerless. She didn't want to let the moment go.

"Hasta la muerte," she said to him softly. "Hasta la muerte".

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Every week a new teasing beginning of a story is featured by @bananafish. Sometimes guest authors write these pieces. Usually @f3nix is the author. In every case, all of Steemit has an invitation to enter into the realm of imagination. There are few rules. A 500 word limit is suggested, but not mandatory. Any thread, any idea from the first part may become an inspiration to follow for the second author.

The name of this contest is finishthestory, but it's really about writing your own story that is connected in some way to the first. Accept the invitation to write, to become part of a community and at the same time demonstrate your individuality.

Finish the Story Contest--highly recommended.


A monolithic character in his inextinguishable fury! Hasta la muerte, but death is inside her, so there isn't never enough!

Never enough--until herself released by death...too many people like that in world, aren't there?

In the end, if we consider the plot it is quite a classic development, without any extravagance or twist. Instead, your work is dripping with realism and shows all your maturity and skill in depicting such a character. You made me think a lot about the social inequality in this world and its seeds of hate. Another masterpiece.

Thank you, @bananafish, for that great compliment! @theironfelix created a credible character--after all, she tossed a body out of the airplane. I just had to imagine the person who could coldly do that.

Enjoyed your post immensely.

Namaste, JaiChai

Thank you!

This lady is terrifying. First we see her leading her men into battle and executing an assassin. Then we glimpse her history and motives and begin to relate to her a bit. Finally we see an aspect of her that's monstrous and nearly impossible to relate to. Her cold, methodical professionalism (which is scary in its own right) gives way to a feverish sadism and bloodlust. The transformation feels very organic, and that final scene hits hard. Yikes! :O And fanatastic work! :D

Thank you so much for high praise! We had quite a character this week didn't we? See you next week, I hope.

Definitely! :) I’m looking forward to the next one.

It wasn't fun, spending time in her head, but it was bracing.

Now this is a polished story telling of revenge and blood lust.

Having a strong character express her emotions and motivations. An eye for an eye is not enough as she wanted to completely destroy those that took away Yayo Che from her.

Thank you! Something about the character, the way @theironfelix suggested her, struck a chord. People can be filled with passion so that it blinds them to reason. That's how I saw this woman. I'm glad I was able to show that.

Wonderful piece of fiction @agmoore!! You captured this woman perfectly ... so full of passion! Loved it :)

Thank you, @lynncoyle1! Appreciate your stopping by to read it. I had to imagine myself in her head--not a nice place to be...:)

I deeply and honestly must say from my spontaneous emotion: I dislike her!
I can't stand her at heart! Not at all! You have managed very well to give me this feeling. I have indeed thrown away whole books, because I had had enough of killing and murdering and raping up to the collar. You made it in just five hundred words. Congratulations!


Well, my other more calm person from behind speaks: Well done, author. Even though I don't favor the topic I do respect the writing mind and your skills. You have beautifully continued and braided the Spanish and you have succeeded in creating an excellent atmosphere.

The final part is really quite cruel and I had hoped the whole time that she would find her master and her death. That's what she wants, isn't it?

I believe you are right, she wants death. And in the first version of this, I gave it to her. But that was too easy, too expected. So I left it where many who are ideologues find themselves--stripped of humanity, capable of great cruelty, and feeling nothing.

Thank you for your kind words. You're a skilled writer, so your opinion is worth a great deal to me.

This is a very lovely review and synopsis. If there ever was a critics portion @bananafish would reward, you’d sweep the deck with this one alone.

Coming from someone with your sharp eye, that is quite a compliment :)

This is an awesome idea: to reward the best review! Done from the next edition! Thank you!

@agmoore I can’t say anymore because @erh.germany stole the words from my mouth. You gave the feeling of “you too have known pain and you hope hatred might replace the pain! But it never goes away!” Resteem’d and upvot’d!

Thank you. I have to admit I at first went for a weaker version, but cleaned it up--worth the effort. You gave us a powerful character, a rich backstory. Much to work with.

Yes, @erh.germany did write a straightforward, insightful response. She's always a valuable critic. Good to have around finishthestory :)

Well, it had worked all the better that you improved upon the weaker version to make this one.

That is one cold hearted woman leading that group I like it.

Thank you @stever82. Makes you wonder what will be in store for us next week....

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