Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark

1 John 5:5
Who is that over comes the world?
Only the one who believes that
Jesus is the son of God


The testing of your faith in Christ, measures your strength. According to Hebrew 11:1 faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. The measurement of your faith through testing produces perseverance. Just as money is used for transactions here on earth, our faith is the currency to a spiritual trade. If you have no faith, we cannot collect what truly belongs and has been given to us by Christ.

Faith simply means absolute trust and belief in God
As a Christian, you cannot say you believe in God, yet your actions prove otherwise. Your confession of faith has to synch with your actions by obeying the instruction of your father in the way you live. Faith is belief and action.
You see so many Christians renouncing and confessing of their old ways of sin, but their actions are still tied to list of the flesh, preaching a different sermon. These Christians are handicap of faith in Christ

Faith is the hope for things that are true but not seen, it is a necessity spiritually, just like the basic element; food, shelter and clothing is mandatory, faith is mandatory to the spirit. The fourth gospel has been called the gospel of total belief. Our faith should always be anchored on the word of God unto salvation.

Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

For by the evident of grace have we been saved and it is not ourselves but it’s the gift of God
There are times when dismay and temptation arises and without obstruction this is when we ought to trust and anchor our faith totally in God. Let our testimony at the end of the race to the throne of our father be successful

‘’I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith’’

It is by faith you stand firm in all your dealings. If you have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and if you have a faith that can move mountains- you are circuited with the strength of Christ himself. Being a Christian is not a lip confession, it is a strong utterance that guides and equip your every actions

Your faith ought to move mountains
If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this Mulberry tree ‘’Be uprooted and planted in the sea’’ and it will obey you
Oh yea soldiers of Christ
Mount your guard; stand firm in the faith,
Be courageous
Be strong
For we live by faith not by sight

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow the hope by the power of the Holy Spirit
For even the scriptures have it recorded that whosever believes in him, rivers of living water will flow from within them


Quite poetic! Interesting writeup on this subject. We want to demonstrate our faith in God in any way possible. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks Steemchurch for stopping by this is my first steemchurch blog, I am hoping to add to the first blockchain church
Thanks for such platform

Thanks for this fine writeup on faith. It's a topic I've come across many times, which shows how important it is that we continue to build our faith. Also vital we note that faith without work is dead.

Faith is mandatory for survival

faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. The measurement of your faith through testing produces perseverance

Time produces harvest, you cannot plant and then want to harvest the next day
So is faith

Confidence is the key premise of Christian life, without confidence by what means can a man satisfied God.thanks for sharing.

The Word of God teaches that faith is a gift. And Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. One of the chief difficulties is the failure to see that faith can be received only as it is imparted to our hearts by God Himself. You cannot manufacture it. You cannot work it up. You can believe a promise and at the same time not have the faith to appropriate that promise. But we have formed the habit of trying to appropriate by belief, forgetting that belief is a mental quality. Trying to conjure up faith through belief puts us into the metaphysical realm.

Hebrew 11:1

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Only the living God can give us salvation in all we do he is the master of all the masters and God of all gods.
He has given salvation and glory through his son and his power has always be with us in all we do.
His coming to the world was to quench the darkness and bring us entetnal light and salvation.
His blessings are OK for us and those who trust in him the Lord has provided for us all we need to survive through his abundant grace and supernatural joy.
Love is the only thing that can save us from all our evil ways and all the bad things we do in life .
We should always give thanks to those who have done well for us and also make God our major focus in our life and what we do because he Is the only who was able to give us his only begotten son to die for us in the times of our need and when everything seems so bad and hard for us.

Thank you for this analysis @izuchukwu1506

Amen, if we have faith, we have hope, hope placed in Christ Jesus, since he sustains us and gives us peace.

Confidence is the fundamental component of Christianity, for without confidence it is difficult to please God, it is by confidence that we have confidence in the ruler God omnipotent, as Christians we need to show confidence yet on a basic level and in activities, a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing.

Faith should be worn as a constant sleve on our actions

Faith is the fundamental basis of Christian life, without faith how can a man pleased God.thanks for sharing.

The Bible says without Faith, it is impossible to please God. There are few times that God used the word impossible in the Bible. This means you do not have the slightest chance of living a life that is pleasing unto God.

Thus, it's important that if anybody wants to live a life that is pleasing to God you must have faith.

The Bible tells us that even the patriarchs who have gone and left this earth obtained a good report, because while they were on the earth, they lived by faith and did things by faith. The scripture tells us that the just or the righteous man is the man that shall live by faith.

I do understand, that some people in their minds because of their concept of what faith is and the erroneous teachings they have heard on the subject of faith might have in their minds prejudice against the subject of faith.

Faith is the currency for transaction here on earth

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