STEEMIT TIPS- Put your finger on the pulse

in #howto7 years ago

Steemit is a living, breathing, heart beating, crypto-DNA making machine. It pulses every three seconds with a new beat and a new block added to the chain. Your goal is to embed yourself somewhere in this community like a war reporter on the front lines, and tell your story of what's going on around you.

Every little piece of this community needs a voice and hopefully by talking about it you can give it the life you think it deserves

4 steps

Step 1. Find something that really interests you.
Step 2. Dive into the community
Step 3. Figure out the root cause of a problem they are having
Step 3. Talk about what's going on in that community from your perspective and try to fix the problem

Let me give you an example

I don't think there are many people that know what's going on with minnows better than me. I run a group that's just about to hit 2,200 people and almost all of them are minnows. They come from all over the world. They speak different languages. There are some constants between them.

They often felt lonely on steemit before the group existed.
Their content wasn't getting any play.
The spent hours on posts and the return was shit.
They tried other tactics but things didn't stick.
Post rewards are low.
10 Votes a day only at 100% hurts interactions.
Flagging abuse
Making connections
and a million newbie questions on what the hell is steemit and how does it work.

Half of the Minnow Support Project is about helping these people just through providing a space and half is about reporting on and working on solutions.

Minnow pain is a loud pulse

I've had some really wonderful effect on helping minnows. I've helped get minnows into trending, their posts in the hundreds, some of the minnow pond guys are breaking 1k followers now, and people feel fairly united. I've worked my ass off and kept my ear to the ground for this community. It's fun and it's also provided me with some fairly steady post rewards. The purpose was good and it was addressing a serious pain in the community.

If you're feeling frustrated or like something is really broken then try to network to find like minded people. Report that news from the underground current to the folks that don't have it front and center. My guess is that you'll start picking up followers that care about the same topics, many of them will be friends from that community whose opinions are shaping your own, and you'll see how you can grow. Followers, resteems, friends, and upvotes should go up.

Find your pulse and report

So, find a pain, get your finger on the pulse, try to solve a problem, and let us know what's going on. If you're on the pulse you'll find a community that's willing to help you. I'm sure of it, and if has to do with Minnows I know some people that will help.


Yes!!!! So grateful for your efforts. It's made my early days on steemit so much sweeter. Cheers to all that lays ahead of us collectively and individually on this cryptoventure!

You're doing great work @aggroed. Thanks a bunch!

That is amazing! :)

I would love to help out the minnows myself. Even with a few thousand in SP, I am still a minnow as well.

How can I participate in your community @aggroed ?

Start here for general information:

and find us on the PAL/MSP discord chat channels to get into the mix at :

And then just be awesome with us!!!

It's that easy!

I see you just provided what I was looking for! thanks :)

That's how we do things in MSP :)

need more of you! @aggroed!


I could go for that.

Well we will have to work towards that!
Till then the best I can do is keep finding

to send to MSP,and!

So amazing post. Well written 😊 u got me there.
Love the pulse thing. Thx for sharing. Upvoted resteemed

SOLID post my man, can tell you've put the hours in and really listened to folks. Those were pretty much exactly my thoughts this first week on Steem, it's getting easier, but it's nice to know someone is out there advocating and educating for us Minnows! Appreciate ya

I am enjoying reading everything you are posting, I may not understand but it sure is not from you Not posting it! Resteemit to get the word out!

Thanks for reading. Where are you from?

Love the cheese!

It really helped me a lot growing from nothing to something. Thanx for your efforts.

It works, if you work it, because teem work makes the steem dreem work!

@aggroed is actually being humble in this post folks, he also is sponsoring events to help get users to #SteemFest and I can't even IMAGINE how many hours of his time I personally have evaporated for him and I'm just ONE of the more than 2200 people we call family in MSP.

@Aggroed is more than he says above simply reporting on things from his point of view.

@Aggroed is dodgamm HERO for Minnows and the community at large.

By the way folks, go right here and vote for @aggroed for witness right now, while you are reading this and it's still on your mind.

THIS is the kind of man we want representing US on the network.

And I say that without the slightest microsecond of hesitation.

Thanks Cork. I'm flattered.

You make us ALL better steemitizens, Boss.

This is my gratitude calling, it want's to know if you'll accept the call.

Happily. Look man, there's lots of us just trying to reach that homestead in a peaceful place where we can blockchain our freedoms and chatter our days away as we see fit.

How can I be of service to help y'all reach the goal?

Goal is Peace, Abundance, and Liberty. I think that's best solved through me facilitating as many people as I can to go after parts of that, and use my reach to help the best plans I see. Just do you. You're great. Pick a project for people, or code like you're doing and make this place better or help people. You know I'll support you on it. Just keep doing what you're doing!

Aye aye Captain, I'm givin' it all she's got!

@sircork you have fast become a really valuable asset to the project and, as is evident in your replies here, have become a great advocate and ambassador for what the project really stands for. Great to have you on board Sir!

Awwww shucks fellas!

I'm completely humbled by that @gmuxx. And the second opinion @cryptologyx.


Throughout my life I was never much of a joiner of things. No team sports, no clubs, no biker gangs (rode for decades, recruited by The Outlaws, told them I didn't need no co-defendants) and yet, I always wanted to belong somewhere.

Welcome home, boys!

Thanks for letting me sleep on the couch, except I don't sleep, and there is no couch.

What is this sleep you speak of?

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