rice plant in pest attack

in #photography7 years ago

Good night steemian friend

                       Language english

A farmer in the geudong oceans is checking rice crops that are attacking pests and diseases precisely in the village teupin beulangan aceh district north a few days ago gampong teupin beulangan often in the agricultural extension officers from the local district because last year dese teupin community had to complain to the government that their rice fields plant rice almost every year often in pest mice, walang sangit orong orong and others

Seorang petani di samudra geudong sedang mengecek tanaman padi yang di serang hama dan penyakit tepatnya di desa teupin beulangan kabupaten aceh utara beberapa hari yang lalu gampong teupin beulangan kerap kali di datangi penyuluh pertanian dari kecamatan setempat sebab tahun lalu masyarakat dese teupin beulangan sempat mengeluh ke pemerintah bahwa tempat sawah mereka menanam padi hampir setiap tahun kerap kali di datangi hama tikus , walang sangit orong orong dan lainya



Pests are the pests that cause rice often megalami harvest failure of course teupin community losing money because many of the capital that has been issued such as fertilizers and other drugs many people who complain almost every year something similar happens some people are reluctant to plant more rice to leave the land is empty than the loss of words local community leaders

>Hama hama itulah yang menyebabkan padi sering megalami gagal panen tentunya masyarakat teupin beulangan merugi sebab banyak modal yang sudah di keluarkan seperti pupuk dan obat obatan lainya banyak masyarakat yang menggeluh hampir tiap tahun hal serupa terjadi sebagian masyarakat enggan menanam padi lebih membiarkan lahannya kosong ketimbang merugi kata tokoh masyarakat setempat




Community leaders from the village teupin concluded that we received less attention from the government on the dissemination of pests of disease from the agricultural service but after a few weeks got complaints from the community of the regent of North Aceh instructed the relevant offices to check the immediacy of the cause of the pest and disease attack

Tokoh Masyarakat desa teupin beulangan berkesimpulan bahwa kita kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah tentang sosialisasi hama penyakit dari dinas pertanian namun setelah beberapa minggu mendapat keluhan dari masyarakat bupati aceh utara mengintruksikan dinas terkait untuk mengecek langsung kelapangan penyebab serangan hama dan penyakit tersebut




Alhamdulillah this year under the control of the local sub-district Bpp received a serious response in which not a few weeks is often in the extension of local sub-district, hopefully with this counselor can overcome all the complaints of the community because rice is a very important crop in Indonesia our staple food of course rice this year hopefully we can get abundant results

> Alhamdulillah tahun ini di bawah kendali Bpp kecamatan setempat mendapat respon serius di mana tidak beberapa minggu ini kerap kali di datangi penyuluh dari kecamatan setempat semoga dengan adanya penyuluh ini bisa mengatasi semua keluhan masyarakat sebab padi merupakan tanaman sangat penting di indonesia makanan pokok kita beras tentunya dari padi semoga tahun ini kita dapat medapatkan hasil yang melimpah * item





that's it my posting tonight friend steemi hopefully useful for you I post it because hopefully our community get abundant harvest do not forget to follow me best friend steemit hopefully my post can rate high vote of founder steemit

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