STEEMCHURCH: the indifference is not of God

in #steemchurch6 years ago
Hello, dear family of @steemchurch: I have seen a lot of indifference from people towards their brothers, we are all brothers in Christ and every human being must be cared for, it hurts me to see people indolent to the pain of others, sometimes even with children, children they are innocent of thought and word

In this we know love: in that He laid down his life for us; We also have to put our lives for our brothers. But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how can the love of God dwell in him? Children, let us not love in word or language, but in fact and in truth ...

How much wisdom in a few words, sometimes we are indolent before a hard world, many people decaying around and forget why our came to earth, came to save us, but in what way? We believe that if we only follow the commandments without sinning in acts we are already saved, and we lock ourselves in our world, look to the horizon without seeing around, I believe it is the worst of sins

For our god commanded his son so that, through love for us he would make us safe, that act of greater love towards another being, give his son in return, and we will not help the brother in disgrace? Where is the goodness and learning of the visit of the son of God?

I just do that reflection because we should not lock ourselves in the bubble without looking to the side, so the person is not brother of religion, that does not matter, the important thing is to offer your hand, be kind, be willing to help others
Let's follow the words of God

1 John 4:20
If anyone says: I love God, and he hates his brother, he is a liar; because he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, can not love God whom he has not seen.

Then let's give more love with facts and less with words, God bless you and your family


We have our own part to play in the life of others.
We should be willing to help others no matter the tight corner we might find ourselves, there is always something to offer.
We need to start living for others as a proof of Christ love

Am truly inspired by this section "I just do that reflection because we should not lock ourselves in the bubble without looking to the side, so the person is not brother of religion, that does not matter, the important thing is to offer your hand, be kind, be willing to help others
Let's follow the words of God"
God bliss you for this mgs

Thanks for reading, we really need more people with the love of God in our hearts, so our world will change, we go slow but sure brother

God has never been so bad in any situation he is always there for us.
He us truelly the light if the world who so ever trust in him shall always see light and not darkness in his it her life.
His coming to the world was to quench the darkness and bring us entetnal light and salvation.
His blessings are OK for us and those who trust in him the Lord has provided for us all we need to survive through his abundant grace and supernatural joy.
Love is the only thing that can save us from all our evil ways and all the bad things we do in life .
We should always give thanks to those who have done well for us and also make God our major focus in our life and what we do because he Is the only who was able to give us his only begotten son to die for us in the times of our need and when everything seems so bad and hard for us.

if brother, sometimes we have difficult situations, we should think that God teaches us to make us stronger in spirit

Certainly it isn't of God to be apathetic regarding the necessities of others, that is the reason Jesus revealed to us that we ought to be benevolent constantly.

It was the greatest teaching that the son of God left ..

By the way,.. I really like this,

f anyone says: I love God, and he hates his brother, he is a liar; because he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, can not love God whom he has not seen.


the love of God came to make us safe, greetings brother

The greatest sin of the society of our time, and of many of us on a personal level, is undoubtedly indifference, which is born of our selfishness; of selfishness that leads us to think that the only worthwhile thing is to live for ourselves, to get what we want, what seems important to us, what places us above others, what sets us apart from the common people, which credits us as the best in whatever it is.

Indifference towards other men and women who populate the world, particularly towards the poorest, because their needs and suffering question us, and question our way of being and acting.


It is true, and it is very sad that from a single feeling or thought of individuality so much damage is generated, we have the ability to change and help the world for the better, thanks for starting with this type of messages with teachings of God in the community, there you see the love for the neighbor, good day and blessings

Definitely it is not of God to be indifferent to the needs of others, that is why Jesus told us that we should be merciful at all times.

GOD doesn't like indifference.....
Follow His lead

Right brother, let's follow all his path already drawn with his actions and love for humanity

wow great post thanks for sharing with us all

We have our own part to play in the life of others.
We should be willing to help others no matter the tight corner we might find ourselves, there is always something to offer.

sure yes, that's the aptitude

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