Breaking News: EOS Voice and Dlive partnership to bring you live streams of biometric data harvesting: retinal, finger prints, documentation, and more

in #satiricallyyours5 years ago

Hot off the press this reporter is happy to report live from my very own biometric data harvesting filmed live on Dlive. We're having a minor technical glitch with the Dlive stream, but we're happy to report we're well on our way to giving Dan all of the requested data.

Social Security Number
Finger Prints
Dental Records
High School Photos
Dick Picks
Mouth Swab
Rectal Scan
Retinal Scan

all while holding a government ID and voice activating Alexa.

Dan is happy to proclaim this to be the new future of social media and anyone unwilling to do it is as worthless as a bot. He has a wide smirk as he strokes his freshly shorn cat as we discuss VOICE.

Aggroed: So, Dan, great news you have out there seems like a smash hit on your hands!

Dan: Oh yes! Things are going excellent... ex...cell...ent.... he strokes his cat more firmly We fully expect sign ups to start in masse any minute.

Aggroed: Dan, I find this rectal skin a little uncomfortable and frankly filming it makes me feel awkward. That said it's nice to know I'm not the only one going through all of this just to join VOICE.

Dan frowns: Well, I mean, you are the first right now, but we really expect the masses to follow any minute. Once they've provided all the DNA, prints, data, and scans along with multiple forms of government ID we're ready to hear what they have to say!

Aggroed: Wait what? I'm the only one doing this right now? That's kinda bullshit. Actually this whole thing is kinda bullshit. The whole point of the liberty movement is to live with our neighbors peacefully without invasion of our person, but this seems to invoke force and simultaneously feels highly invasive.

Dan seems annoyed and brushes me off: Aggroed what you don't understand is that the world is at war. I want to bring peace. Why can't you see that. When everyone has been logged, and your social credit score is known we know you'll finally be ready to participate peacefully just as we intend for you to do. His cat starts squirming from the pressure of the stroking

Aggroed: But Dan, I protest, this whole thing is invasive, seems as an attempt to merge government and crypto which seems antithetical to the whole movement. Also, you've been presenting this tool as a way to murder your previous creations. I'm a little nervous about where you're at right now. Are you feeling grounded and connected? Maybe you need a business manager to tell you a little bit more about how the crypto sphere might interpret your plans here. Maybe this isn't as good of a plan as you thought.

Dan bursts out in a rage: Incompetent fool! You can't understand. There will be peace. If we have to force it upon you so be it. There will be peace and I'll enforce it with my block producers. YOU WILL BE PEACEFUL OR YOU WILL BE SILENCED!!!!

Dan starts cackling with rage and laughter. He starts frothing at the mouth. His cat jumps out of his hands. He starts to shout at me, but I just turn of the web cam. It was glitchy anyway and also made me feel dirty. Without the Comms to Dan I sit back and contemplate why anyone gave this man 1B dollars...

Final Summary: Cool code, weird plan.

Work of fiction aside, congrats on announcing the launch of VOICE Dan. Seems awesome! Footnote, we're not dead yet.

image source


Sounds terrifying.

at least EOS is worth more than it was when it first came out, unlike stem which was like $43 in summer 2016 and is now under 40 cents :D thats a inverted 10 x return, I wonder how thats even possible with Bitcoin going from $600 to $8000 basically a 13X increase since summer 2016 when steem started.....

so sad how delusional steemians are after being abused for so long, but its called the stockhold syndrome... if you havent made millions off of a steem dapp, and you were unlucky enough to invest in steem at any time, youve lost so much money while bitcoin and eos holders are in profit....

I applaud the efforts of Aggroed but he will need to do more than this to compete with 4 billion dollar marketing machine eos can turn on whenever they want.... its better to point out the fact that EOS is going to be added to steem-engine like you said on PAL radio and just accept that steem needs the help of EOS and its liquidity, peopel will want to buy EOS with their steem using steem-engine, especially eos tokens as aggroed said we wil have all the eos tokens, AND he said he will get his brokers license and that we wil even have stocks liek apple, amazon etc on steem engine, now that could turn steem around... but steem engine needs an onboarding tool to actually help new users create an account,

also steem engine is not for regular people as its too difficult to setup, you need a steem account AND keychain to make it run, sorry no one is doing that but hardcore steem nerds... aggroed is probably working on steem engine mobile and im sure @yabapmatt would love @ned to fund steem keychain mobile but i havent hearrd anything but it IS needed badly\

Ill tell you what we need.... a Faucet/MobileKeychain/Mobile Steem-Engine with ScotBot browser wth a list of sites liek weedcash etc, ALL in one mobile app for android/iOS

if we can get MOBILE steem engine and keychain, and have the app create a FREE account instantly for all new users (maybe after oauthing in from facebook twitter etc, to prevent multiple signups) and THEN, THEN WHEN WE HAVE MOBILE KEYCHAIn and STEEM ENGINE in ONE APP that creates a fresh steem account for you and gives you a MENU of scotbot sites.... now THAT is the killer app for steem!!!!

You raise some very good points. Steem on Coinbase would help massively i think but as far as EOS is concerned with or without a 4 billion war chest they still have a massive problem trying to attract common joe users. Not because of anything other than people will be people, they don't care unless they see there friends doing it. (Monkey see monkey do). Facebook is going to be bringing the masses into crypto currency soon and is the driver behind the price rally IMO. Where it goes from here is anyones guess though. EOS has no better opportunity than anyone and none of this stuff is going to happen over night. 10 year blocks of adoption in my mind. In 10 years we should have some decent momentum. Right now its like everyone trying to create a spark to light a fire, everyone knows a raging inferno can be made but nobody has achieved it yet apart from Satoshi of course.

But I am a shy person and will not be able to give them my rectal scan. :(

EOS insists!

At the end it could be free advertisement for steem.. EOS voice forces the people to take notice of what s going on in the block chain / social network area and to make a decisson.. go to KYC EOS voice or the freedom steem...

Doesn't Dan realise the reason most people are looking for alternatives to Facebook is because they've woken up to the fact that its a big surveillance system?

Why would anyone leave Facebook to go to the even more intrusive Voice?

Voice looking more like silence or being silenced (pun intended). No one is willing to go through all that. Even having to save keys for an account is a major issue, talk less about all these verifications.

Posted using Partiko Android

My thoughts on the entire identity verification process being imposed upon those wishing to join the new EOSIO VOICE social media platform can be summed up here by our friend Dr. Lector...

Your characterization of the identification documentation requirements for the VOICE social media site is hilarious @aggroed and much appreciated. I always like to laugh.

It does sadden me to read some of the long winded sophomoric comments I have read here in the comments section. Though some of these comments are extremely critical of STEEM, I see that the author(s) is still here on our graphene blockchain. Guess like you said...

...we're not dead yet.

I do admit that I have some EOS in my portfolio, but diversification is my strategy when it comes to investments. Thanks to early investment in EOS, I was able, with assistance, to convert it to STEEM and subsequently power up a while ago.

I am now, and will forever be, a STEEM stakeholder and STEEM community member.

lol I literally compared Dlive to them in my last comment.


DLive and Voice both look like facebook with fancy colors and "crypto shills" pumping it . But both seem to have closed source code and an ability to brainwash users.

This is what I pictured as I read this ... 11052579-CB09-429B-99A2-C8E4B005EA0C.jpeg

Well, According to this article dan wants to inspect your "gadget"

Can we send only rectal skan? :D

This Voice shit show was the best ad for Steem & Steemit.
Thanks Dan.

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